Status: im thinking of continuing with the story again soon. I wrote 2 new poems so im getting back into the flow of writing.

Should I Love You in the End?

The Nightmare


I was walking out of the theater with Rob and Kristin. The Twilight movie premiere had just ended and I was feeling like I was the king of Hollywood. Nothing could destroy this feeling of triumph. It was like nothing else in the world mattered except for me. Everybody worshipped me. Everybody loved me. I was their idol, their god.

I was walking down the street when I was suddenly blinded by light and sound. I could not tell what was going on! I was confused and for once I felt afraid. They were cameramen, but yet, somehow they did not look human. The flashing lights burned his eyes and he suddenly wished he were ‘a nobody.’

They asked questions that I knew, deep down, I did not want them to ask. I knew I mustn’t let them hear me speak a word, for if they did, the world would end and I, Taylor Lautner would be vanquished and destroyed.

I tried to get away and step around them, but they would not yield. I began to run down the street hearing them call after me, claiming they wouldn’t harm me but I knew I must keep running unless I wanted to become one of them.

By now I saw my limo at the other end of the street and I started to run faster, faster, picking up speed all the way. But, somehow, I seemed to be getting more farther away than before. That’s when I realized they had got me.

They were lunging. Flinging themselves at me in an almost cat-like way. They were pulling me back, preventing me from escaping. I was in their clutches, and they knew it just as well as I did that there was no going back.

They were pulling me down, down, down….

I let out a scream, “NOOOOOO—“

I woke up to the sound of my own horrified yell. I was gripping my chest as I found myself sitting in a pool of my own sweat. The perspiration cascading down my neck. The silence scared me almost as much as the dream had and I said, “What is wrong with me? Why does this happen?”

I have been having these dreams for over a month now. I have no idea what they could mean or what they could entail. All I knew is that I wanted to tell somebody about it. But I definitely couldn’t tell my parents, especially my mom. If I told her I was having nightmares about being a celebrity that was 3 long years of therapy right there.

I looked over at my iHome on my bedside table and saw that it was 8:53 AM. I got out of bed to put on a shirt. When my legs hit the floor I could feel them shaking. It was like my body was there but my soul and mind were elsewhere. It was like I could feel every atom in my legs moving all around my body like bees around a hive.

“Taylor!” It was my mom.

I then took my time getting ready. But after I was dressed and showered, I then proceeded to walk up the hall and down the elegant staircase and into the family room where both my parents were awaiting.

They both seemed oddly stiff and I asked, “So….What’s going on?”

They both looked at each other with worried expressions on their faces and then slowly started speaking.

“Well, Taylor, we have noticed that you’ve been a little….uptight about things lately what with you finishing shooting Twilight and everything. We know you know have a lot of time to think and relax. And we just thought that it would be in everybody's best interest if you um..."

She looked at her husband in a pleading way, obviously asking for assistance n explaining the matter. So he said, "Taylor, we thought that we would take the liberty of enrolling you in"

"A WHAT exactly?" I replied venomously.

"A...ahpublicschool..." He winced after he said this, probably wondering if I heard what he had said.

"Sorry? I still don't understand. But, c'mon! Tell me. You know I'm DYING to know." I finished this sentence dripping sarcasm from every last letter. I wanted them to get the message. I think they did. But then, out of the blue, my dad suddenly yelled, "You are going to a DAMN PUBLIC SCHOOL TAYLOR!!"

There was silence at this. Then a huge tidal wave came over me and I erupted.

"What do you MEAN I'm going to a PUBLIC SCHOOL??? Don't you know what that means? Don't you know what they'll do to me there? Do you hate me or something? No? Well you must, seeming that's the only possible explanation you could possibly make sense. There is no WAY I'm going!!"

This tantrum must've made dad irate because he exploded just as much as I had.

"I don't want to hear another word out of you, Taylor! You are not getting your way this time. Things CHANGE over time and these are things you just have to DEAL WITH! You are going to Oakwood High School on Monday morning, 8 o'clock sharp! And you are going to sit in a classroom and listen to your new teachers who, I assume, with tell you how to handle situations better than you do now!" And he left the room seething.

I couldn't take much more of this! I stormed out of the family room as well, leaving my mom alone and upset. But I didn't care because I was the victim in this 'situation'. I was the one that was being treated unfairly.

I ran into my bedroom, slammed the door closed, and then kicked it. Hard. This did nothing but chip the paint and injure my toe.

I paced the room, massaging my temples and thinking fast.

One school.

One celebrity.

Thousands of girls.

Two words:

♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. I went through hell to post this chapter. HELL! When I first wrote it I pressed 'submit' but instead of posting it, it went to the login place and told me to LOG IN! So basically everything I wrote the first time was lost. The SECOND time, I rewrote it all from scratch (I even thought it was better than the first one), but I accidentally pressed something. So the second copy was lost. This is now the THIRD version of this chapter. So just saying I don't want to hear complaints about grammar or anything, k?Oh btw, in the second ch. I added a pic of what her house looks like, so find the link and ch-ch-ch-check it out! And thanks to the 5 people that subcribed. You rock! (2 word pgs. 10 pt. font)

Taylor's family room
Taylor's bedroom