Status: im thinking of continuing with the story again soon. I wrote 2 new poems so im getting back into the flow of writing.

Should I Love You in the End?

Introductions and Awkward Silences


"UGHHH! That superficial, self-consumed, air-headed, nasty-faced, vacuum-packed HARLOT!"

I had just reached my new locker and was turning the dial wildly.

"Whoa there Ali, you're starting to foam at the mouth." She laughed and I glared.

"Look, don't say I didn't warn you about Amanda. Did I not tell you what a brat she is? And trust me that was not Amanda at her worst. She's probably scheming up traps for you to fall into at this very moment." said Madi, acting like all of this was a normal, everyday occurrence and that there was nothing out of the ordinary happening at all.

"Let her scheme," I said. "she's only making it more difficult for herself now that I, Alina Anne Williams, has arrived at this school!" I punched my fist up into the air acting like a super hero, not noticing all the stares it was receiving.

Madison looked at me and then smiled in an 'I-don't-know-if-you-get-this' kind of way. "Well, at least put on another shirt. This one is soaked and looks quite painful to wear to tell you the truth."

"What is THAT supposed to mean?" I asked, implying that I though she was implying that she didn't like my shirt.

"It means that the coffee she spilled on you probably burnt you and it wouldn't make sense to have you wear that soggy T-shirt all day."

"Well excuse me, I don't normally carry around an extra tank in my pencil case...."

She rolled her eyes at me which I ignored and then went to open her locker. Madi then pulled something out of the top shelf, unfolded it, threw it at my bemused face, and said, "There, now are you done complaining? I'm not so sure your husband is going to be very happy with you when you move in together."

"What are you--" I did a double take as I looked at the shirt she handed me, and I almost screamed bloody murder. The shirt she had handed me was a light pink with bold, dark purple letters that read the words "MRS. LAUTNER".

"WHOAH! Okay, NO! This is NOT alright! There is no WAY I am putting this thing on my body for the whole day. It is EMBARRASSING!"

Madison just smirked at my reaction and simple said, "Kay, fine. But if I were you I wouldn't want to walk around in my lacy Victoria's Secret bra all day. But, you know, that's just me." She shrugged and went back to arranging books and pictures in her locker, leaving me to look quizzical and flabbergasted. But I knew she was right. I couldn't walk around in my underwear and not go unnoticed.

So I took the shirt, jogged into the girls bathroom, took off my own shirt that was seeping with Starbucks, and put on the 'crazed fan girl T' and headed back out to meet Madi, only to see her talking to another girl that I was not familiar with.

"Hey, Alina, this is the oh-so-gorgeous Jennifer Thompson, A.K.A Jenny, and she's one of the losers that will be hanging out with us this year."

"Wow, nice intro Madi. I'm tickled pink." The girl said sardonically.

I grinned, already knowing she was my kind of person. "Well it's totally awesome to meet the one and only oh-so-gorgeous Jenny." I was crossing my arms over my upper body to try and cover up the words that mortified me.

We all giggled and walked off to our first class, which, by the way, was the same for all of us. Weird huh?

I could tell this was a start of a beautiful (and somewhat quacky) friendship...


Okay, deep breath Taylor. You can do this. You practice karate don't you? ......Yea? Well, now might be a good time to put that talent to use. Okay, Here goes......everything.

I pushed open the doors of the school and stepped through, only to be greeted by a petrifying sight. Girls. Girls were EVERYWHERE. And I could feel every single pair of their eyes burrowing into his scull.

There was a moment of silence.

Nobody moved or said a word.

Then, I, ever so slowly, made my way over to the other end of the hall.

On my journey, girls smiled flirtatiously and waved. Some just were wide-eyed, paralyzed. Human statues. Others even walked by and purposefully brushed up against me and ran away, snickering with their friends. Were there no guys at this school or something? I asked myself in disbelief. I had 'spoke' to soon.

For as I rounded the corner, I saw probably all the boys in the school were congregated in the hallway. But I did not know how to feel about this because some of them looked like they wanted to rip my head clean off of my body. Some actually looked interested or questioning. Some even jerked their heads as a sign of acknowledgment. But whatever they did, the whole situation was awkward and uncomfortable. I decided to get over to the bathroom to think about everything that was happening.

I was just about to open the door to the boys bathroom, when the most beautiful thing occurred. I turned around to see.....

Wow. Who is that?
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I wrote one long chapter because I haven't written in a while and I felt bad, so here you go! haha.

But hey, in the past couple of chapters you want to know what happened? I lost 2 of my subscribers, and for each chapter the number of readers goes gown each time. So ya, I'm kind of disappointed, but I'll get over it. But it would sure help if you guys commented and gave me any kind of feedback.

You may also have noticed that I have added 2 new characters on the description page and that I have changed a lot of the pictures. If you haven't, then check it out.

So keep reading please! Tell your friends!
Thanx! xoxox

The Taylor Lautner shirt