Book That Ends With No Last Page


John looked taken back and shocked beyond belief.

Seriously, we just got back together........

"Why not?"He asked like he didn't believe what he just heard.

"I don't want to rush anything. I mean we never went through that whole dating, falling in love and then getting married stages. We just got married. I mean we didn't even know each other when we got married. I want us to date for a while"

"There's no point in dating if we know we are gonna marry each other."He said rolling his eyes"Why wait?"

"Didn't I just explain why we should wait?"I asked aggravated

"Addison,I don't want to"

"Please John?"

"Fine"He said with a sigh. "I guess this way I can propose to you the normal more romantic way. Do you want the ring you had before? Or should I get you a new one? Eithers good with me"

"John, lets not talk about marriage right now"I said playfully rolling my eyes.

"Fine"He said with a sigh and then smiled at me and quickly pecked my lips.

I couldn't help but smile. All I had been doing for the past few minutes was smiling off the walls.

"I don't go on till later. Lets just me and you hangout, We can go to the Field right over there"He said pointing over my shoulder and I looked to the empty Field across the way with a few trees here and there.

"Okay, let me just go tell Kyle"

"Alright, ill meet you back here"

"Okay"I said and turned and walked away and began searching for Kyle.

I spotted him after a few minutes.

"Kyle!"I shouted and he walked over to me with a smile

"Hey doll face"

"Kay, so I'm back with John, and I'm going to go and hangout with him"I said as I turned to walk away but he grabbed my hand and spun me around to face him again

"Wanna run that by me again?"

"Well we talked, and now we're together again"

"Thats great Addy! I'm happy for you. I hope everything works out. and I love you all smiley. I mean this is actually a real smile"He said as he pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'm so happy Kyle"I said as I hugged him back.

"Wait are you leaving me now?"He asked as he pulled away.

"No silly. I started this tour with you and I'm going to end it with you. You are by far the best guy in my life. I'm nothing without you"

"Awe well I feel the same way about you"He said smiling big."And I guess your merch days are over."

"If thats okay..."

"I didn't want you to do merch in the first place "He said with a light laugh.

"Well I'm going to go meet John."

"You do that"he said with a chuckle.

"Thanks Kyle. For you know. Everything"

"Anytime"He responded and I gave him a last genuine smile and went to go find John.

As soon as I walked over to John he didn't say anything just kissed me.

He pulled away and I giggled. God I missed when he randomly kissed me.

"So lets go"He said as he took my hand in his and laced our fingers.

We walked over to the Field and just walked a few feet in silence enjoying the nature and each others company.

"Lets sit"John said as he stopped walking,sat and pulled me down into his lap.

He wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head on his chest.

"I love you Addison"He said quietly.

I lifted my head and turned to face him and said "I love you too"He smiled and gave me a sweet gentle kiss.I smiled into the kiss and pulled away.

"Isn't it funny how yesterday we weren't together,we basically ignored each other and now its like we never separated "

"This is how I like to be. With you"

"Your so cute. But what are we going to do? Like am I going to live my parents or you?Since we're dating doesn't that mean I have to live with them?"

"No, I think you should move back in with me. Do you know I almost sold the house?"

"What?! No, I love that house"He chuckled.

"I said almost. I mean there was no point in me living in a average family sized house by myself. I was thinking of moving into an apartment with one of the guys.I mean I never realized that my parents just basically gave me that house because they knew I was marrying you.But now that we're back together again, I guess I wont"

"Oh you got that right. Thats my house."He just laughed again.

"Live with me? Please?"He asked as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Well since I love the house so much. I guess I will"I said smiling

"Oh okay, I see how it is"he said and lifted his head looking me in the eyes. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I love how you randomly kiss me, have I told you that?"

"I believe so"He said and kissed me again.

"John"I said with a laugh as he continuously started kissing me everywhere, the cheek, the lips, my neck, my collar bone...

"Stop"I laughed.

"Addison, can I talk to you about something?"He asked as he kissed my nose one last time.

"Sure"I said still lightly laughing.

"I know you don't want to get married now, or soon, but can I please just put the ring on your finger. We can make it a long engagement"

"Your not going to quit are you?"I asked smiling

"Not a chance"He said smiling back.

"Alright fine"

"Great"He said as he shifted a bit and reached into his pocket.

"let me do this the proper way."He said as I got off his lap and turned to face him as I was on my knees.

John got up on his knees too and pulled my previous wedding ring out of his pocket.

"You carry that with you?"I asked amazed

"Well yes. I never stopped loving you"he said in the duh tone."Its a reminder lets say."

"Oh okay"I said still amazed but couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

"Well, Addison I love you more then life itself. I know we have had our ups and downs, I know we have been married before. But I promise not to make any more stupid mistakes. I promise to spend the rest of my life making you happy. and I know you don't want to get married right away, but I just want to know that your promised to me and me only, forever. Ill wait to your ready. I don't care how long it takes us to get married, as long as you accept this ring and promise me that your mine forever" He said as he held my hand.

"Of course ill be yours forever. I love you to much to be apart from you. I think this separation made us stronger. It helped me see no matter what, ill always love you and only want you.So yes"

John smiled and slipped my ring onto my ring finger and then hugged me tightly.

He held onto me as he fell backwards and I laughed as I ended up on top of him, but he didn't undo his arms,just tightened them. I laughed and smiled as I looked down at his face.

I kissed him softly and pulled away. We looked into eachothers eyes and just stared at each other for a few seconds.

"Do you want a new ring?"He asked after a while

"No, absolutely not. I love this ring. And now ill appreciate it more then ever."

"Alright, soooo when do you want to get married?"

"Don't we have to like make the plans and such? doesn't that take a while?"

"Depends I guess on what type of wedding you want."

"I want to plan my wedding this time. Not just walk down the aisle and thats it. I want to have a wedding I want to remember. I mean I was pretty bitter about marrying you before"

"Well whatever you want, our parents will be so proud"He said with a laugh.

"Oh they will. This is actually pretty exciting"I beamed.he chuckled as he leaned up a tad and kissed me.

"Can I start planning as soon as this tours over and we're back home?"

"Yes! that would be perfect"He said happy beyond belief.

"I'm pumped"I laughed.

This was going to be exciting. I can actually do a wedding I want. Not one thats thrown at me.
Hopefully this marriage goes better then the first. Oh it will.

I layed my head down on Johns chest and mentally started planning my wedding.
For some odd reason Jonathan kept coming into my head. But not in the I still like him, I think. I just really wanted to talk to him. To thank him? Maybe..
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Awe my readers are the bestttttttttt=]