Status: Complete. Go read sequel, 'And Give Me All Your Hopeless Hearts'?

Give A Cheer For All The Broken

Lucky Guess.

Over the next few weeks, she was soon joined by Kat and together they prepared for the wedding by finding the right dresses. Each day Kyra would go on webcam to Mikey, showing Jamie, who had begun smiling, giggling and starting to sit up on his own.

The trio moved their base to Jersey a week before the last show, where they would be joined by the guys on the day of the show. Andy was in absolute love with his cousin's son, often spoiling him with kisses and cuddles.

It was the day of the show in Jersey and the band’s plane was about to land. Mikey was the most excited, bouncing with joy when they arrived at the airport to leave Europe. He had made it the whole two months without the two people heloved missed the most and now he was finally getting to see them.

"Kat! Hurry up or we'll be late!" Kyra yelled from the front door. She looked down at her son, who was on her hip gripping the her shirt just above her collar bone with one hand, "Daddy's going to love you even more once he sees what you're wearing! Oh yes he is!" she talked cutely to Jamie, who was in a baby sized band tee.

"God you take forever!" Kyra complained.

"Sorry!" Kat said, rushing out while putting her last shoe on.

The three of them went to the venue for the night, going in the back way to avoid the screaming fans.

"Frank says they dropped off Gerard in New York. Something about he has something to do there? But unfortunately, he'll be back tonight," Kat said, playing with her phone.

Kyra nodded and was soon greeted by Ray, Bob and Frank, who all cooed over Jamie, "Where's Mike?" Kyra asked, looking around for the bassist.

"I don't know. He said something about going to a store to get something for Jamie? Guys we have sound check," Frank said to Kyra and everyone else, "Oh Kyra, you should wait in our dressing room til the show is over, you know? The noise may be too loud for James," he suggested as they all started to head to sound check.

Kyra nodded and walked inside, "Lucky mommy bought some head phones for you to wear later on, hey?" She mumbled to her son who was trying to fit his fist in his mouth as she opened the dressing room door.

Mikey waited til she closed the door he was standing behind, and snuck up behind her once she had sat James' car seat down. He wrapped his hands around her eyes and said, "Miss me?"

Kyra froze for a minute, thinking it was Gerard until she realized it couldn't be, leaving only one person...

"Not at all," she smirked, not even bothering to take his hands off.

Mikey moved his hands and left her to go his son who he knew had missed him, "Mom is mean, isn't she?" He asked his son who he thought looked adorable in his tee.

"Says you," Kyra muttered, walking over to stand behind him.

Mikey laughed, "Can you text one of the guys and let them know they can come back now, unless you want me all to yourself?" Mikey wiggled his eyebrows.

"Michael, how can you suggest such things when your son is the room!" Kyra shook her head, picking Jamie up and holding him against her hip.

"Kyra, how can you think like that? I just meant unless you want to catch up, just the three of us," Mikey smirked.

"You know you implied it," she said, "And it's not happening," she added, sitting down on the sofa.

"No you're just a pervert but if you don't want to talk to me, that’s fine."

"Never," she smirked, "Come and sit. He might smile,"

Mikey sat down taking James from Ky, "How is Jersey anyway? Seen my parents yet? How’s Andy?"

"Well we thought we'd wait for you for the whole grandparents thing," she said smiling, "And Andy is, like, Jamie's number one fan."

"No, we best be the number one fans," Mike said, laughing at a face James was making.

"You like Uncle Andy don't you Jamie, don't you?" She smiled, making a funny face to get him to smile which worked.

The face Kyra made even made Mikey smile. It was rather funny. "So what was it like being with mommy and the thing?" Mikey asked his son in a joking tone.

"Oh, the thing took mommy and me out for ice cream a lot but I didn’t get any which wasn’t fair," Kyra said pretending to be Jamie but ended up laughing.

"Kyra, stop playing around. I was talking to our son," Mikey pouted, "So did you guys finally get a dress or what?"

Kyra nodded, "Yes, we did and Frank is going to love it."

"What kind of dress did you get?"

"Nice try but I'm not going to reveal all of my little secrets like that. You'll just have to wait and see.”

"So, what did you do while I was gone, any wild parties or anything?" Mikey asked, He wasn't really trying to pry in to Kyra's life, he was just working his way up to seeing if she was seeing anyone or if they where still on for that date.

"With him?" She pointed at Jamie, "Don’t worry. I didn't throw wild parties with your son. Besides, there's only one guy in my life."

