Status: im thinking of continuing with the story again soon. I wrote 2 new poems so im getting back into the flow of writing.

Should I Love You in the End?

The Dream House

I woke up the next day to a tapping at my window......wait. Window? Are those double doors? I got out of my bed (which seemed to be a Temperapedic mattress by the way) and walked over to the double doors which were to my right. I placed my hand on the beautifully polished wooden handles and turned them.

When i had moved the curtains covering the clear window, and opened the doors, I gasped. I have looking out over at the Pacific Ocean and immediately a gust of sea breeze reached my nose.

I have found out what was making the tapping noise, it was a seagull; looking as beautiful and natural as ever. I was stunned and speechless. "Okay, now I know I'm dreaming." I walked out onto the balcony--yes balcony--and stood outside on the deck in my pajamas.

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. I thought, "Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought." I smiled at the gull and retired back into my room.

Oh. My. God. There was a giant flat screen TV right in front of my bed, and there were all the DVD's and video games you could think of stacked up against the wall, not to mention a huge CD player that looked quite expensive. And.....IS THAT A MINI FRIDGE???

The room itself was a bright yellow and the bedspread matched it perfectly. Did I mention the bed had speakers in the side of the squishy headboard? Well it did, and it had a cord to connect my iPod. Just PERFECT! I was beginning to love everything about this room.

I looked back towards the side of the room opposite me and slowly, ever so slowly made my way to the door. It was a walk-in closet, and let me tell you, it was HUGE! It seemed to have all my old clothes in the drawers, but hanging up were the most beautiful dresses, cutest bikinis, funniest T-shirts, fanciest shoes, and more. What happened? I thought we were broke. I'll put this on my list of Q's when I go down stairs to ask my madre. Wait, MOM!

I threw my bedroom door open and sprinted down the spiral staircase that protruded from my bedroom, only subconsciously noticing the library, the bathrooms, and what looked like it could be a guest room. After many failed attempts, I finally arrived in the living room where my mom was reading a book that was titled 'Decorating You home--for dummies'.

I stood in front of her, my hands on my hips sporting a very annoyed look on my face. She finally looked up and said, "Oh, Ali! It's about time you got up. Did you like how I decorated your room? I wasn't sure whether to put the fuzzy blue rug or the fuzzy green rug in your room so I just put both. You could take one out of there if you want. Do you want some breakfast? I made waffles."

I almost wanted to slap her across the face even though I knew I could never do that. But didn't she realize that this place was AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL???? So I just decided to yell in amazement at her.

"MOM! Why didn't you tell me we were living in a beach house? Not only that, but a beach house that is utterly amazing! Since when did we live here???"

"Oh Alina, we've been here before, it's just that the last time you came to our vacation house, which is where we are living now, you were only about four years old. So you wouldn't remember, i guess. But this is why we are broke, we invested all of our money in this vacation house a while back, so now, me being divorced and all, we have to live here. And I know that this isn't what you wanted but--"

I cut her off and said, "Are you crazy woman? This is brilliant! This it completely and amazingly flippin' brilliant!" I took a deep breath and stayed in that exact position for about a minute more and then said, "What am I still DOING here?" and I ran out of the room, leaving my mom bewildered but pleased.


I made my way up the stairs to the rooftop. It must've been 2:00 PM, and I had spent the last 3.5 hours slinking through the beach house. I climbed one at a time, not looking back but smiling all the way.

I had reached the top of the staircase and threw the door aside and gasped for what seemed to me to be the 400th time that day. There were some lawn chairs completed with an elegant umbrella placed perfectly overlooking the the gorgeous ocean view. And that wasn't all, there was also a jacuzzi bubbling away merrily in the sunlight.

I squealed with delight at the sight of the hot tub and ran over to put my feet in the water.
I reflected upon my day as well as the previous one. I had already flipped through almost all the books in the library, finding all the classics listed in alphabetical order, I had upturned all of the movies and video games, proceeding to test the HD of my flat-screen, and I had tasted almost everything in the fridge and the cupboards in the most astonishing kitchen you have ever seen.

For what started as a nightmare turned into something you could only imagine in a dream. And a fabulous dream at that. ;) I was just about to sing aloud when I heard my name being called, "Alina, somebody's here to see you! Come down quickly please."

Who could be visiting me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. I am happy today because this was fairly easy for me to write, let alone post. So ya, This chapter is on the longer side. I tried to put in a lot of descriptions so you would get the full picture, so, I hope you like it! (1.5 word pgs. 10 pt. font)

Also, Comment peeps!
I will personally thank you :)

Alina's bedroom
Alina's livingroom
Alina's rooftop spa
Alina's kitchen