Happy Happy Joy Joy

Everyone Keep Staring At Frank

~Everyone keep staring at Frank ~

Bert: Buy the used's new cd

Gerard: NEVER!!!!!

Bert: Why?

Gerard: Cause your smelly!


Becky: Gerard!

Gerard: Well he is isnt he guys? *turns to everyone*

Bob and Ray and Mikey and Frank: Yeppers he's smelly

Gerard: Thanks.

Sarah: Its not Over caseu a part of me is dead and in the ground....... I'm going home to the place where I belong.....

Kasey: You dont belong anywhere!


Frankie: You belong with me!

Sarah: YAY!

Mikey: Where'd seidee go?

*dun dun dun*
*the room gets dark, someone screams like a girl*

Bella: Ok who screamed like a girl.

*Bob raises his hand*

Everyone: BOB! :shock:

Bob: Sorry I got scared*wait how can you all tell its me the lights are out.

Katie: We have night speckles on!

Everyone: huh!

Katie: oops :oops: I meant night specks.

Ray: Aww my katie is sooo cute.

Mikey: somethings touching me...ahhh Someone save me there grabbing me.

Seidee: ROAR!!!! GRRRRR! MEOW!!!! RUFF!!! MOOO!!!

Mikey: ahh its a lion and a tiger and a cat and a dog and a cow RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone: :lmfao

*Ray put the lights on*

Ray: What are you doing Frank?

Frank: Dancing

*Frank looks like a dancing cow! like this :cowdance: *

Frank: Stop looking at me you'll hurt my feelings

Gerard: Everyone keep staring at Frank

Frank: Nooooo! i'm burning...Ouch i'm melting nooooo

Sarah: no Dont hurt my soon to be baby!

Frank: What????

Sarah: Um :oops: Nothing

Kasey: Awww Sarah LOVES Frankie

Sarah: Shut up *tackles kasey to the ground.*

Adam: Girl fight yes!

Cara: you dumbey

Adam: Why did you call me a dumbey :cry:

Cara: I'm sorry

Adam: Ok :D

Ray: Man I need New Friends

Everyone: ::swoon: WHAT! NOOOOO!!!! *they all attack ray and hold him down*

Mikey: you are never getting new Friends

Seidee: never your awesome you and your awesomely awesome fro.

Ray: Cool