It's a One Shot Thing

Missing Chapter

Michael just finished refreshing after the show. He was honestly excited on seeing Steph. Of course, he was excited because he is somehow attracted to her in a non-friend sort of way but he is definitely more attracted to Cass. He is a little confused about his feelings but he is trying to cope with it. He is just hoping that he doesn’t hurt anyone with his confused feelings. If he had met Steph first, he would surely have gone for her because she is really a funny and pretty girl. The thing is he met and liked Cass first, which makes it all complicated. He wasn’t even sure of what he really feels for Steph was true or maybe he was just attracted to her in that way to get over Cass. He knows that he really has to be careful with his actions because it might send wrong signals to her.

“Dude, let’s go.” Michael hears Andy tell him as he continues to reflect while waiting for his friends to finish

“You’re all ready?” he asked as he snapped out of his thoughts

“Yeah, let’s go and party man!” Sisky, as usual yells this

They all past the back door of the venue that the fans are not supposed to know about but all the always manage to put themselves wherever the band was.

“It amazes me how the fans always knows where we would exit” Will muttered as the door opened and a bunch of fan girls screamed all their names

“Yeah, it is remarkable but creepy in a way, don’t you think?” Mike said

“I guess but I like how they try to catch us whenever we go in the car. I like waving goodbye to them” Sisky said happily

Tony automatically shut the door when he heard the fans. It’s really funny how he always gets shocked that fans are always waiting for us outside. He never gets used to it. Maybe he is always expecting to have an easy and clean exit, with no single trace of a fan. Well, that is his own little dream.

“Alright guys, get ready to go out and get ambushed by a lot of fans again. Refrain from talking too much to them because some girl might randomly pull you with them. A simple wave and smile would suffice OK? And this goes especially to Sisky and Bill.” Tony pointed at both of them because they are always the ones who get mobbed for talking too long with the fans.

Once, a random girl grabbed Will’s arm causing other fan girls to pull on his arm as well. Bill can’t fight those people off because they are girls and some might even be minors. Will wouldn’t want to be accused of assaulting a minor and most especially, Bill would never dare to lay a heavy hand on a woman. Simply said, Will was flocked by so many girls that it took Tony quite a long time before being able to get him out of there. Sisky on the other hand always gets lost with the crowd because he tends to talk to everyone and sign stuff right and left.

“Can I trust you both on that?” Tony insisted as he opened the door once again



Tony sighed then opened the door, revealing a bunch of teenagers screaming and waving at the band.

“Will! I love you!” a fan yelled as everyone got into the car. The car door was shut. That exit is honestly the cleanest and smoothest one that ever happened.

“Why is it that girls always yell “Will, I love you?” “ Sisky asked as the car moved, proceeding to the club

“Perhaps because they love Bill?” Michael answered quite weirded out on the question

“It’s unfair that he gets all the love!” Sisky whined

“That is so childish man” Andy chuckled

“It is true!” Sisky continued to whine

Michael felt like this would go on for the entire ride so he shut himself from the conversation before Sisky drives him crazy. After just a few minutes of useless whining from Sisky, the band finally arrived in the club. Of course, Will automatically looked for Cass. Michael was a bit jealous that Will can freely show his feelings for Cass while he had to stop himself from showing his just because Cass didn’t feel the same way. He let out a deep sigh and walked in the club. He found himself smiling as he watched Steph dance carelessly on the dance floor. At least she was having fun. He had an urge to join her but he thought twice about it. He knows that he still like Cass but he was also attracted to Steph. Both feelings are of attraction but in a different way or intensity.

“Screw it, I want to have fun” he whispered to himself as he approached Steph.

He abruptly got a hold of Steph’s waist and danced with her. At first she didn’t notice his hands but after a few minutes, she might have because she awkwardly stopped dancing as she turned around to face Michael.

“Oh, hey, it’s you!” Steph yelled through the loud music

“Yeah, you looked like you needed company” Michael smiled to her

“Well, thanks for taking time to dance with me” she smiled back to him then started to dance again

Their bodies were so in synch and Michael was definitely having fun with her. Whenever he is with Steph, he seems to forget about Cass and all that he thinks about was Steph. Steph had a certain charm that gets into Michael.

Steph was so happy that Michael was dancing with her. She really liked him but of course, she knows about his and Cass’ history so she is trying to distance herself from him and be just a friend. It is just at these times wherein Steph couldn’t control her feelings anymore. She had a little too much to drink causing her to be confident enough to at least give Michael a hint of her feelings for him.

