It's a One Shot Thing

She was the challenge he'd been waiting for

Sophie White works as a writer in the music section of the rolling stone magazine and she is quite a frank girl at that. She always says her honest opinion of everything. She is not the type of person who beats around the bush just so she could say her criticisms in a good and nice way. She worked hard to be in her position today and she would do anything to stay there as long as she is needed. She is kind to her friends and colleagues outside the office but she also has an intimidating and strong side when they are working already. She can easily separate work from play. She is a real professional.

“So, people, we have a new plan for this year” their editor in chief announces as she sits in the middle of their meeting

“What can that be?” someone asked

“Well, we are planning feature new and young bands more frequently Remember when we featured fall out boy once? We sold so many copies at that time. Our sales went up by fifty percent. So, the point is the management is thinking to do that more often so we wouldn’t be seen as an old fashioned magazine, if you know what I mean. We want to reach a bigger market, not just the adults, but the youth as well”

“So, you’re saying that we will do newer and fresher artists?” Sophie asked

“Exactly my point!’

“That’ll be good. It’s a challenge to all of us, don’t you think?” Sophie said enthusiastically

“Yeah, sure. Sophie knows best” the others responded in unison

“Now that it’s settled, we start with this new band called all time low. Sophie, since you are very enthusiastic about this, I want you to take charge of all of the organization needed. I also want you to be the one who personally interviews the band. I trust you to do a good job” The editor said then immediately stepped out the room.

“Whoa, Sophie, you’re technically our boss now. You’re like our editor in chief’s right hand yah know?” Mark, the person who’s job is to take a million of pictures then to choose a few among all of it and put it in the magazine for publishing. Honestly, only a few make it to be published.

“Stop teasing Mark” Sophie muttered artlessly

“It is true Sophie. I bet when she retires, you’d be the one she would choose to replace you because she trusts you so much” Michelle, Sophie’s happy go lucky best friend exclaimed

“Whatever guys. Let’s get to work now, shall we?” Sophie says with an authoritative tone

“Yes ma’am” all of them answered and they all got to work already

“Mich, can you call the band’s manager and inform him of the interview that we will be conducting then assign a date already’ Sophie said

“Okay, I will” Michelle smiled to her as she grabbed the phone “Oh, wait, the number?” she asked as she was about to dial already

“Here” Sophie said as she handed a piece of paper to Michelle


“So, the interview would be on the ninth, which is Friday” Michelle informed Sophie after a few days

“Why did it take so long to assign a date?” Sophie asked

“Well, the band members weren’t cooperating, according to the manager. They kept changing the date” Michelle laughed

“Oh, okay then.”

Sophie decided to do a little research about this band before she interviews them on Friday that week. She wouldn’t want to be oblivious of whatever the boys might be telling her. She needs to be equipped in some way.

“Hmm, so they are quite a cocky and funny band. They like making green jokes. I hope they don’t do that on me” Sophie whispered to herself as she watched a you tube video clip of one of the live shows of the band.

She finally gave up before she throws up on everything the band members say. She didn’t like their attitude that much and they looked too arrogant to her, especially the lead singer named Alex. She didn’t like the vibe he was sending her just based on the videos she has watched.

“He looks so full of himself. He’s not even that good looking” Sophie scoffed to herself

“Who are you fighting with?” Michelle chimed as she entered the room

“Hmm, the lead of the band I am interviewing on Friday. He seems so conceited”

“Really? Let me see” Michelle said as she turned the computer screen to her

“Well, he is honestly funny and handsome at that” Michelle gushed as she finished watching the video

“I don’t like him” Sophie said blankly

“You don’t like anyone Soph” Michelle joked as she handed Sophie her coffee

“I just don’t like how he talks you know? I have a feeling he’ll be bragging the whole interview” Sophie said as she sipped her coffee

“Aww, don’t say that! Go easy on him alright? I am sure he isn’t that bad” Michelle patted her shoulder then stood up. She was out the room in a matter of seconds

“Good luck to me” Sophie said softly as she continued watching the video, dreading the day she would meet these guys.


The day had arrived and Sophie is currently on her way to star bucks, where the band preferred to meet. The interview was set at eight am and she arrived quite early, a usual for Sophie. She always arrives punctually, if not early. She was there by seven forty five already. She sat on the table wherein five people can sit then waited for the four boys she would be talking to until twelve noon today. She sighed as she prepared her notebook and recorder.

