Status: im thinking of continuing with the story again soon. I wrote 2 new poems so im getting back into the flow of writing.

Should I Love You in the End?

Mrs. Lautner


She's a very beautiful girl with brown hair, about average height. There doesn't seem to be anything particularly different about her as far as looks goes, and yet, there is something about her; a feeling of mystery and excitement just lingering in the air around her.

She was with two other girls, both very pretty as well. One being blonde and the other a dark haired, almost black, brunette. All three of them looked like they were friends, but the two other friends seemed to be sniggering at the other girl who's name still was a mystery to me. God, I have to find out what her name is....or at least start a conversation.

Just as I formed these thoughts, an idea stuck me in the head like a pestle to a grinder: I am Taylor Lautner. I should have NO problem whatsoever in talking to them. They'll be eating out of the palm of my hand.

I ruffled my hair and fixed my shirt in on fluid motion, and made my move. I strutted down the hallway toward the girls lockers. 'My girl' had her back turned to me so she didn't see me coming, but as soon as her friends caught my eye there mouths hung open like fish. (It made me want to say, "Holy mackerel!" haha sorry. I had to.) But as I said a minute ago, they looked stunned. I just grinned as I made my casual stroll over to the three.

'Mystery girl' was still talking with great emotion in her voice to her friends. She seemed somewhat annoyed at the moment which made me nervous but want to laugh at the same time.

I had stopped right behind her, smirking at her friends and the back of her head. She still hadn't noticed him. But by this time, the other girls (which I had mentally named 'Thing 1' and 'Thing 2') were trying to stop her from talking. Thing 1 was stuttering and saying something along the lines of, " you may um....." and Thing 2 looked like she had to use all of her will power to stop herself from cracking up at the irony of what was happening.

M.G. (mystery girl) stopping talking and turned to Thing 2 and practically shouted, "WHAT ON EARTH AND IN GOOD HEAVEN ARE YOU SMILING AT? Do you think that this is funny?" And from behind I could see her point to something on her body in front of her.

Thing 2 just couldn't take it any longer, she burst out laughing and pointed behind her, strait at me. M.G. slowly turned around, wincing, and practically jumped a mile out of her pants when she saw my smirk. I raised my eyebrows and, in a teasing way, said, "Good morning ladies. I'm not so sure that I know you too well. My name is--"

I didn't even get to finish my sentence when something amusing occurred. About four girls came out of nowhere (proudly sporting "I love Taylor Lautner" buttons on their t-shirts) and said, in unison, "TAYLOR LAUTNER!"

At this point many weird things were happening at once. One girl (or demon more like it) squeezed the life out of me, as another girl took about seven pictures of me in a row. Another 'demon' stroked and ran her fingers through my hair. And another girl, at the last minute, grabbed me around the neck and planted a kiss on my cheek, very close to my mouth. They left in a loud burst of giggles and skipped down the hallway all in a flurry.

The three looked at me. I sighed and shrugged my shoulders as I continued to say, "I'm Taylor. Do I need to say more?" I looked at the M.G. Wow, she really was gorgeous.


Woah. He was......something else. I couldn't help but stare. Some would say that I stared at him because he had the most....AMAZING eyes and the cutest face. Which I hate to admit is partly true. Most of the reason was because of the one question that anyone would ask to a celebrity arriving at an ordinary public school: What are you doing here????

The second thing I noticed was that he was no longer looking at my face, but more downward. I subtly followed his gaze........WTF?! Please tell me he was NOT staring at my chest!

I panicked. So naturally, I did what came easiest to me. Yea that's right, I flicked him in the ear. "Owwwah," he fake cried. And then in a silly mocking police voice said, "Ma'am, you just violated code 143. You could get in serious trouble for that. May I have your name and number?" He cocked an eyebrow, knowing he was driving me crazy. "And besides, what did you think I was doing? I was just looking at your shirt."

I immediately remembered the hideous shirt and hurriedly crossed my arms of the words plastered over my boobs. (IT'S NOT FUNNY PEOPLE! DON'T LAUGH!) I must have turned a dark shade of magenta because his grin became even more broad.

"It's fine. I get that kind of thing a lot."

My voice did not seem to want to work. This was all to crazy for me to handle all at once! God!

"So I guess I'll see you"

"Alina!" Madison nearly shouted as Jenny nodded her head frantically.

And once AGAIN he was all smiles at their enthusiasm. When he leaves, I am soooooooo so going to KILL them!

"Right, so I'll catch you later Alina." He then showed off his teeth one more time before departing and began that nonchalant strut as he walked down the hallway.

Why me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks Elizabeth for giving me ideas and bugging me to update more. It helped, as you can see. And I am definitely going to be updating a LOT in the summer (only about 3 or 4 more weeks left) and I will be writing non-stop for you guys.

Just a fun question for random people to answer:
(Feel free to comment me!)
What is your favorite Harry Potter character and why? :]