Book That Ends With No Last Page


Its been a week since I told John to basically get his act together.

And guess what? He hasn't even looked at me since then.

It made me sad to even think what he chose. But it was pretty clear I guess. It obviously wasn't me..

But on the upside, Ive gotten even closer to Jonathan, like I always sat next to him in the van, and we even started to share hotel rooms.

Kyle wasn't to happy about it though. He I guess was jealous that Jonathan was replacing him.

It took me a while to convince him he was my all time best friend and no one could ever take his spot.

He basically picked up that I liked Jonathan. I didn't even tell him, he just randomly came up to me when Jonathan went to go and get us something to drink and flat out said 'you like Jonathan' he didn't even ask me, he stated it. I kept up the whole charade thing on like how that was complete nonsense, but he ended up getting mad and pulling the whole I thought I was your best friend, why are you lieing to me. So eventually I gave in. Kyle wasn't happy about it, but he was glad I decided to finally move on. he thought I could do better then Cook, even though Jonathan was his friend.

"Hey Addy? Guess what?"Kyle asked as he sat down on the lounge couch next to me.

"What?"I asked absentmindedly as I sipped my coffee and watched all the other guys in the lounge just randomly slapping each other in the face and sadly attempting to pance each other. It was funny may I add.

"Since well we are all staying at the same hotel tonight, like all the bands, we are going to have a party on the floor we are all going to be occupying"He said with a laugh

"Mmmm" Was all I said as I continued to sip my coffee. Why does everything remind me of him? Like honestly. Its fucking ridiculous.

"Addy"Kyle said adverting my attention from the slap fight to him.


"You okay?"He asked as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Peachy"I said giving him a toothy smile and he chuckled and I went back to drinking my coffee.


"Addy!"Pat slurred as he walked, well stumbled up to me. It was always fun to see him drunk, I mean come on, Pat was like my little brother, and when he was drunk it was just plain funny.

"Hey Pat" I said with a laugh.

"I am so drunk"He said as he continued to drink out of his red cup.

"I can see that"I said playfully shaking my head.

"Um hey Pat, do you mind if I steal Addy for a sec?"Jonathan asked as he came up to us.

"No, go ahead, I'm gonna get me some more"He said pointing into his cup.

"Have fun"I said to him with a laugh as Jonathan led me away from the group of people that were around us.

We walked out of the hotel room we were in and into the hallway.

"Staying sober?"He asked as we stopped walking right in front of the elevators.

"Planning on it, I'm not a big fan of being drunk very much"I said as the image of me with a big round stomach popped into my head for a split second and then I shook it away.

"Well then, me too"He said with a breath taking smile.

"Your amazing Cook"I said smiling back,"Oh and hey, have you seen Kyle? I cant seem to find him"

"Nah, the last time I saw him was when we got here"He replied.

"Oh"I said and looked over his shoulder and down the hall seeing if I spotted Kyles blond white hair anywhere.

"Addy, look, I need to talk to you about something"Jonathan said and he seemed a little nervous and then that made me nervous.

"Yea?"I asked quietly as I looked him straight in the eyes.

He opened his mouth to speak and just as he was about to, the elevator dinged and then the doors slid open.

I started breathing slowly as I looked into the elevator to see John and Megan going at it like crazy. I was surprised they still had their clothes on.

"Listen Addy"Jonathan said getting my attention away from the elevator. "I like you, I like you a lot, I cant take what he does to you"He said as he pointed to John, who was no longer making out with Megan, but stepping off the elevator as he was listening intently to Jonathan
"He obviously doesn't deserve you, I love the way you are when you're not around him. You actually smile. I want you Addy, I want you a lot. But I feel I cant have you because of him. I want to know if you want to be with me or not. I cant take it anymore. I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend, but I want you to actually want to be my girlfriend. I mean Kyle told me you might like me. He gave me a long speech on about if I hurt he he would kick my ass, but hurting you is the last thing I want to do."He said with such honesty and passion it made me weak in the knees. I couldn't tare my gaze from his face. I completely forgot John was standing there until he spoke up.

"You cant have her"He said through his teeth and I turned my attention to him.

"Thats not for you to decide bra"Jonathan said as he faced John more.I took a step forward so I was standing next to Jonathan and took his hand in mine.

"Oh really?"John said as he took a step towards Jonathan and Jonathan was about to take a step closer to but I tightened my grip on his hand and pulled him back.

I looked at Megan who was just standing there in awe as she stared at John. Stupid bitch.

"Seriously Cook, back off"John said as he shoved Jonathan.

"No stop, don't"I said as I pulled Jonathan back even further because I could tell from the look on his face he was going to hit him.

"You know man, it wouldn't even matter if me and Addy didn't date, either way you couldn't have her. You have a fucking girlfriend who looks very fucking confused at the moment."Jonathan shot at him.

"No you know what? I don't care that I have a girlfriend."

I couldn't believe he actually just said that. I looked over at Megan and yup she was starting to cry.

"Jonathan, can we just go talk?"I asked as I kept looking at Megan, I felt bad for her. She didn't say anything, just stood there crying as John payed no attention to her.

I felt Jonathan give my hand a squeeze and I looked up at his face, "Yea, lets go"He said as we just walked away from them.

We didn't look back just shoved our way through some people until we found our room that was supposed to be ours and walked in. No one was in there so we closed the door and locked it so no one would disturb.

"Jonathan, I really do like you"I said softly.

"But.."He said sadly as he looked down.

"There is no but"I said as I lifted his face a little and gave him a sweet gentle kiss.

*****Johns POV******

I watched as they walked away. I couldn't say or do anything. My life was falling to pieces.

"John" I heard Megan sob and I looked over at her for the first time, forgetting she was there.

"I-I-I'm s-s-so sorry"I stuttered. That was such a dick move for me to make. "Come on"I said as I took her hand and pressed the elevator button and the elevator appeared within seconds.

We got in and she wouldn't even look at me.

"Megan I'm sorry"I said lifting her face

"You do still love her"She stated as she looked in my eyes as I looked in her tear glazed ones. I felt like such a jackass.

"I'm sorry"I said again.

"No John, thats all you had to say, look I-I-I love you, but a relationship doesn't work if its one sided."

"Just give me time. Please."I asked as I wiped some of her tears.

"Fine"She said with a sigh. I felt bad, I knew I could get this girl to do anything I wanted. Even if she knew I was still in love with my ex wife.

I was determined though. Determined to do one thing.

Get Addison back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mostly everyone said Jonathan and Addy should get together so.....

Stupid chapter. But thats okay cuz I have planned out
whats going to happen. haha
