Happy Happy Joy Joy

~ Trip To Chi- Town~

[colorOrange]~ Trip To Chi-Town ~

*They are driving to Chi-Town for the day*

Bert: OOH lookie *points to sign* Pretty colors

Gerard: Gayness right there

Bert: Shut up dude

Gerard: No

Becky: Boys do we have to get the lucky charms dude out here

Bert and Gerard: Noooo

Becky: Ok but I will if you dont shut up

* Bert and Gerard get quiet*

Mikey: Ha Me not afraid of lucky charms dude

Seidee: You will be

Frank: What about the Trix bunny

Mikey: No Keep him away

Sarah: Whats wrong

Frank: There he is

Mikey: AHHHH * Hides under seidee*

Seidee: Um....Weird

Bella: Lookie the city

Jenni: Finally I was gonna shoot myself.

*they drive around*

Katie: I think were going in circles

Bob: Wee this is fun

Ray: Go faster weeeeeeeeeeeeee

Kasey: Weinerface

Bert: Huh????

Kasey: Weinerface

Sarah: LOL weinerface with a beiner and your mom

Gerard: :shock:

Sarah and Kasey: Woot Woot were cool stuff

Becky: OOOOOOOOOOOOOO Navy Peir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LETS GO

Everyone: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*They run through Navy Peir and get to the mad haters shop*

Bella: Look I got a b-day cake on my head

Frank: I've got a guitar on my head

Bella: Frank you do have a guitar on your head...

Frank: I know

Everyone: :shock:

Becky: How you et it to stick???

Frank: Like this * Takes glue out and puts it on his head and sticks a hat on his head*

Shopowner: You better buy now

Frank: Uh Uh Bert will Pay * runs off bert is left at the shop*

Bert: Uh here's a 5 keep the change *runs off*

Shopowner: Hey I need more

Sarah and Kasey and Katie and Seidee: On 3 one two three *yanks at the guitar and hat on franks head and they come off*

Frank: Owweeeee that hurt

Sarah: My poor baby

Everyone: Franks bald *points and laughs*

Frank: Shut up

Bert: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ride lets go

Everyone: :_

Bert: What?

Becky: Nothing

Mikey: Lets go.

* They all run to the ride*