Status: im thinking of continuing with the story again soon. I wrote 2 new poems so im getting back into the flow of writing.

Should I Love You in the End?



"Wow," I said as I slammed the front door closed and ran my hands through my hair. I slid down to the tile floor, my back still against the door. I don't know what I did to deserve this kind of drama. God please help me!

I don't know what made me think this because I wasn't really a religious person. I never was, not really, and here I was asking God for help. Who knows what other changes this school, this whole environment has done to me and my regular life. Or, what used to be my regular life.

It has been about two and a half weeks since the first day of school, and since then I have been toughing it out like the soldier I knew I was......deep, deep down. :) I have been hanging out with Jen and Madi after school on Fridays. Going shopping, swimming, tanning, internet-ing, movie nights, and eating have been a few of out interests for some time now.

We also found this cool website called Mibba where you can write stories and read things that other people have posted. Jenny was the one that introduced it to Madison and I. She had her own account and showed us all the things she's written. She mainly wrote poems, but they were some of the most intense poems I have ever laid eyes on.

But school is a different story. Taylor--that's T-A-Y-L-O-R, Taylor--will not leave me alone! He has found every opportunity in the universe to hit on me! And when he's not hitting on me, he's teasing me about how he knows I 'love' him secretly. I would've felt sorry for him for being so desperate, but since he found a friend I quickly deserted that concern quickly. His name is Andrew Mathews. People call him a drama geek so I've been told, but I've got a nicer word: ambitious. He looked like an okay guy when I first noticed him on the first day.....until I saw him slapping butts with Taylor-I'm-So-Irresistible-Lautner!

Quick guy lesson: When a girl says 'go away' to a dude, to him it means 'Stay. You are my world, my dream, my love. I want you.' I know it's sad, but reality sucks. A lot of the time at least.

And in case you're wondering, Amanda is still the same stuck up snob that she was two and a half weeks ago. About four days ago, I could've sworn I saw her spit on a puppy! She's vile and cruel........and just downright pathetic if you ask me. She still acts like she owns the school, even though her daddy practically does already. Her family gives a lot of money to the school district.....But who cares!!! :P

I gave a deep sigh, opened my eyes, and began to stand up from my sitting position.

When finally standing up, i called, "MOM?"

No reply.

I tried again.

No answer.

"She must be at her yoga class still...." I said to myself.

I then proceeded to canter into the kitchen toward yonder fridge. ^_^ Gee, I wonder why.

I opened the beautiful food storage device hoping for the best, and what do I find? Half a bottle of soy sauce, a jar of jam and pickles, milk, dog food, and some old mayonnaise. What's the point of having a monster fridge when you're not going to put anything in it? But wait. Dog food? We don't have a dog. At least, I don't think we do. But with this house, who knows what could be hidden in here.

"Hmm......." I pondered.

"I guess I'll interrogate mom later. Right now I have another crisis on my hands. stomach, that is."

I took 3 strides to the right and I was in the pantry. I took a couple glances around the shelves and was just about to get up and leave when...


I had a London Tipton moment and yelled, "Yay me!" (And yes, I did just make a reference to 'The Suite Life of Zack and Cody'. Who's going to stop me?)

I grabbed the bag of un-popped Orville Redenbacher popcorn, teared off the plastic, and practically flung it into the microwave (that was all chrome. Oh yeaaaaa.) Which reminds me, this microwave matches perfectly with the Wii in the game room. Sweet!

I skipped up to my room and stopped in the doorway. I then, took a running leap and landed on my bed with a big "Ooof!" This was a daily ritual that was performed every afternoon.......oh, what? Like you've never done that!

I opened my backpack and shuffled through some of the stray papers, careful not to stab myself with the pocket knife that I kept in the second pocket. I know I could get suspended if a teacher saw me with it, but frankly I haven't really been caring about that stuff lately.

I took out both my school agenda and my laptop.

Homework?................Video games?


Hmmmm....choices, choices, choices...


"Yes! I finally beat my high score on Amanda Vanquisher! Take...THAT, Romano!! Feel my cheerleader-pom-pom awesomness! No....I don't THINK so!....Ha! Gotcha again. Oh yea, I'm on fire baby!"

I finally finished the game on (that's Madison's website if you didn't remember) and moved on to look at the lunch menu for the rest of the week.

"Okay, Monday: chicken nuggets with fries, Tuesday: Quesadilla, Wednesday: ham and cheese sandwich......ew. I'll have to text Madi later to see if there is a way she could hack into the school network and change this menu ...." I laughed a little at my own devilish pondering.

I explored for about 45 more minutes before I realized it was 7:58 PM and I still hadn't started my homework yet. Sigh, I will never learn, but what else am I supposed to say? I'm a teenage girl, it's the basic routine!

Picking up my agenda off the floor, I strode over to my bed, plugged in my ipod, and put on some classical music so I could start to concentrate.

What happened next happened so fast, that all I could tell at the moment was that I was on the floor. On my way over to my desk, I tripped over the rug and feel flat on my stomach; papers and pencils strewn everywhere! I rubbed my head and picked myself up from the floor and as I was gathering everything up I heard the front door close. (Mom's home!)

"When will I ever learn to do anything right?" I said, frustrated with my foolish clumsiness.

I finally reached my desk, luckily with no more accidents, and plopped myself down on my big, pink, luxury desk chair. One deep breath....Two deep breaths....

I never was good at acting. I said to myself.

So that must explain why I don't like DRAMA!

Another deep breath later, I was almost content when I suddenly caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror in front of me.

I reached up and grabbed the something that was stuck to my hair, and I was so frustrated that I had to fight myself not to rip it up where I sat. It was a bright green sticky note. It must've fallen out of my agenda and stuck to my head when I fell.

I had had enough madness for one day, so you could imagine the kind of exasperation I felt when I saw what was written on it. For there, underneath all the folds and creases on the note, in slanted, curvy writing were the words: See you tomorrow, babe. Sleep tight. --T.L. ;-)

I couldn't believe it. I looked up from the sticky note, my mouth still slightly agape. I read it 2 more times, and then said, "He's just not going to give up!" I was more scared now then annoyed. Who knew what tomorrow would bring.


"Yea, mom?!"

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys. *apologetic grin* I'm sorry I haven't updated in a mucho long time. And believe me, my friends have been nagging me plenty about updating, so don't think I don't know that you want more to read. Okay? I just haven't been 'feeling it' lately, if you know what I mean.
But I've got some pretty good ideas that's come on later on in the story. I just need to figure out how I'm going to get there. haha.

I'd also like to thank those of you who have been reading from the very beginning. It means a lot, it really does. Thank you so much.

And since I haven't updated since before June 25th, I'd like to say:

RIP Michael Jackson. You were a wonderful person and a huge influence. Thank you for your music and all the memories. We will never forget you.

(By the way, this was 3 word pgs. long with 10 pt. font, so this was longer than the last chapter.)

keep reading! xoxox

Alina's Wii
Alina's desk chair