Falling in love is great. Unless it's with a demon.

(18)The small room

Kyo sniffed the air and looked past the four of you, seeing Ariel holding the little dragons hand. His eyes opened wide and he seemed to disbelieve what he was looking at because he rubbed them and looked back.
"It can't be..." he pulled on Chase's sleeve, earning him a glare.
"What do you want?" he asked angrily, following Kyo's stare. Once he saw the girl Kyo was staring at he couldn't help, but stare as well. "Ariel....?"
You heard Chase say her name and got out away from Noki and Lunehtiel, and walked over to them wondering what was going on. "Do you know Ariel?"
"Ariel?" Lunehtiel asked pushing his way to the front followed by Noki. Once there they all seemed to gape at her like she was the most beautiful girl in the world. It kinda made you jealous...
"Can someone explain to me how you know her and why it's such a shock to see her?" You asked, elbowing everyone out of the way and walking over to her. She looked at them the same, with tears in her light eyes.
"She's our sister..." Kyo said, choking back his own tears.
You froze. *They have a sister...?* "You guys have a sister?"
Ariel walked up to them and smiled, tears pouring down her face, and reached out to touch Chase's face. But she wavered, dizzy and fell suddenly. Chase was smart enough to hold out his arms and catch her.
You didn't know what to say... All this time you had been trying to make friends with a girl who was the sister of the guys you had to choose between to marry. You suddenly felt dizzy too, but held your ground, as Kyo put his hand on your arm to steady you. "Kira, are you ok?"
You nodded and grasped the sleeve of his shirt, trying to gain your balance. "We have to get out of here..." you tried to say as your head started to pound loudly in your ears. "Sato..."
"She's right," Noki said looking behind him and to the sides to where the river of fire was starting to melt through Chase's ice. "We should get moving before he has a chance to catch up. It's more than likely that he knows we're here."
"He's not the only one," a deep dark sounding voice echoed from all around you. And it wasn't Sato...
You looked around, but no one else was there. You looked up at Kyo, who put his arms around you, shaking his head. "What's going on..."
"I'm sorry, Kira..." he whispered, not looking at you. "We should have never gotten you into this..."
You gripped his shirt, begging him for answers, but he was silent, looking into the darkness, waiting.
You looked around at all the guys, and they were doing the same except for Lunehtiel. His wings were growing out of his back and he looked over at Noki. "Get Kira out of here..."
"But-" you tried to object, but Kyo threw you into Noki's arms and agreed.
"Get her out of here Noki!" he yelled as the ground began to shake and flames shot up out of the ground all around you.
Your vision was foggy, and you barely hear through the pounding still in your head. You heard yourself scream as Noki began to say something, then everything went black...