Time passed and it is now eight thirty. Sophie was getting impatient and she never gets impatient. That just means these guys are trying her limits. Sophie calmed herself for she cannot be fuming mad when they arrive. She still needs to interview these people nevertheless.

She hears the bell clang signaling that someone entered the place. She didn’t bother to check anymore for she was tired of checking whenever the stupid bell chimes. She could have lifted her head about twenty times already and she was having a headache because of that.

‘”Hey, are you Sophie White? Our interviewer?” a lanky boy with skunk looking hair asked as he marched towards her, with two boys trailing behind.

Sophie slowly nodded then checked the three boys. The one who asked her must be the one named Jack, according to her research.

“From what I know, the band has four members. Why are you only three?” she asked edgily. She was honestly tired of waiting already and she doesn’t have time to wait any longer.

“Oh, yeah about that, he might come a little late. See, we had this party last night so we are all a little hung over” a guy with blondish hair answered as they all sat down

“I am Jack by the way, I play the guitar”

“Zack, bass”

“Rian, drums”

They all said one after the other. Sophie really didn’t need the introduction. She knew who they were already and she knew exactly the person who was missing. She kinda expected that guy to be utterly irresponsible but she never thought he would be this out of the line. He must have known about the interview weeks ago and then here he is, getting drunk the night before and not even managing to come over on time. Immature people piss Sophie the most because she does her job properly but some people just don’t do the same.

She sighed then sat back, trying to calm herself for the second time today.

“Are you okay?” The jack guy asked

“Yeah, I just don’t like waiting”

“Sorry, we were late.” The Rian guy muttered

“Yeah, we were just too trashed last night” Zack explained

“I don’t care anymore about your excuses. Can you please just call you friend and tell him to show himself as soon as possible so we can finish this interview faster” Sophie said with her most intimidating voice

“Yea—yeah, sure, I’ll just call him now” jack mumbled then stood up

Jack honestly thought the interviewer was scary. Maybe she was pissed that they all came late then they weren’t even complete when they finally showed up. He swiftly dialed Alex’s number then waited for him to pick up.

“Come on man, pick the fucking phone—“

“Hello?” Alex’s sleepy voice came

“Man, where are you? You’re late for the interview and the girl who’ll be interviewing us is pissed already!” Jack immediately told his best friend

‘Oh, shit, I forgot! I’ll be there in a few minutes!” Alex says

“Yeah, just hurry man. She is scaring the shit out of me” Jack muttered as he heard things banging on the other end of the line.


After thirty more minutes…

“I am here, I am here!” Alex came running to the table then sat on a random chair

It is now nine in the morning. They were late for an hour. Sophie was fuming mad but she can’t show it so much for she needs to talk to all of them for the stupid interview.

“I am so sorry about—“Alex started

“Shall we start? Now that all of you are here?” Sophie cut in, not minding whatever Alex just said

“Whoa, there. I am sorry we were late, really” Alex said as Sophie prepared the recorder

“So, you are all time low, am I correct?’ Sophie stated, not minding whatever Alex said again

“Uh, yeah” Jack answered for his three stunned band members

“Can you please introduce yourselves?”

“Uh, Jack, I play the guitar”

“Zack, the bassist”

“Rian, drums”

There was silence. Alex was just staring at Sophie not saying a word. Rian elbowed him which made him snap out of his daze,

“Oh, yeah, I am Alex, the singer”

The interview awkwardly went on. The band seriously and cautiously answered all the questions Sophie asked them. Alex was surprised on how Sophie was treating him. She seems to be more comfortable with the other three. She actually talks and looks at them unlike him. She doesn’t even bother to ask him anything unless it’s necessary because he was the lead singer and lyricist of the band so it’s unavoidable to ask questions to him. She never even looks at him straight in the eyes or if she does, she throws a little glare at him. He felt like this hatred wasn’t just about his being late. Maybe she hated him even before that.

Alex Gaskarth was intrigued with this girl in front of him. Girls usually treat him most nicely as possible but this girl was rude, and she didn’t seem to like him at all. He can’t help but stare at her as she talks. She is honestly attracting. She has bronze colored hair that loosely falls to her shoulders. Her eyes are also very interesting. At first they look unapproachable but when you look through that, you can see a gentle and kind girl.

