Status: this isnt updated very much....... you have to tell me to

My Little Butterfly


"Please, Mom. Just meet me there, OK? It's really important. I know I haven't talked to you in a year, but I have had my reasons. You'll even see why when you get here. Please just come," my daughter, Marina pleaded into the phone.

"Alright, Marina, but this better be good," I reply reluctantly.

I hang up the phone, and, after putting the last load of laundry in, walk out into the cold September evening. I don't know why Marina chose now to start talking to me again. I don't even know why she stopped taking to me in the first place. It was the day after her birthday. Exactly a year before this day. She was supposed to call me, like she does Every Sunday, but the call never came. It did not come the next day, or the day after that. When I finally got my courage up enough to call her, a strange man answered and told me that Marina had no wish to speak to me, ever again.

So why does she choose now to speak to me? As I walk into our favorite coffee shop, Wonderland, I see why. My eyes grow wide as I see my daughter with a baby carriage. It has a 3 month old girl in it. I do the math in my head. Is this the reason she wouldn't talk to me?

"Come on, Mom. We're not going to bite," Marina says.

I walk over and sit down.

"Mom, This is Arabella Fae Cadance." I start when I hear my last name and not the child's father's last name. Then i go over the name again. Arabella Fae, or "beautiful fairy". I know my daughter did this on purpose. She was always intrigued by the meanings off names. But why name her something that means beautiful fairy? She knows fairies are malevolent creatures in the night, beautiful or not.

"She is beautiful." Marina winced at that. So she did name her that for a reason.

"She's your granddaughter."

"I figured as much. Why do I not know about her?" I ask, truly curious.

"Her father wouldn't let me tell you or talk to you."

"Is that the strange man that answered the phone when i tried to call you?"

"You tried to call me? You talked to him?" she asked in a panicked voice. "Have you had any visions for the past year?"

"No, actually, I have not. I was beginning to wonder why i haven't. Do you know why?"

"No," she said hastily. "Let's just order our coffee. Waiter!" She flagged down the waiter, and we ordered. We caught up, and I played with Arabella a bit. She was really cute.

We walked out of the shop when we were done, and I walked Marina and Arabella to their car. However, when we got there, Marina put Arabella down on a wall beside the car.

"Mom," she said, and I realized she was crying. "Mom, I need you to take her. I can't take care of her. I have to go somewhere and I can't take care of her. You have to take her."

"What are you talking about? I can't take her. I'm old enough already. She needs her mother, not her old, decrepit Grandmother."

"Mom! Just take her, Okay? Take her, and when she turns 16, give her this." She pushed an extra thick envelope in my hand, then turned, got into the car, and drove away.

"Come on, Arabella. I'm going to take good care of you."


As soon as I picked her up, I could tell something was wrong. her back felt weird.

"Maybe it's these clothes. Let's get you changed."

I put her on my bed and took off her little outfit. But as soon as I got the shirt off, I gasped. Coming out her back was a pair of the most beautiful wings I had ever seen. They were black around the edges, and they were the most beautiful silky red I had ever seen on the inside. But I knew beauty could be deceiving. These were the wings of a fairy. Her father must be a fairy. That was why Marina hadn't talked to me. I knew I had to do something about it.

"Don't worry about anything, little Arabella. You will grow up to be the first good fairy. You are a Kuwanyauma. A butterfly with beautiful wings. And you will also have a beautiful heart." As soon as I said it, my psychic instincts took on, and i knew this would be truer than anything I have ever said in my entire life.