You felt cold... Like you were laying on ice. but when you opened your eyes and looked around you found yourself staring down at cold stone. You couldn't focus enough or move to see where exactly you were at , but a soft wheezing sound let you know that Noki was somewhere near.
A gentle hand laid itself on your shoulder and turned you around so you were laying on your back. You looked up into the face of Ariel, holding her finger against her lips for silence. You nodded slowly and sat up, rubbing the back of your head as it began to hurt very badly. A small amount of blood came of your head onto your hand, but it didn't look serious so you didn't worry about it.
"Is your arm ok?" a very sweet female voice asked and you looked up in surprise at Ariel. She had her tongue back... and she was talking.
But she shook her head and you nodded looking yourself over. Nothing to serious until you looked at the side of your arm. It was slightly burned, and hurt when you brushed it over with your hand. You remembered yourself screaming before you passed out.
"I'll take care of it once we get to the surface," Ariel said quietly then added on a lower note, "if we get to the surface."
You nodded again, ever nod bring pain to your head. You turned and looked around. You were in a small room, that was completely dark, and made of stone. You crawled over to a mass on the floor close to Ariel and saw that it was Noki...
His chest rose and fell shakily, his breathing barely there, but he was alive. No wounds or cuts or injuries of any kind, which was a huge relief. But none of the other guys were there...
You brought Noki's head into your lap, and looked over to Ariel who was smiling faintly as she watched you. "What happened?"
"I'm not sure," she said looking up like she was thinking about it and trying to remember. "I passed out I'm ashamed to say... but it's been so long..." Her eyes turned to Noki and again filled with tears.
You watched her with pity in your heart, even though you didn't understand what was going on. "What happened to you? And why were you in Sato's castle? And how are you able to talk now?" A million questions came to mind, so you stopped so she might be able to answer at least those.
She laughed softly, her eyes gleaming oddly. "It was a long time ago... we all used to live happy with our father, even though he is cruel and harsh on everyone. We grew up together, found out our powers together, and were actually happy in the house you now live in. But one day..." her eyes got teary and her voice grew soft, and barely raised above a hush, "One day... father gave me away... to Sato."
You gasped, in shock. *How could any guy do that to his own daughter?* you wondered, your stomach turning. It was one of the most awful thoughts you could think of. Belonging to Sato forever...
She watched you and knew what the next question would be, "I didn't have a choice. I am powerless down here... we are in Hell if you haven't figured that much out."
You had had your suspicions about it all along, but hearing it really brought terror to your heart. But more importantly, "Why are you so powerless here? Your brothers seem to have all their powers."
She smiled and the soft glow returned to her body, "Being half angel my powers are severely weakened even though I am also half demon."
*Wait...* you thought, completely dazed. *Did she just say half angel?*
"As you probably already know we all have different mothers," she went on to explain, "And mine is an angel. I get most of my powers from her, which is why I will be able to heal your burns when... if we get out of here and to the surface. But down here I can do nothing, but this simple glow."
"So what happened to your-" you pointed at your mouth trying not to be insensitive.
"Oh," she giggled lightly and nodded, "Well Sato didn't want me telling you everything I knew. So he cut out my tongue. Unfortunately I heal very quickly and it would grow back every night. So every time it grew back he would cut it out."
You swallowed and felt your stomach turn again. "I'm so sorry..."
"It was not your fault," she laid a reassuring hand onto your shoulder and you touched it with your own hand trying to comfort her as she was comforting you.
Noki shifted slightly in your lap and you looked down at him as he opened his eyes. At first he jumped, startled by seeing you and his long last sister looking down at him. But then memories came back to him and he closed his eyes in pain. "I should have known..."
You stroked back his hair. "It's not your fault Noki. Whatever you're thinking..."
"I should have known that my magic wouldn't work here is he didn't want for us to escape," he shivered and rolled over so his face was facing your stomach. It might not of been the best time for it, but him laying like that was making you blush and Ariel giggled as she saw it.
"You really care for my brothers," she said, her eyes sparkling with light, "I can tell. So you're the one who must choose between them?"
You blushed brighter and nodded.
"Well you certainly are a pretty little thing," she commented looking you over. It kind of made you feel weird, having a girl look at you like that. Do you know which one yet?"
"Oh no of course not!" You denied a little louder than you should have. Your voice dropped back down to a whisper, "I've been on a date with Lunehtiel so far."
"Awwww Luney got to go on a date?" she asked excitedly. "So how was it?"
"It was great," you said trying not to make Noki feel uncomfortable.
Ariel took the hint and left you alone about it only adding, "Sorry... I haven't had girl talk in forever. By the way have you seen Ember?"
You looked at her confused for a minute wondering who Ember might be.
Ariel looked at you and laughed. "The little dragon. His name's Ember. Have you seen him?"
Actually you hadn't seen him since Ariel had been holding his hand. You shook your head, looking sad. "But I'm sure he's ok."
"Oh I'm not worried about him really," she admitted, which made you wonder how close they were. "He can take care of himself."
You nodded, not feeling so relieved yourself. Ember was so small... you didn't know how something like him could possibly take care of himself, but you would trust Ariel. She had gotten you this far, and was a sister to the guys you trusted more than anything.
A door opened from out of no where and an empty voice came into the door. "Noki, your father demands your presence."
Noki lay there for a minute, taking in being this close to you then sat up and got to his feet. "And what of these two?" He asked opening his hands toward you and Ariel.
"They are to come..." the voice sneered mockingly and the presence disappeared.
Noki pulled you up to your feet, being careful of your burned arm, and Ariel stood up by herself.
Noki looked into your eyes for a minute, almost regretfully then suddenly his lips were pressed against yours(noki fans: finally!) in a small light kiss that still left you breathless. After kissing you he took your hand and the three of you walked outside of the small room and toward your fate.