"And who would that be?"

Kyra smiled and looked at Mikey, "Jamie."

"He can’t be because he is the only guy in my life too," Mikey said smiling.

He liked being so carefree and happy around Kyra that he was starting to wonder if going on a date would mess things up.

"Fine, he can be both of ours," she smiled, watching Jamie grab on to and let go of Mikey's shirt, "Did you wanna go see your parents tomorrow?"

"I was probably going to stay there tonight, better than a hotel room alone. But you should get up early and come over if you want."

Kyra nodded, "Cool," she said, thinking about what his parents were going to say.

"I think it’s about time to go on. I should be out there."

"Ah, okay. We'll come watch," Kyra said walking over and getting something out of her bag

"Kyra at least do it from backstage okay?" Mikey asked, with concern.

"We will be fine at the side of the stage," she said while putting on the humongous head phones on their son, "Besides, he's been pumped for tonight ever since I started playing you guys."

Mikey sighed and walked out with Kyra, just in time to see Gerard entering the building.

Kyra was fixing her son's clothes when Mikey stopped and put his hand on her waist, turning her to face him and away from his brother.

"Gerard's over there isn’t he?" Kyra guessed.

"Uh...yeah. How'd you?"

"Lucky guess. You better go get ready for the show."


"We'll be fine. I'm going to have to talk to him sooner or later."



Mikey nodded and kissed Jamie on the forehead before going off to get ready.

Gerard walked, up to Kyra slowly, "Hi," was all he said.

"Hey," Kyra muttered, thinking of a gazillion witty things to say about him and her sister.

"So, what’s new? How’s life?"

"Busy. You know? You?"

"I've been okay. What’s the kid’s name?"

"The kid is your nephew. And his name is Jamie. Not 'the kid' ."

"Well would you have rather me have call Jamie a brat or an it?"

"He's not a brat Gerard, that's you."

"I'm not a brat thank you, and I never said he was. But that’s what most people call kids when they don't know their names."

"Are you sure? Because most bratty kids get something then don't want it anymore. You must be a brat since you had me and didn’t want me anymore," Kyra snapped.

"Get over it! I played you like a skank and played your sister like a whore. It’s over, done deal, dead, leave it that way!"

Kyra rolled her eyes, not shocked by what he said, "And here I was thinking you may have wanted to be in your nephew's life. Boy was I wrong," she chuckled, "C'mon Jamie, you've met your dead beat of an uncle, let's go find Frankie," Kyra said smiling and walking away.

"Are you walking or running from this problem Kyra?" Gerard yelled at her.

"Who says there's a problem?" She yelled back with that grin on her face.

"I would say you since you left tour just to get away from me," he smirked.

"I wouldn't call that a problem. Just a simple discovery of the truth!"

"You still ran! You can’t face the truth on your own, can you?"

"And you can't go an hour without seeing your own reflection."

"I'm hot and I know it. Too bad you’re not. The father of your own kid doesn't even want you, isn't that what made you come running back to me in the first place?"

Kyra smirked, "Just keep telling yourself that Gee. But remember who was obsessing over who for six years!"

And with that, Kyra walked off around the corner to find the rest of the guys plus Kat in the dressing room. Kyra knew she got the better of Gerard from her last comment when she caught him glaring at her when Mikey kissed Jamie and hugged them both before going on stage.

"Kyra, am I going to be seeing world war three before I get married?" Kat asked as she noticed the glares Gerard was sending Mikey.

"Probably," Kyra nodded as they started. Jamie was content during the show, falling asleep in the crook of his mother's neck five songs in.

"Alright! Tonight's our last fucking show for this leg of the tour and it's also Mikey fucking Way's son's first show! Anything to fucking say Mike?" Gerard yelled into the microphone.

Kyra shook her head and mumbled a few profanities under her breath.

Kat let out a small laugh as Mikey went on about how cute James was and thanked everyone for coming out to the show.

"And that’s enough from Mikey," Gerard said, walking away with the microphone, "This song is called 'Helena'!" He yelled before the music started.

"Kyra, Mikey is a nutcase, don't let your son be like him okay?" Kat said as she winked at Frank who was stealing a glance at her.

"No, Gerard is a nutcase."

"No, Mikey is a nutcase. Gerard is a psychopath."

"I know," Kyra said.

After a few more songs, they finished up and came off stage, Gerard walking completely past Kat and Kyra without a word being said.
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oh please. you know i can't keep the mcr boys away ;)