Sequel: Faltered Love

Make Me Whole Again

More Then Words

My eyes snapped open when I felt someone shaking my shoulder and calling my name.

"Cassy? Cassy? Oh my gawd Cassy, wake up. I'm so sorry," the voice kept saying.

I turned my head to see the cute boy bending over me.

"B......Bobby..."I said, completely bewildered.

I instantly sat up and threw my arms around him.

It's weird, when you finally remember, beacue you know everything that happened while you had amnesia, but it was like you had been watching yourself from outside your body. There's no other feeling like it in the world. Quite frankly, it's a bit scary.

It took Bobby a second to react, but he eventually returned the hug with equal force.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," he kept saying into my hair.

"No, no, no," I corrected him. "It's okay, I rememebr. It's okay."

"No," Bobby pulled out of the hug to look at me. We were both sitting on the floor now, and there wasn't too much more room in the cramped bathroom.

"It's my fault," he said. "Everytime you got hurt, it was my fault."

"What!" I said more then asked. "No.... What do you mean?"

"I should have just agreed," he said, grabbing my damaged hand and running his fingers over my scared palm. "I shouldn't have pushed David like that. If I hadn't come to see you last time, you wouldn't have fallen off your bed at the hotel, and just now. It's always my fault."

I looked at Bobby, hiding my laugh behind my wide smile.

"Bobby.." I said. "It was my fault for running away. My fault that I tripped and fell. I'm just an accident waiting to happen. I fell off of my bed. The only thing you did was hit me right now with the door..."

Bobby sighed and looked away. I pulled his face back up, level with mine.

"...but that made me remember. It's you're fault that I remember," I smiled at him.

Finally...FINALLY...he smiled. It was a beautiful smile. Genuine. Perfect. Bobby.

Suddenly, I was aware of just how close our faces were.

"Uhhh..." I said, pushing my self up. "Maybe I should find a doctor and finally get out of here?

"Oh!" Bobby stood up too. "Yeah, I'll go look, you stay here."

"Uhhh...okay," I stammered. "Thanks."

And with that, he was gone. I walked back out to my bed and sat down.

What had just happend? That was a weird. Bobby's like my other brother. Yes...that was it. Brother.

I just wanted to see David.

* * * * *

It took a while, but I was finally let go. I convinced Bobby not to call anyone and tell them the good news, I wanted to do it in person, to see the reactions on their faces. After a while day of dissappointed looks, it would finally be uplifting to see some happy ones.

Riding up the floors in the elevator was...different. It was just me and Bobby, and neither one of us had said anything yet.

"What do you think they're doing?" I asked him, attempting to break the silence.

"They're probably all in Tom's room, watchin' a movie or somethin'. He's been the worst one through all of this," he said.

"Makes sence..." I mumbled.

More silence.

What was wrong with this elevator? It was like the slowest thing in the world!!!

I watched the numbers slowly tick upwards. Only seven floors left, if I remembered correctly.

Before the elevator stopped, Bobby wrapped me in a huge hug.

"I don't know what I would have done without you," he said.

I felt a soft kiss on the top of my head as our ride ended and the doors opened.

Bobby walked out, as if nothing had happened, and i followed numbly. My breathing was ever so slightly erratic, and I was focusing on getting that under control.

We stoped outside of a door and Bobby knocked then entered.

"I brought ya'll a present!" He announced. "Something to make everything better!"

I poked my head in the doorway behind him, "Guess who's ba'ack?"

My comment was followed by a stampeed of four guys. I couldn't tell who I was hugging there were so many arms around me.

When I was finally put back on the floor, I was wrapped in the biggest hug of life from Thomas. I whipped my eyes on his shoulder, so no one would notice and I laughed and laughed.

I had definatly missed this. Thomas and I had gotten even closer since I'd gone to live with him. I wouldn't trade that for anything.

"Oh my gawd!" Jayk exclaimed. "What happened to your eye?"

"What?" I asked, touching my right eye. I flinched. "Oh!"

Yup, it was tender.

I laughed.

"I walked into the bathroom door," I half lied, "and it smaced my face. But that's how I got my memory back," I laughed again.

"We are going to have to cover you in bubble wrap," Thomas said, squeezing my shoulders again.

"I'll get you some ice for that," Drew offered.

I started to thank him, but I was suddenly being pulled into yet another hug. I couldn'tsee who it was, but I knew the smell.

Leaning back a little, I found my face inches away from Davids. His beautiful hazel eyes staring into my own...and then he kissed me! With everyone watching...EVEN THOMAS!

I was too shocked and the kiss was too short for me to respond.

He pulled away, and I stared up at him.

Again, we didn't need anywords. I understood instantly that he'd missed me, and that he had been scared. And I'm sure that he understood that I'd missed him too.

Our relationship was more then words. It was feelings. It was us. <3
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That;s all folks!
I'm thinking of doing a sequel.
Wadda ya think?