Falling For a Ghost? How Is That Even Possible?

No Say In the Matter

“Sweetie, you need to quit doing that,” Martha advised me. “You’re destroying valuable brain cells.”

I stopped banging my head on the counter in The Diner, put it in my arms, and groaned. “I’d rather lose all my brains cell,” I said. “That way, I won’t have to make any kind of decision. I’d just get sent away to an institution or something.”

“Now, what would be the fun in that? You’d never get to experience life, the real world. Plus, you don’t want to go to an institution. Lots of crazies there.”

I smiled slightly and brought my head up. “Good point, Martha. But that doesn’t help my situation at all.”

She placed a hand on her hip and fanned herself with a hand. “Sweetie, I wish I was in your position. Two handsome devils vying for your attention?” She paused, as if making an epiphany. “Oh, my gosh, I just thought of something. Maybe you could date bothof them! I mean, they’d never have to know. They’re enemies, so odds are they won’t speak to each other.”

I rolled my eyes. “What kind of girl do you think I am?”

She grinned. “A smart one.”

Right then, Rick came over to us from the kitchen. Business was slow and hardly anyone was in the diner. That was expected though, due to it being around nine thirty p.m.

“Martha! Don’t go telling her those kinds of things!” He scolded.

She shrugged. “I’m just sayin’, she has two amazingly perfect guys wanting her. Don’t let ‘em go! What if she picks one, and he turns out to be a cheater? Huh, Rick? What then?”

“Martha,” he said. “Why didn’t you ever get married?”

She blinked. “I never found the right guy, never fell in love.”

“Are you sure you never found the right guy?”

Martha huffed. “Well, I don’t know! They could have all just wanted me for my body or something! I wasn’t about to give them a chance!”

I eyed Martha’s frame, and for some reason, I doubted men would date her for her body. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m sure some guys love double love handles, jelly arms, double chins, a look-alike-beer belly, and massive thighs. Just… I had a feeling most didn’t.

“Look, Amy,” Rick addressed. “There’s only one thing you need to do to pick whoever it is you’re going to choose. It’s so simple.”

I raised my eyebrows, highly interested. “And that is?”

He placed a fist on his chest and answered softly, “To follow your heart.”

Martha and I stared at him. I assumed that she probably thought it was a bogus idea, but I, on the other hand, could somewhat understand it. I needed to quit thinking with my mind. I needed to follow my heart. I needed to listen o my heart and hear what it was telling me.

“That,” Martha said, emphasizing each word, “is the most stupidestthing I’ve ever heard. Follow your heart? What kind of crap is that?! Where is that going to get someone?”

Rick pointed a finger at her. “Look where it didn’tget you!”

Martha huffed again and crossed her arms. “Whatever, Mr. Boss.”

“Martha, don’t give me attitude.”

“I’m not!”

“Yes, you are.”

“Go away,” she mumbled angrily.

Rick looked at me. “Amy, I’m serious. Just listen to your heart. It knows what you truly desire.” And then he left into the kitchen leaving Martha and me out front.

“I swear,” she said. “I’ll quit one of these days.”

I half-smiled at her. “You know,” I said slowly. “I think you and Rick would make a great couple.”

She glared at me, and I raised my hands in defense.

“All I’m saying is that you two really fit together. He’s not that bad looking, he’s smart, and he’d be a loyal guy. And he’d… love you. I can tell that he likes you.”

“No, no, no, he’s not my typ-” She stopped herself and looked at me deep in thought. “You think he likes me?”

I smiled and nodded. “Of course. I bet he wouldn’t have kept someone like you around for so long if he didn’t. I’m positive he likes you. Maybe you should ask him out sometime…”

Martha looked into the kitchen. “Well, maybe… I suppose he’s not that bad of a guy…” She drifted off. I smiled to myself at my accomplishment and placed my head on my folded arms.


I didn’t turn around to see who walked in the shop, and I didn’t need to. The person slid into the swivel chair next to me and tapped me on the shoulder.

“Yes?” I asked, bringing my head up to look at them. My long brown hair fell in my face and I unconsciously ruffled it. I knew this guy… he looked so familiar.

“Amy Chambers,” the man said. He had thin grey hair, wrinkles, and wore a white robe looking thing... Oh, my god. I remembered him. “You might not remember me, but my name is Allen. I met you in your room a good while ago?”

I nodded, my eyes wide. Good thing Martha was occupied or this could get awkward. “Yes, Allen, I remember you. You are part of the… ghost council or something?”

He nodded. “Yes, yes, you are correct. I know you probably forgot about me and never expected to see me again, but there’s an issue I wish to discuss with you.”

I didn’t even need three guesses. “Cale.” I replied simply.

He half smiled at me and fiddled with a nearby fork. “Cale… Amy, Cale’s a fragile ghost.” He stopped talking and I frowned.

“What do you mean?”

Allen looked deep into my eyes. “He’s… different from the other ghosts.” When I didn’t say anything back he continued. “Cale is special. We’re not sure what it is about him, but we know that he’s different from the rest of us. He’s always out and about in the human world, he hates being with other ghosts, he hates the council, and he hates being ‘dead’.”

I nodded. “I know. He’s always somewhere around here.”

Allen broke eye contact. “I’ve recently been told that another human can see Cale now. One of your friends. A certain male by the name of Austin?”

I blinked. “Yes, that’s correct. What about it?”

“Well, to put it simply, I want you to forget about Cale and choose Austin.”

My mouth dropped. What the hell?!

“I know you might be surprised at this, but well, Cale is special, and we have other plans for him. When he turns twenty in the spring, we’ve arranged for him to be the next ruler of the ghost world. We have already assigned him a fiancé, and he is with her right at this moment.” He paused. “I hope you understand.”

My mind was racing with thoughts. “Wait…WHAT?! Does he know about your little plan?! Does he know about anyof this stuff?”

Allen stood up and spoke in a threatening voice. “No, and you will do best to keep your mouth shut.”

“NO!” I yelled. “You can’t do that to him! You can’t do that to me!”

Allen walked to the door, pushed it open, and then turned back to me for his final words. His face was hard and set. “Cale will marry Isis, and you willnot interfere.” He pushed the door open and walked out.

“No!” I yelled. I quickly ran out the door behind him. It was raining, dark, and cold. I could barely hear or see anything in the rain, and I could barely hear myself. I braced myself up and shouted with all my might. “I will not! I refuse!”

I fell to my knees in the mud.

This could not be happening. Cale could not be taken away from me. He could not marry another! We belonged together! Me and him! We were soul mates! What about true fucking love?!

My head dropped down to my chest, my wet hair falling in my face, and I cried. I could already feel my heart ripping in two.

And the agony was unbearable.
♠ ♠ ♠
All I can say is, Whoa! Did anyone see that coming?!
Even I didn't.

Thanks to everyone who reads, comments, and subscribes! I really, REALLY appreciate it!!!