The Rush of Insanity x2


A rush of excitement ran through my veins.I am going to be in the same place as William Beckett, we would be breathing the same air as The William Beckett he might even glance my way. I could have carried on in my own little crazed loved up world all day but I was interrupted by annoying voice, not any annoying voice it was the most annoying voice ever it could make babies cry and make milk curdle you know what I mean. It was Joseph he must have got a new job he was working as a guy behind a ticket booth.

“Two tickets for and The Academy Is …Please” I shouted over the crowd
“Not till you give me a big juicy kiss c’mon you know you want to I mean look at me I’m stunning” Josephs annoying voice shouted back
I muttered in your dreams and then said with my huge brown eyes on puppy dog mode “please can we have the tickets Joe”
“Not 'till I get my kiss” he stubbornly replied whilst crossing his arms
I sighed and said “I'm sorry Joesph i just don't kiss people with hobo breath like yours!”

“ Now give me the damn tickets”
Joseph handed me the tickets and gave Aubrey a wink. She slapped him right across the cheek.
I was still in total horror whilst we walked inside the concert arena
“You look like you have seen a ghost” Aubrey shouted
I woke up more then when I saw what seats we had we were so close to the stage they could sweat on us. Well I was ,stupid Joseph had given Aubrey a seat really far away from the stage I was officially left alone in a huge crowd. I sat in my seat and shrunk down whilst thousands of people happily chatted around me.

The buzz of chatter fell silent as William strolled onto stage then deafening screams as all the girls saw his perfect face. He flicked his long brown hair out of his eyes and smiled my way. The gig was great and now it was the last song my personal favorite about a girl. Everyone flooded out of the doors so quickly that I fell over and hurt my leg really badly I laid on the floor whilst the pain got worse but I couldn't’t move I was pretty used to pain anyway from my violent ex-boyfriend Craig he would cause me pain if he was bored he thought it was fun to make me cry. He laughed at my shrieks of pain and bruises. I would never leave because he threatened to kill me if I did. Aubrey said she can take him but she had never felt his punches or the sting when he ties you down and cuts you and then pours lemon juice into the sores.

I started to blackout until i heard shouts around me and 5 figures standing above me. I blinked a couple of times then i realized who they were. The Academy Is...
“Are you okay love? I'm calling 911 don't worry Stay with me” a familiar yet unrecognizable voice shouted
“No don’t call 999 please I’m fine” I lied I couldn't’t risk the paramedics finding my wounds from the beating i got when i dumped Craig last week. He would find me and hurt me all over again.
“You have broken your leg, I think, don’t worry the hospital will patch it up for you” the voice said. I opened my eyes to see where the voice was coming from. It was coming from William Beckett’s mouth he was the one worrying about me.

“Don’t worry they will fix you up in no time.” William told me
I started to cry I don’t know why but tears just kept stroking down the side of my cheeks. I could hardly feel the pain now. I then realized who was carrying me in his warm arms William what was wrong with this man why did he care if I got hurt. He was so famous why did he care I was like a tramp compared to him!

“Don’t cry its going to be okay I promise.” His voice sounded like he swallowed an angel and it was singing its way out of him.
I smiled at his reassurance and he give me a little wink and handed me to the paramedics but instead of walking back to his band he climbed in the ambulance next to me.
“Why are you coming?” I asked confused
“With you” he smiled at me then made a noise as if he was clearing his throat.
" Bill we will get a taxi and follow the ambulance 'Kay?" said sisky to William.

“Do you want to hang out with me and the sometime?”
I blinked several times to try and wake up. No, this wasn’t a dream.
“can my friend Aubrey come?” I swallowed
"sure she can, she wont kill us right?"
“Right i don't think so anyway that girl is unpredicatble!"
We exchanged numbers and then the ambulance doors opened at the hospital .a man lifted me out of the ambulance and put me on one of those wheelie bed things and rolled me into the hospital. My leg was broken near the ankle and so I had to have crutches. William got a taxi home with me and said he would phone me later

I stepped into my house to see a very tired Aubrey sitting on the bottom step.
“OH THANK GOD YOUR HOME I WAS SO WORRIED! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR LEG? OH YOU POOR GIRL. HOW DID YOU GET HOME? WE SHOULDN'T’T HAVE GONE TO THE CONCERT ….” Aubrey went on for about 5 minutes before she fell asleep on the stairs. I couldn't’t get up the stairs so I lay down on the couch just about to drift of when I was startled by the loud ringing on my phone. I picked it up and yawned a “hello”
“hey its will i was wondering if you and Aubrey wanted to hang out with us about half 5 ish?"
"Yeah half 5 is good were should we meet you?"
We arranged to meet at Subway. I shook Aubrey awake.
"what Keeley i was sleeping!"
"Aubrey we are hanging out with the academy is... this afternoon and i had a feeling you would want to go shopping before hand,"
"Hell yeah" She sprinted up the stairs to get changed. Typical Aubrey always thinks of shopping as a life line. I got changed into this.
Aubrey was waiting outside for me in this
"lets go shopping" Aubrey squealed.
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please please comment

thanks too lilmissmeg1996 for helping me write this xx