“So, you’re Sophie right?” Alex randomly said as she talked

“Uh, yeah” she answered with a blank expression like she was forced to respond

“That’s a nice name.” Alex smiled to her. Maybe if he charmed his way to her, she would let her walls fall.

She didn’t respond. Girls usually respond to Alex when he says that. What was with this girl?

The interview eventually ended and they were all saying their goodbyes already. Sophie was smiling and laughing with his band mates now but she still wasn’t minding him.

Sophie clearly was correct about that Alex guy. He was a person she wouldn’t want to talk to. He just makes her mad whenever she sees him. He even tried to flirt with her a while ago but of course Sophie didn’t allow that to happen. He can’t do to her whatever he does to every other girl he meets. She wasn’t that kind of person. The other band members were quite alright on the other hand. They are really funny and entertaining.

“So, guys, all of you will get your copy of the magazine once it gets published Ok?” Sophie said to three

“Yeah, sure, thanks!” Jack exclaimed

“We really had fun”

“And sorry for being late” Zack added

“You guys weren’t that late anyway” Sophie mumbled

“Hey, I said I was sorry already and I am” Alex suddenly spoke up

“Yeah, sure” Sophie plainly said then exited the coffee shop.

She quickly walked on the side walk and ignored whatever the Alex guy was yelling after her. She cannot believe he was following her all the way here.

“Hey come on, can you just listen to me?” Alex grabbed her arm then turned her to face him

She looked at him with no expression. She honestly doesn’t have time for all of this. She still has an article to write for crying out loud.

“Do you have like a grudge on me or something? It’s like you hate me so much’ Alex asked softly as he saw her hard face

“You wanna know the truth?”

“Yeah of course”

“I just don’t like you Alex Gaskarth and your being astoundingly late even made it worst” Sophie said icily

Alex flinched with her tone. No one has ever dared to give him that tone. This girl is really different.

“Now, can you please let go of my arm? I still have work to do” Sophie broke free of his grasp then continued walking

Alex can’t just give up like that. He wants to know this girl more. He hasn’t met anyone like her and he is so interested with this girl.

“Hey, can I at least make it up to you?” Alex persisted

“No, just go away. That would be a big help already”

“Oh, now, that was outwardly rude. I was trying to be friends” Alex chuckled

Sophie rolled her eyes and continued walking in a fast pace.

“Oh, come on! It’s lunch time. How about some lunch huh? I am sure you’re hungry” Alex insisted

“Just go away Gaskarth” Sophie commanded

“I am not going anywhere unless you say yes to me. I am really sorry for being unreasonably late and I want to make it up to you, please?” Alex pouted.

That was frequently his last resort. He never pouts at anyone because he usually doesn’t need to but it looks like he badly needed it at this time.

Sophie sighed and stopped walking

“You’ll go away if I say yes?” she made sure

“Yeah, of course” Alex flashed her his smile that usually made girls smile back

“Okay then” Sophie said with a serious voice. She didn’t even smile back, even just a small smile.

Sophie was getting so irritated with Alex already so she agreed with lunch with him. One thing struck her as he asked her. His smile was so heart warming. She actually felt her heart pump faster and a cold rush through her spine as she saw the smile. She was so close to smiling back but she successfully stopped herself and was able to answer back with a grim tone. She wouldn’t want to give him a wrong sign that he was slowly getting into her.

They both eat at a random food chain. They both eat silently. No one dared to talk. Sophie didn’t want to talk first or even talk at all. This should be finished as fast as it could be. The faster the better. She couldn’t believe that she is actually having lunch with this smug guy.

“So, you’re a writer in Rolling Stone huh? Is it hard?” Alex asked with interest

“Quite. But I like it so it’s not that hard” Sophie surprisingly answered

“Oh, just like when we play our shows. It could really be tiring and robotic but we love it so it’s all good” Alex smiled again his brilliant smile

“You really have passion for your music huh?’ Sophie found herself interested in what Alex had to say

“Yeah, we love it. It’s like our life already. I bet it’s just the same with your writing, I also write, so I know how it feels”

“Oh, yeah, you write the lyrics right?”


