Status: this isnt updated very much....... you have to tell me to

My Little Butterfly



As I walked through the dark forest, I could sense that something was wrong. I realized I was holding somebody's hand. I looked up to see Aiden looking at me with a look of pure love and bliss.

"Can't you see, Ara?" he asked. "I love you more than anything in this world. I always have. Even when we were five. Even when i was going out with Veronica. Even when you told me you had wings. Even with all of this crap we've been through. I love you."

Tears streamed down my face. "I love you, too," the dream me said. "You know that. I mean, you've known that for a while. I've been your girlfriend for two years now. I love you. I really, really love you."

"Then don't talk for the next couple of minutes." Aid knelt to the ground. He got on one knee and he was holding a small velvet box. "Arabella Fea Cadance. Ever since I first lay eyes on you, I knew you were perfect for me. I love you more than I could ever love anyone else on or off of this world. Ara, will you marry me?"

The tears were coming on full flow now. Aid opened the box that held what would be my new wedding ring. It was simple but beautibul. The band was silver, and there was a diamond in the middle. There was a teardrop shaped saphire on either side of the diamond with the bottom of the teardrop touching the diamond.

Dream me gasped. "Your mother's wedding ring!" she exclaimed.

"She'd have wanted you to have it."

"Oh my God! Yes Aiden! God yes!"

He smiled up at me. He slipped the ring on my finger and wiped the tears off of my face.

"I love you."

I woke up to the sound of crying.

"Aiden, wake up. You're OK. Shhh. You're OK."

Aiden woke up and held on to me as he cried. I rubbed his back and let him cry on me. He stopped soon and sat up with swollen eyes.

"Sorry," he said.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop apologizing?" I sighed.

He gave me a huge hug. "You know you love me."

I sighed again. He gave me the puppy dog eyes. "Alright, Aid, I love you."

His face grew serious. "Really?"

"Yes, really."

"Then you won't mind if i try something."

"Go ahead."

He leaned towards me. Finally, we were only an inch apart. He closed the gap and kissed me.

My heart rate shot up. I was so happy. Aiden leaned back and looked at me with his beautiful green eyes.

"Sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess i was being st--"

I put my finger over his lips. He shut up. I grabbed the front of his jacket and pulled him closer. This time I was the one to kiss him.

"My God. You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that. I love you Aiden," I told him.

His eyes were wide, but then he calmed down. "I love you, too."

We curled back down and went to sleep again.


I woke up to the sound of crying again. This time it was real and not a dream.

I comforted Aid until he was calmed down enough to talk.

"What was it about this time?"

"He had this whip Grandpa would use on his horses and he was hitting me and hitting me and hitting me. Jo tried to get between us but he got knocked out," Aid said, still crying a bit.

"It's OK. It's allover now. I'm here. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not going to hurt you." I finally started the surefire way to calm Aid down. I started singing. I sang Keep Holding On by Avril Lavigne and Lullaby by Dear Juliet until he lay quietly in my lap.

He looked up at me. "Thank you so much Ara. Thank you."

"It's OK. You just get some rest now. No more bad dreams. I'll sing you to sleep to guarintee that, OK?"

"OK," he said smiling up at me.

"What song?"

"My Immortal by Evanescence." I knew he only chose that because it was my favorite song to sing. I sang until he was finally asleep, then I went to bed myself. I wished I could have dreams more like the first two, but I could already tell I would have no more dreams tonight.
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haha. i had u all fooled and u kno it. not now. not now. B PATIENT!! i would appreciate comments readers and subscribers pleaz!!!!!!