Status: this isnt updated very much....... you have to tell me to

My Little Butterfly


"Morning, Grandma!" I yelled.

"Good Morning, Kuwanyauma," my Granmother said from right behind me, making me jump out of my skin.

"Ahh!!! Don't do that Grandma," I said as she chuckled.

"But then life would be no fun," she answered. Typical Grandma. Always being sarcastic. I was lucky enough to grow up with a fun parent, or i guess technically she's my gaurdian.

"What is for breakfast?"

"I made pancakes. They're your favorite. Chocolate chip with chocolate syrup on top."

"Yummy! But don't you think I'm getting a little old for that much sugar in the mornings? I am turning 16 next week."

My grandma's face plaed and she said in a grave voice, "Yes, you will be 16 next week." Then, just like that, she was back to normal. "Besides, you're never too old for sugar."

"Good. I don't want to be old for your yummy chocolate chip pancakes."

We walked into the kitchen and sat down to eat a wonderful breakfast.

"How are your driving lessons going?"

"Really well, actually. I'm the best in my class. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for Sera." I winced as I remembered her turn to drive. She had run three red lights, stopped short a total of 17 times, hit a trash can, and set off a car alarm while trying to park.

"She will get the hang of it."

"Hey, wouldn't it be fun if we could go on a road trip together when we get our driver's license? You're always saying the only reason we don't go on one is because you can't drive that long."

"That sounds like fun. Although from what i've heard, it would only be me and you doing the driving," she said, making me laugh.

"We'll talk more about it this afternoon. I have to go to school."

"Have a nice day, Kuwanyauma."

"Love you, Grandma."

I headed for the bus stop, and, as always, stoped to say hi to Olivia, the owner of the local coffee shop, Wonderland, and get myself a cup of coffee.

"Hey Olivia!"

"Hey there Ara. Will it be the regular?"

"Yes, please."

I waited while she poured my coffee, paid, then said goodbye and got to the bus stop just in time.

I got on the bus and sat in my usual spot, beside my best friend, Sera.

"Morning, Ara."

"Good morning!"

"You're in a good mood today. Did your Grandma make you chocolate chip pancakes this morning? I wish i got that. But for us, it's Poptarts," she sighed. Sera is the oldest of six children, her being almost 15, a sister age 12, a brother, age 10, another brother age 7, and twin sisters, age 5. This was another reason for the road trip. To give Sera a brake from her siblings.

"Grandma says that the road trip's a go. I can't wait!" I twisted my black hair into a bun then, realizing I didn't have a hair clip, let it fall over my right shoulder.My hair geos down to the middle of my back, and I have bright green eyes. Sera looks completely different with thin, shoulder-length blonde hair and grey-blue eyes.

"Oh my God!! This is going to be so much fun. Have we decided where we are going yet? I would suggest the beach, but you can't really wear a swimsuit." That's another thing. Sera is the only one, other than me and my grandma, who knows about my wings.They have grown a lot since I was a baby. They go down to my knees and stretch about half a foot above my head. They are black on the outside and red on the inside, and i love to strech them out after a long day. Because, obviously, most humans can't handle the truth of my existance, a have to scrunch up my wings against my back, which is really no problem for my sturdy wings. Although, if someone slaps me on the back too hard, I'd probably wince.

"We'll have to talk to Grandma about where we are going to go." The bus pulled up to our school and we headed for our first class of the day.

"See you at lunch Sera."

"You too, Ara."