Michael couldn’t help but draw Steph nearer his body and dance with more heat. Steph danced with a little more fervor but after a few minutes, she pulled away.

“Uh, do you… want to like, uh, get a drink? I am quite thirsty” Steph said


Steph felt like the dance was getting too heated so she decided to drop the “I am thirsty’ excuse to stop dancing. They both walk to the bar and ordered something alcoholic to drink.

“So, how was the show?” Steph asked as they both drink

“Hmm, fun, as usual. It’s fun whenever we get to dress up for the fans” Michael responded ‘I see you are dressed up as a doll? Am I right?” he asked as he scanned her outfit

“Yeahp. Thank god you didn’t say Barbie because it would totally piss me off.”

“Psh, Barbie gets all the attention”

“Exactly what I think!” Steph exclaimed

“Okay, it’s weird that we are talking about Barbie” Michael chuckled

He honestly liked the light feeling he gets whenever he was with Steph. She was fun which makes him forget his problems. He needs a girl like her. Time passed and all they did was talk about random stuff. The more Michael spent time with her, the more he liked her. The thing is he still wasn’t sure about his real feelings. He might just be feeling this because he wanted someone to replace Cass or to help him forget about her even just a little. They continue to drink and he both of them slowly felt drunk as they drank several glasses of alcohol already. They lost count after the fifth glass they had.

Michael felt more and more at ease with her. He felt like he can do anything without thinking by now. Steph, on the other hand was a little drunk but she has a high tolerance for alcohol so she was still thinking straight despite drinking so much alcohol already. All that Michael can remember is that they were talking about something funny that is why he is laughing now. He doesn’t clearly remember why but it was humorous. He is absolutely drunk now.

“Michael, can I tell you a secret?” Steph suddenly whispered to his ear

He jumped a little by surprise but he was able to nod

“I like you” Steph slurred in his ear, her lips brushing on it

Michael was suddenly pulled into reality and he forgot about being drunk. What was he supposed to say to her? He wasn’t even sure of his feelings himself.

“Uhm, Steph”

She giggled then waved her hands to him

“You don’t have to say anything. I just wanted it out of my system. The alcohol helped”

Michael looked at her intently. “Steph, to be honest, I think I feel the same way but I am just not that sure yet and I don’t want to start anything with you while I am confused”

Steph was sure that Michael might not feel the same way as she felt but she still told him and took the chance. What can she lose anyway? Michael’s response after he heard it was not surprising. Of course he was taken aback but it was quite better than what Steph was expecting for she was anticipating him to straightly say that he didn’t like her. He took it calmly.

“That’s alright. I didn’t expect you to scream I like you back anyway” she lied

“Steph, in all honesty, I would have really dated you if I met you first. You are a great girl, but I am just not ready for a relationship for now. I might end up hurting you and I wouldn’t want that because I know in my heart that I feel something for you, I am just not sure what the feeling is. I need time to figure it out. I am so sorry” Michael said as sincerely as he could to avoid more damage. He can see the Steph was quite hurt for what he said. He hates it whenever girls have those sad eyes.

“Sure, I understand. I can give you time. I can wait” she smiled but it wasn’t as big as the one earlier

“Thank you for understanding”

“Anything for you. I know how it feels. I also wouldn’t want to be the rebound girl right? It is nice of you to control your hormones. Most boys would hook up with another girl as soon as they get dumped, but not you. I think you are a very mature guy to avoid getting with me because you are afraid that you might hurt me.” Steph added

“I hope this doesn’t change anything. I still want to be friends’ Michael said

“Sure thing. Friends?” Steph said as she stretched out her hand to him

“Friends, for now” Michael said as he shook her hand

“Well, I have to go to the bathroom now. Excuse me” Steph said as she took her purse

“See you later”

“Later!” she smiled to him then turned around

Michael watched her as she slowly walked to the bathroom. She is a girl he would want to have a serious relationship with but this is not the right time for that. He needs time. Enough time to totally get over Cass and be able to love Steph with his whole heart. He was disturbed from his thoughts when Bill suddenly came up to him.

“Hey man, I feel hurt that you’re drinking without inviting me” Will says as he walks towards Michael
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I finally decided to post this one shot of Michael and Steph! Sorry for the long wait. ;)

If there are readers who are confused, this is a one shot I made of the two minor characters in my William Beckett story. It was originally a prize to this game I had but since people are interested in reading it, I decided to post it in my one shot compilation. I suggest you guys read that story so you could understand this one shot more ;))

comments cheer me up a lot!
