Status: Loves all the subscribers and commenters <3 The story is being updated as frequently as possible :)

Your Silver Bullets Won't Save You Now

It's new

As soon as Max had fled the House I had ran up to my room.

My mother would want explanations, explanations I couldn't give her right now.

I walked over to my book case and pulled out a book, I knew there was hardly any time until she came after me but still I began to read.

Before I had even finished Chapter Two she was already at my door.

"Care to explain Carta?" She said sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"Explain what mother?" I replied pretending I knew nothing but deep down I knew I was in trouble.

She wanted to know why I had told her to leave Max alone.

Why? I don't even know that myself. And that annoys me.

"You know perfectly well what darling. Now please, tell me before your father catches wind of it."

I sighed.

I knew my mum would understand.

She would have to.

Wouldn't she?

"I know him from school; he sits next to me in one of my classes. I know I shouldn't be friend him, I mean he is one of them. But truthfully... I don't know why I told you to get off him, I couldn't see him be killed." I said closing the book I was reading.

"You have feelings for him." She stated simply standing up and walking towards the window.

"No I don't!" I practically shouted throwing my book at her.

But just as it was going to hit her, she turned and caught it.

“Oh Carta, of course you do. Why else would you want to protect are enemy. You may not realise it but all the signs are there.” She said turning once more to face out of the window.

“But I hate the guy. I never get on with him, how can I like him?”

“Hate will turn to love, you don’t realise it yet, but I do and I’m guessing others will to. Especially if we fight them again.”

“But what can I do?” I asked walking over to her.

She embraced me in a side hug but remained silent and pointed out of the window.

I followed her gaze and there, once again was the shadow from the storm.

The only things visible are his glowing red eyes.

“Is that him?” I questioned.

“No, that’s something new, something you have never come across. It’s a warning of a old creature returning. These next few months will be hard.” She whispered.

She often has these premonitions, and they were always bad.

“Mum, what is it?”

“I must inform your father.” She said walking out my room.

“Mum it’s been here before now in the same spot what is it?” I asked getting worried.

“It’s something dark, oh so dark and if it’s been here before we haven’t got long before the attack. I must find your father.” And with that she disappeared leaving me in my room with those two red eyes watching me.

Fredrick walked past my open door but stopped as he saw me staring out the window.

“Carta is everything okay?”

“No, Mum’s scared, there’s a creature out there, one I’ve never seen before.” I stuttered.

Freddie ran to my side and looked out the window.

“Oh no, anything but them, our pack isn’t strong enough from the Galik attack to deal with these.”

“Fred, what are they?”

“Vampires, Oh they’re so strong teeth longer than ours, and poisonous venom that can kill werewolves with one bite. The only way you can kill them is to shred them to pieces. But they’re quick and nimble and can move twice the speed we can. The last attack was just after I was born. Mother cradled me in a cupboard but I could see out of the gap. They’re terrible creatures. I wished never to see them again.” He said hugging me.

Now I was worried. Two enemies, a apparent forbidden love, Feher being the prick he usually is and having to deal with Max at school.

This was going to be a horrific few months.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well it's been a long time but I started a new story on here then looked at my old ones and saw this.

All your comments made me want to write more :)

Hope you like it.