Untitled: A Summer Memoir

First story, posted, yay.
Just a little something I decided to work on during the summer of 2008. Though it's not finished (and probably wont ever be) I've decided to post it up. I'd forgotten it was even on my computer...

Basically I wanted to try to get into the head of a teenage girl facing real-life problems that millions have to live through each day: self-injury and an eating disorder. It may not be as you may expect, so dont be expecting some sob-story about crap and the typical reasons "why" and so forth, or the details, because it's not. I've taken research gathered from various girls I know dealing with these issues, so it's important, to me, to them. It's real, not something to make light of.

Events take place during a summer, after school is out. I"ve made several real-life references to things though (it's just easier to write that way I think). So if you read it and recognize something don't think I"ve been stalking poeple online or anything ^ ^

I didn't know what to call this, as it's not my memoir, but many people's. So here you go.