Status: Loves all the subscribers and commenters <3 The story is being updated as frequently as possible :)

Your Silver Bullets Won't Save You Now


It didn't take long until all the Vampires were dead.

Max turned to me in his true form and changed before me.

I could tell he was about to say something but he was cut short by some one in the distance.

"Well well well, that was intresting."

- - -

Fehers P.O.V

I was sat in my room when I heard the commotion downstairs. There was an intruder, Max to be exact. He didn't know it yet but I know his true identity.

I went to the top of the stairs and watched as Carta took over from her mother and sent the Galik away. As soon as she had done this I ran to her room and hid under the bed. It didn't take long for her to follow me in.

Her Mother was at the door soon questioning about the Galik.

"I know him from school; he sits next to me in one of my classes. I know I shouldn't be friend him, I mean he is one of them. But truthfully... I don't know why I told you to get off him, I couldn't see him be killed." Carta said.

"You have feelings for him." She stated simply standing up and walking towards the window.

Feelings for him? My wife to be had feelings for him. How infuriating, why wasn't her Mother yelling at her. Why is she so understanding? Carta is to be MINE not some scabies ridden Galik!

If she isn't going to inform her Father, I shall have to inform mine. Or at least hold it over Cartas head as leverage. Yes. That is exactly what I shall do. If she doesn't marry me I will tell my Father who will surely use this information to over throw he Family. So either way I will be the head of the pack.

During my track of thought I lost half the conversation between Carta and her Mother and the entrance of Freddie made me regain my focus.

“Oh no, anything but them, our pack isn’t strong enough from the Galik attack to deal with these.”

“Fred, what are they?”

“Vampires, Oh they’re so strong teeth longer than ours, and poisonous venom that can kill werewolves with one bite. The only way you can kill them is to shred them to pieces. But they’re quick and nimble and can move twice the speed we can. The last attack was just after I was born. Mother cradled me in a cupboard but I could see out of the gap. They’re terrible creatures. I wished never to see them again.”


This is grave news to hear for the good of the pack.

I waited for Carta to walk into her bathroom before exiting her room downstairs.

As I got downstairs Carta's Father was pacing the floor in the Main Hall.

"Is everything okay sir," I asked making him jump.

"Oh Feher, you startled me. No, a dark time is falling onto the pack. We need all the warriors hear at once. Arrange this for me! Get them here now!" He commanded, walking off to his study.

I made the calls, quick haste then sat and waited for the pack to arrive.

Half and hour later

All the pack had arrived now and Carta's Father was briefing everybody on the news of the Vampires, a series of cries and bellows rang out as some of the older pack remembered the past fights.

"We must go to the sacred place!" A voice rang out from the group.

"No! We are Werewolves, we do not run in dark times. We stand strong, we fight!" Frederick shouted out.

This caused even the most uncertain werewolves to join in. No one was going to admit to being a coward.

Everyone broke apart to get ready for war, practising fighting and getting body armour for when turned into a wolf.

I made my way to the kitchen and leant against the wall. Carta came downstairs dodging hits a kicks from other wolves. The way she moved, the way she dodged, the only one of our kind, and what a beautiful beast to be.

She was making eye contact with her Mother and the slipped out the house. So I decided to follow her.

I kept down wind from her so she would not be able to sense my presence.

I followed behind her at a steady pace. I could smell her fear and I knew why. The shadows were moving around her. The darkness en-loping her into a corner of the street. A hissing noise picked up in the window, the creatures were hunting and Carta was their prey.

She picked up into a run, the shadows cutting at her legs, I could hear her whining and growling as she was holding back the change. She couldn't change, stuck with fear.

She stopped under a light, the shadows could not get her there, but it wasn't long till the sound of bending metal met my ears. The light was flickering when a figure came running round the street.

"Carta no!" Max yelled.

Surprise surprise her little friend had come to her rescue. Joining her in the battle against the Vampires. It wasn't long until Max turned to his true form, a disgusting beast but it was effective. All the Vampires were did within a matter of minutes and Carta and Max were just stood regathering their breath.

Time for me to make an appearance.

"Well well well, that was interesting," I said as I walked out of the shadows.

"Feher!" Carta screeched pushing herself away from Max.

"That's no way to reward your saviour for keeping you alive." I sneered taking a menacing step towards him.

"Feher you don't understand!" She said standing inbetween both of us.

"What is there to understand, you left your pack to come to this Creature, you are a traitor! My Father must be informed at once"

"No, please, you can't do this!" She cried.

"Why shouldn't I, there's nothing in it for me keeping a secret. Unless.."

"Unless what?" Max queried.

"Stay away from this garlic boy. But now you have asked I shall answer. If you marry me Carta without another word of complain. I won't tell anybody. If you ever complain or do not do as I wish then I shall tell your secret. And after a month of us being married, with children of course. You shall announce you are stepping down from leadership and are handing it to me."

"No way! My Mother knows I am here. So you telling anybody won't do anything!" She shouted.

"Yes, but if I tell my Father, he will tell the pack you are a traitor and no one will follow you any more. So what shall happen."

There was along pause before a voice from behind boomed across the street, "How about death to all Werewolves?"
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Long time no see! :D