Status: im thinking of continuing with the story again soon. I wrote 2 new poems so im getting back into the flow of writing.

Should I Love You in the End?

I Won't Forget

SPLAT! Alina rolled up her window just as a bug crashed into the window and laid there unmoving and disgusting. She gave that one bug a look of pure hatred and loathing before whining at the top of her lungs, "Mom! This is sooooooo not what I signed up for! Don't you think I deserve better than this, something better than a squished bug on the side of your car door? Don't answer that, I can already plainly see what you think about hauling me around the country every year in search of a new place to hibernate until the next summer! Don't you think--"

I continued to whine in that fashion for quite some time until my mom suddenly said, "Alina, hunny listen. I am sorry for what I am putting you through and I understand how hard it is, especially at the age of 15. But it isn't like it is when your dad was here. We don't have the money, and I need to get a job. And with this weak economy, this is nearly impossible--nobody's hiring," she proceeded with a saddened look on her face and I immediately wished I hadn't yelled so much, "besides, I needed to get away from New York, I just can't take it there. The weather, the traffic, the schools, the buildings, the.....the everything!" She then took a left hand turn and slowly wiped a single tear from her eye.

Alina then chose that minute to look out her dirty, dusty window just in time to see a sign that read YOU ARE NOW ARRIVING IN TOPEKA KANSAS. UHHHH!!! When is this turmoil going to end????

I was bored out of my mind, so as long as we're definitely going to be driving all the way across the country, I might as well be entertained. So I reached in my cute, forest green backpack and pulled out my engraved iPod Touch that read, 'DO NOT TOUCH MY TOUCH'. I rolled my eyes in an 'oh-my-god-my-life-sucks' kind of way and flipped down to the 'D's' on my song list. I had found the song that I wanted, 'Don't Forget' by Demi Lavato, and began mouthing my lips to the tender lyrics of the song...

Did you forget that I was even alive?
Did you forget everything we ever had?
Did you forget, did you forget about me?

I began thinking about how, as soon as time came to pass, my old friends, as few as there were, would soon forget about me and move on. Because even though i consider myself a dreamer and a believer that anything is possible, I highly doubted that I would ever see my friends again.

Somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song, you can't forget it

The song continued to play in my head, and I thought deeply about the lyrics and about my past lives...

We had it all, we were just about to fall
Even more in love, than we were before
I won't forget, I won't forget about us

I listened hard while the song began to rock out....

But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song you can't forget it at all

.....and it also made me think about the fact that I was always the friend without a boyfriend. The friend that always helped her best friend out with her own boy issues and troubles. Why was it always me?

And at last all the pictures have been burned
And all the past is just a lesson that we've learned
I won't forget, please don't forget us

I listened as the song began to wind down. And immediately after the song was over i threw my iPod back into my bag. I'd FORGOTTEN how much that song mad me feel depressed. Ironic, huh?

When we finally arrived in Malibu it must've been about 11:30 PM and I was tired! I rushed inside, not bothering to look around. My furniture had already been shipped down to the house before we got their so I was ready to just flop down upon my bed and sleep. Hopefully I would would wake up from this nightmare.

But before I closed my eyes I whispered to myself, "Things will change..."

I had no idea.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so pissed! it took me from 4 PM to 12 PM to try and get this thing posted. My computer is wacko and other issues so i kept having to rewrite it about 4 times in a row before i could get it up. But I hope you like it, this is my first story so give me your feedback. I appreciate it. :) (1 & 1/4 pgs. 10 pt. font)

The song Alina was listening to

I dedicate this story to one of my best friends Madi who inspired me to write. thanx. ^_^