She nodded for she had nothing else to say

Sophie noticed that Alex may seem so smug and conceited at first but when you closely look at him, he had this shy and private side of him. He didn’t look as bad as he looked like a few hours ago. He may even pass her standards.

‘What? Do I have anything in my face” Alex asked, blushing a bit

“Oh, no, no” Sophie answered as she snapped out of her staring at him

She was shocked that she was actually staring at him. Why was she staring? She never stares

“So, you finished?” Alex asked as he saw her empty plate

“Uh, yeah” she answered absentmindedly

“Wanna get something sweet to eat? Still my treat. It’s part of the deal”

“Okay, whatever”

They both walk in a cake shop

“What do you want?” he asked

“Chocolate Mousse’ she answered honestly. She liked that cake the most

“Oh, you like that huh? I like chocolate chip” he smiled again

Sophie wished he stopped smiling at her because this day will not end without her smiling back. She will surely cave in if he keeps doing that.

They both exited the shop

“Aren’t we supposed to eat that inside?” Sophie asked perplexed

“Hmm, I have a better place for eating cakes” Alex exclaimed as he grabbed her hand and led her somewhere.

His hands against hers felt unusually comfortable for her. Sophie never lets anyone hold her in any way that’s why she doesn’t know why she is allowing Alex hold her hand while they only met today. This is getting weird for her. Maybe it is his smile and how nice he is to her. He is a gentleman, to be honest. He is mildly the opposite of how Sophie perceived him to be. Perhaps that’s why she is slowly letting him be close to her. He seems harmless. She noticed that they were walking to a park.

‘That park?” she questioned

“Yeah, sure, I love parks. Don’t you?”

“Yeah, sure” she muttered “this is my first time to eat cakes in a park though” she laughed

Alex is surprised that she actually laughed. He couldn’t help but smile widely at her.


A few weeks had past ever since that strange day for Sophie because she never goes out with a guy and most especially with a guy like Alex. After eating in the park, Alex did do his side of the deal. He let Sophie go, but not for long. As soon as Sophie arrived in her office, Alex called her, saying that he got her number from his reliable sources. The two have been going out ever since then. Sophie still couldn’t believe that she is actually going out with the Alex Gaskarth. He is really nice after she got to know him well.


Now, they are currently on another date. They are walking in the park where Alex first brought her.

“This place is familiar” Sophie said sarcastically.

“I love this place! It’s comfy here” Alex declared as he sat on the grass then he grabbed her hand down with him

“I love this place because we ate our cakes here. Remember?” Sophie whispered to him

“Oh, yeah, of course. You were kinda intimidating back then, to be honest” Alex laughed


“Yeah, it looked like you didn’t like me at all but I wasn’t a quitter” Alex smirked

“Whatever Gaskarth” Sophie smacked his chest

“I am happy that I didn’t give up on you even if it scared the shit out of me. You interested me actually. You are quite attracting as well” he smiled then kissed the top of her head “Soph, can I ask you something?” he said with a serious tone

“Hmm?” she urged

“Can—can I be your boyfriend?” he muttered softly, and Sophie almost didn’t hear the last word

“What did you say?” Sophie couldn’t help but smile up to him

“You heard me. You have that sinister smile on your face again” he accused as he blushed

“I just want to hear it again please?” she pleaded

Sophie really expected that he would ask her to be officially together already and it makes her all fuzzy inside that the moment she has been looking forward to came already.

“Can I be your boyfriend Sophie White?” Alex lifted her chin so she was looking straight up to his eyes

She bit her lip and nodded her head.

“I’ll take that as a yes” Alex smiled down to her and slowly leaned closer to her face. He hesitated for a second. “Can I kiss you now?” he asked

Sophie smile wider as she put his arms around his neck to pull him closer so their lips are just centimeters apart. She could feel his breath against her lips. She slowly moved closer to him until their lips finally met. He willingly kissed back with so much eagerness. After a few minutes, he put his hands around her waist pulling her closer to his body. They kissed for what seemed like forever. Each one didn’t want to let go, fearing she or he would lose one if they do,

Sophie White could not be any happier. This looked so impossible a few weeks ago but now, she is actually the girlfriend of Alexander William Gaskarth.
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A one shot requested by nhilovesyou.I hope you like it! (:

comments are very much appreciated!


Isn't this the cutest pic ever? He looks so excited!