Sequel: Faltered Love

Make Me Whole Again

When Cassy was five years old, she was at her first sleepover. She never participated in another one after that night. For the sole reason of the information she that was broken to her the next morning.

It's not easy to tell a five year old that her parents are gone and never coming back. That everything she knew was burnt to a crisp. No more house, no more clothes, just her pajama's and her stuff animal Pal, who was lucky enough to be with her at her friends house that night.

Her only living realitives were also her guardians, Laura Tim, and their son. She also had a Grandfather, but she'd never seen him. He hated her. She didn't know why. He lived in the same state.

One loss of pariental figures is enough for anyone, but apparently fate thought Cassy could handle it again, and still remain whole.
  1. Next Life
    Culture Shock
  2. Boy Meets Girl
    "Standing in the shower, I lathered up my hair with soap. 'Dave' his name is David. "
  3. Parachute
    "...David walked over, bowed slightly and held out his hand."
  4. You'll Be Okay
    "There's no more lemon-aid..."
  5. Move On
    "...David was standing 3 feet from me, half naked."
  6. Complicated
    "I was unable to finish my last question because in an instant, he had pulled my waist towards his..."
  7. Half of Me
    "I turned towards Drew, expecting another hug, but he stared at me with an acusing finger pointed in my direction."
  8. Cake Up
    " careful," he finally said."
  9. Vanished
    "I don't want to keep looking, I don't want other girls..."
  10. Stung
    "...he slowly turned his back to me..."
  11. Promises
    "Never trust butterflies."
  12. Bad Habit
    "I blame the soap."
  13. Graduation
    "Thought we'd make it something you'd remember"
  14. Cup-Cake Up
    This is your prom night,"
  15. Opps...?
    "Eventually, I worked up the courage and confronted Pheonix."
  16. Body Talk
    "I don't blame you, Cassy. In fact, I thank you."
  17. Right Back Where I Started
  18. Someone Else
  19. Zero
    "Lets go, you walking hazard."
  20. Lost Then Found
    "Nobody. Nadie. Nadda. Zero. Zippo. I was still alone."
  21. More Then Words
    "I don't know what I would have done without you"