Status: im thinking of continuing with the story again soon. I wrote 2 new poems so im getting back into the flow of writing.

Should I Love You in the End?

Names and Annoyances



"Well, that's probably the bell to tell me to get get my ass over to homeroom," I said to myself with a slight grin. I was still in the aftermath of my confrontation with Alina. I had of course made plans with myself to see her again really soon. But I should've probably gotten my head into more pressing matters right then, because I had no idea where I was going whatsoever.

I headed outside into the dazzlingly bright courtyard, emblazoned with beautifully colored roses and flanked with, what appeared to be, various flags of the world. I was momentarily lost in the beauty of it all, but reminded myself that I was going to be late to class. I was NOT going to display myself as the oblivious new kid that everyone laughs at.

I jogged for about six or seven minutes before I found my homeroom class all the way across the campus. (And if you'd have seen the school, that is a big amount of space to cover in six or seven minutes.) I walked in wordlessly with my messenger bag slung over my right shoulder.

Again, I could feel everybody's eyes on me as I walked through the open door and stood in front of the teacher's desk. As I waited for him to look up from his computer, I looked up at the board to see a list of 'Do's and Don't's' that, I guessed, were to be the metaphoric chains on my neck throughout the school year. Chains that, I knew (if I knew anything about teachers at all), would surely be yanked several times.

"Well, what 'ave we got here?" asked the teacher. "You must be new here I take it. Especially considering your vacant expression and your awkward-looking appearance, you look as if you would like to melt through the floor. But please, sit down and join your classmates. We were just about to go over some of the rules for my class this year."

This teacher was a plump, balding man probably in his mid fifties. He had a round face with a warm smile, but I still did not like the idea of him having the power to tell me what to do.

He was right when he said that I looked as if I wanted to 'melt through the floor', I was so embarrassed from that single conversation that I felt as if I would like to do nothing better. I distinctly heard people snickering at me as I went to the back of the class to take my new seat. Damn, what is up with the word 'new' today. It's like it has taken my life completely away in one syllable.

When I had finally gotten used to the feel of the uncomfortable plastic chair, I looked around the room and let my mind wonder freely. I wonder what kind of food they have for lunch in the cafeteria.....I wonder if it's possible for teachers to have fun in their spare time.....I wonder, that if I bought a fish, it would be mad at me if I named him Mr. Gub-Gub... This went on for quite a while before my thoughts drifted over to Alina....once again. I wonder if she would go out with me if I said a really cheesy pickup line....I wonder if I should start wearing more cologne....Axe maybe?.....I wonder if she even cares that Axe exists....I wonder if she even cares that I exist????

The universe must've picked up on these notions, because just as I had thought those words in my head, who should come walking through the door at that exact moment? That's right, you've guessed it.

"Excuse me, Mr. Barnett?"

"Oh, good morning Alina. Did you have a good summer?"

"Well, you know. It was all right," Alina said with an uneasy smile.

Mr. Barnett laughed and said, "I don't think you're the only one with that as an answer, but what can I do for ya?"

"Oh right, well I just need to take attendance in all of the classrooms to give to the office so..."

"Sure thing, Alina. Let me just check the roster for a moment....." He went over to his desk and shuffled through his papers. "Ah, the only person missing is Katie Garcia."

Alina then swiftly jotted this information down on a clipboard she held in her right hand. I posted a personal sticky-note in my head that she was left handed, but I then focused on more pressing issues. It was amazing! how could someone be in the same classroom as the one and only Taylor Lautner and not even take a single glance? If this keeps up, this girl is going to drive me to my death.

She was about to leave when Mr. Barnett said, "One more thing, Alina. I need you to tell the office that Taylor Lautner is apart of my class this year. So if you could tell them that I'd really appreciate it."

I was watching her the whole time she was in the room; my eyes never left. I was so intent on watching her impassive expression that I almost fell back in my chair when I saw her flash an impish smile. This struck me as odd, but what she said next took the cake entirely.

"Mr. Barnett I'll definitely tell the office that he is taking the class, but how do you spell Taylor Lautner?"

Her tone of voice was way too innocent to be real or believable. She has got to be kidding right? Could she really not know how to spell my name? The whole class exchanged mocking glances, clearly unable to believe that she really didn't know how to spell my name: the name of a current, famous movie star.

Even Mr. Barnett looked surprised, but he recovered quickly and spelled my name aloud.

"Okay, thanks. I'll be sure to give this to them."

And with that, she practically skipped out of the room. But just as she passed the doorway I could've sworn she looked at me with that devilish smile.

That little..... I can't believe this! She knows how to spell my name, and she knows that I know that she knows as well! (Sorry to be confusing but it's the truth!) This kid is trying to mess with my mind. She's flaunting herself and her attitude right in front of my face! God she's good! She's saying 'haha here I am and you can't have me because you're not important enough.' I guess I'll just have to work a little harder for this one.

Let the flirtation begin.
♠ ♠ ♠
hi. I am terribly sorry for not updating in a while. I know some of you are probably mad at me for not writing a lot in the past couple of weeks. The only excuses I have for you guys are 1. I wanted to wait until school ended so I could focus on my finals and my dancing. 2. Because I was having writers block on this chapter.

This chapter was so hard for me to get through because I was trying to get back into the flow of things and I couldn't figure out where I was going to go with this chapter. I know it's short. It's 2 word pgs. long in 10 pt. font. if you were wondering.

I know some of you have probably thought that I quite this story, but I was actually doing just the opposite and putting a lot of thought into my characters and plot. I appreciate you guys who are reading and commenting. You guys are great and I would love to hear you're ideas about where you want this story to go. Some of you have already told me your ideas and they have helped just that much. (You know who you are.)

remember: comments are love.
tell your friends!