Happy Happy Joy Joy

um i think of.....

~ um I think of…

*they are all going back to there house*

*in the car Seidee falls asleep*

Seidee: I love you Mikey your so cute...your butt is so sexy I just want to ahhhh I love you

Mikey: Seidee likes me

Bella: Guys guess what

Everyone: What

Bella: Um I ...I.. I dont know

Gerard: Bella you weird

Bella: Thanks

*They get out of the car and Frank drools on Sarah*

Sarah: EWW Frank you better watch your butt

Frank: Ok *spins around trying to look at his butt*

*Everyone walks in side*

Bert: OOOOH Teletubbies are on

Bob: YAY!!! I poe

Jenni: Dont ya mean HOE

*Frank walks in*

Frank: OK there is no way a guy can watch there own butt

Everyone: :shock:

Bob: SHUT Up i watching Teletubies

Frank: YAY!!!

*Frank and Bob and Bert watch Teletubies and Mikey and Seidee walk in*

Becky: So Seidee you like Mikey's butt you think its sexy

Seidee: no

Katie: But you said it

Seidee: I did

Ray: Yep It was funny

Bella: Guys!!!


Bella: Shit I cant remember now

Ray: Can you even think

Bella: yea I think about alot of things like squirrels and Card board boxes and things that are sticky...

Gerard: Things that are sticky??/

Bella: Yea like gum and boogers

Sarah: EWWW you dont eat any boogers

Gerard: Bert eats boogers

Bert: Do not

Gerard: Hey I saw you you picked your nose and then ate in and we were on tv

Bert: are you serious

Everyone: Bert eats his own boogers ha ha

Bob and Frank: *screams like a little girl*

Everyone: What??

Bob: Theres a green mouse

Mikey: A green mouse? COOL * runs after the mouse*

Mouse: Leave me alone

Mikey: You can talk. cool why are you green

Mouse: *mouse stopps* Well *the mouse goes into a detail descusion* and that is why I am green

*the noise crickets make*

Mikey: Um yea you lost me at well

Mouse: You stupid human * runs off*

Mikey: SEIDEE a mouse just called me stupid

Seidee: I sorry

Mikey: Kiss me and make me feel better

Seidde: no

Mikey: Why not you know you want to

Seidee: No I dont you love your self do it yourself

Mikey: fine *walks off and runs into the wall* Damn walls they keep moving on me

Everyone: :roflmao: