Status: im thinking of continuing with the story again soon. I wrote 2 new poems so im getting back into the flow of writing.

Should I Love You in the End?

Catwalk Chicas


For what started as a nightmare turned into something you could only imagine in a dream. And a fabulous dream at that. ;) I was just about to sing aloud when I heard my name being called, "Alina, somebody's here to see you! Come down quickly please."
Who could be visiting me?


I skipped down the stairs humming a song that I could not remember the name of (which always drove me crazy). On the last stair I tripped and fell flat on face in front of the door. I groaned and rolled over onto my back and rubbed my forehead. That had frickin' hurt like hell, man! Once I had removed my hand from over my eyes I noticed that there was a very strong smell coming from right above me.

I turned my head up, only to be blinded by a bright yellow sun dress as yellow as the word 'yellow' I had just written. ;) (Haha, try to keep up).

"Well you sure like to come in with a bang doncha?" said the pretty blonde girl smiling down at me. I laughed and allowed her to lift me to my feet.

"Thanks," I said kind of awkwardly.

"No problem." replied the girl still smiling broadly.

I decided it was time to make light conversation so I said, "So.....uh.....I like your dress."

"Oh thank you. It was a hand-me-down from one of my older sisters. It was probably the best thing I've ever received from them, actually." She said giggling slightly.

"And I like your house girl! It is smokin'.....AND it matches my dress!"

Then it was my turn to laugh, "Ha, ya. I only just finished exploring before my told me to come down stairs. And uh.....OH....I don't believe I caught your name."

"Oh, right. Sorry. I'm Madison Adams. But you can just call me Madi. That's what everybody calls me." She added as an afterthought, and held out her hand.

I took it and said, "And I'm Alina Williams. But you can call me Alina or Ali. Which ever one you can remember would be fine."

She must've thought that was funny because she laughed again and said, "Gosh, you're not too picky, are you? But anyway, I live a couple of houses down from yours so I thought I'd come over here and welcome y'all."

"Oh coolness, you wanna come up to my room and chat?"

And then, in a snobby, British accent she said, "That would be de-LIGHT-ful dah-ling." She curtsied. This made me laugh again. God, this girl was contagious when it came to smiling. And now that I thought about it, the sides of my mouth started to hurt. Ahhhh! The pain of happiness!


"HA! Omigod! I.......*laugh*.......don't think......*laugh*....i've ever heard........*laugh*..."

"Damn girl, just spit it out!" Madi tried to say between her own laughs.

"OH--okay." I said, clutching my chest trying to control myself.

I ended up slurring out the words all at once before I could laugh again, "I don't think I've ever heard anything as funny as that since the time I found out that Rupert Grint had bought an ice cream truck and named it MR. WHIPPY!!!!" At this, we both cascaded into an unstoppable fit of giggles.

"Oh but that's all the better," said Madison, who by now had become my best friend, "because when I marry Rupert, not only are we going to have an frickin' awesome ice cream truck, but we will also have something to name our first son after!"

Another interminable period of laughing.

***** (Later on that evening...)

We, Madi and I, were walking down the beach. Asking each other random questions about the other and laughing at each others jokes no matter how stupid they were.

It was nice to just be myself with someone for once i thought.

"So what school are you going to this fall? Or did your mom not tell you that either?"

"No, she told me."


"Oh, just some place called Oakwood High School." I said casually.

" flippin' way! That's where I go to school! This would be my second year."

"That may be hun, but last year we were freshmen. This year we're--"

"SOPHOMORES!" We both cried on cue.

We both struck a pose and began to walk down the beach like we were on the catwalk. This of course raised some eyebrows, particularly from the guys. We heard a catcall and we both turned and looked around.

There were about 4 or 5 guys sitting next to their surfboards, obviously checking us out.
We both looked at each other and then we realized what we were wearing. I was wearing a simple bikini with white and green stripes on it. Madi had borrowed one of my suits for the evening and was wearing a cute red bikini.[/url]

We both squealed, realizing what we were wearing, and ran back to my house giggling all the way.

****** (Back in my bedroom....)

"So I guess I'll see you on Monday then, right?" Asked Madi hopefully.

"Fer sure."

"Okay. Can't wait." And surprisingly enough, I meant it for once.

"KK. Get there a little early so I can give you the biography of everybody........because knowledge is power. And if you know enough about each person in the school, you'll know enough about who to make friends with and who to stay away that Amanda Romano. That son of a--"

"Madi! Really? How bad can she be?" And I instantly remembered all the popular, mean girls at my old schools. I shuddered just thinking about them. Could it really be the same here in California as it was in all the other 34 states I've lived in?

"Trust me, girly. She's WORSE than you think."

I must've given her a hopeful 'are-you-sure-about-that' look because Madison said "Oh never mind, I'm just preparing you for what lies ahead. See ya later, alligator!" And with that she walked out of the room and moments later I heard the front door close.

What was up with this Amanda Romano, character?

I wanted answers. Not hints.

But I knew something big was awaiting me just around the bend.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's another one for my 2 subscribers!!! Hope you enjoy! But c'mon guys, only 2? I think my story is better than that. Subscribe people!!! (at least give me some comments)
(2.5 word pgs. 10 pt. font)

And just for the record, this is my 3rd chapter in the last 2 days! YAY me! ^_^

Madi's sun dress
Alina's house--exterior view
Alina's bathing suit
Madi's bathing suit