Falling in love is great. Unless it's with a demon.

(3)Meeting the brothers

You ran home and dropped your things into your room, ready to head out the door to meet with Kyo. Then the thought occurred to you… *I just met this guy... And I'm already going over to his house? What if he's some kind of psychopath? What if his family is a group of cannibals waiting for their next meal to walk in the door?* You stood in your bedroom doorway thinking these things over, but eventually laughed at yourself for having such thoughts.
"People saw me with him today and assume I'm his girlfriend," you said out loud as you ran down the stairs. "If I disappear they'll all know where to look."
"What was that dear?" Your mom asked as she came from beside the stairway. "Did you just say you have a boyfriend?"
You blushed bright red, trying to hold yourself together. You had never really had a boyfriend before so this was going to be big news for your mom. "Yeah mom... I'm going out to meet with him right now, if that's ok?"
Your mom gave you a huge smile and hugged you. "I'm so glad... You have seemed very lonely."
You nodded and without saying anything else ran out the door with the paper in hand. You looked down, realizing that it was quite a walk to his house, but not too far that you needed to get a ride. The fresh air was always good and you liked to say hello to all the cats that passed you by.
Finally after about a half an hour you started to wonder if maybe you should have gotten a ride as the sky began to grow dark with fat rain clouds that seemed ready to burst.
"A little rain won't kill me..." you murmured to yourself, remembering when you were little how you used to love walking in the rain. It gave you some nasty colds, but it seemed so soothing at times. You had never really had all that many friends beside Jake and a few others so anything in solitude was almost preferred to the big crowds that most people seemed to be drawn to.
The houses got further spaced apart and trees soon filled your vision from left to right. It was eerily silent as thunder rumbled somewhere behind you and you quickened your pace to avoid the oncoming storm. You didn't really know what kind of guy Kyo was, but surely he wouldn't leave you out in a storm.
The rain began to fall lightly and you pulled the hood of your light jacket over your head. It began to fall harder in no time, and soon your were drenched to the bone and holding your hand in front of your eyes to see where you were going. You, however, could see no further than two inches in front of your face and wondered if maybe you should find shelter beneath a tree. The thought was driven from your mind as a shape appeared in front of you and the rain was suddenly stopped by an umbrella hovering over your head.
"I'm glad I found you," Kyo yelled through the thunder as he took your arm and began to lead you, "It's not far."
You nodded, wiping the rain away from your face and held onto his arm as he led you to a big two story house where he didn’t hesitate to take you inside.
The smell of musty old books and furniture assailed your nose as you stepped in and you coughed lightly, making Kyo look back at you with worry.
"I'm fine," you answered his silent question as you wrapped your arms around yourself, suddenly feeling very cold.
"I'm sorry about the weather," Kyo apologized as if he might have had something to do with it.
"Your parents aren't going to mind that I'm over are they?" You asked worriedly. You hadn't expected to come into his house, just stay outside while he said what he needed to. "I can come back another time-"
"No, no!" Kyo grabbed your arm and pulled you further into the house. "I don't live with my parents."
You looked at him confused. "Then... you live alone in this big house?"
He gave you an uneasy look before a weak smiled appeared on his lips. "Not entirely... I do have two brothers living here with me."
You paled at the notion, your mind automatically thinking, *What have I gotten myself into...?* as you backed away slowly, feeling for the door, but Kyo jumped and pulled you back to him. “I promise I won't let any harm come to you." Then he added in a very soft voice, "I'm surprised you don't remember..."
He opened a door and you followed him into what looked like a living room. It had a couch, TV, chairs and other assorted things. One of those things being a boy with long blonde hair laying on a sofa.
Kyo sighed and went up to the boy, leaving you standing by the door.
Kyo gently shook the other boy trying to wake him, but the other boy only tried to shoo Kyo away with hand motions and a few not so polite words.
"She's here, Chase," Kyo said in a loud voice that you could now hear and Chase pushed him away yet again, seemingly uncaring of whether you were there or not.
Kyo motioned for you to come nearer and to sit down. "Stay here, will you? Chase won't bother you... He's too lazy to even wake up!" Kyo said the last part loud enough for Chase to hear, but it didn't seem to bother him.
Kyo shrugged and gave you a friendly smile before disappearing into another room. You heard his footsteps echo in the other room and then quickly go up a set of stairs before disappearing completely.
You sat back in the chair, trying your hardest to relax.
"Not very much of a gentleman is he?"
You jumped out of your chair at the sound of Chase’s voice next to your ear and put your hand over your heart as if to calm it's throbbing beat.
Lightning struck somewhere outside, illuminating the space behind Chase and his eyes which you now realized were ice blue. The lights flickered in the house a couple times before completely blacking out.
It was still light enough outside that you could see pretty clearly so you weren't afraid of anything Chase might do to you in the dark. He did seem to have some kind of feel to him... Like hunger. Then again your imagination was running rampant.
You watched as Chase pulled his shirt over his head and held it out to you. "Here... you're wet."
You shook your head to his offering. You'd still be wet even if you put it on.
Chase smiled coyly and pointed behind him. "There's a bathroom over there. My brother is too busy with his own thoughts to recognize a lady in need," he moved so he was only inches from your face and you could feel his breath on your neck. "So I thought I might accommodate you."
You tore the shirt from his hand and made a run for the bathroom door, locking it behind you. Thankfully there were candles lit so you could see where you were going. Everything looked so old... You pulled your shirt off of your soaked body and dried off as best as you could with a towel that was hanging near by. After giving up on that you found your pants weren't as damp as your shirt so you slipped Chase's shirt over your head. It smelled pleasantly sweet and you found yourself inhaling the scent without realizing it.
You turned your head as a knock sounded at the door. "Kira? We'd like for you to come out now…" It was Kyo's voice, sounding slightly tense and nervous, "We need to talk to you..."
You brushed back your still wet hair and tried to make yourself look presentable. You were in a house with three hot guys(you supposed the last one was hot since he was a brother to the other two) and they needed to tell you something. You imagined one of them proclaiming their love for you and then whisking you away to another world, but soon shook the thoughts from your head as another, more urgent knock sounded at the door.
"I'm coming," you said sweetly and opened the door.
There beside the door stood Kyo, waiting patiently for you. He smiled and took your hand, gently leading you back to the room where candles were now lit creating warm pools of light that made the darkness flee and your shadows dance.
Chase smiled sexily as you approached and you felt kind of uncomfortable wearing his shirt suddenly.
There was another boy of about the same age in the room sitting away from the candles. You could see that he had white hair and a thin form, but other than that you could discern no features though you felt his eyes on you, peering through the darkness into your very soul even.
The only you felt any comfort in was Kyo and you still didn't know him all that well.
"I see you've already made your move," The boy in the shadows said in a hissing voice.
"Gotta take the chance when it comes along," he said winking at you. You didn't know what they were talking about, but it seemed to upset Kyo a great deal and it was just then that he noticed you were wearing Chase's shirt.
"I thought that we agreed to tell her before we started..." Kyo growled low, giving Chase a deadly look.
Chase shrugged looking innocent. "I was only helping a lady in need." He winked at you again and you blushed even brighter as your eyes wandered down his tone body.
"Sit here," Kyo said softly and you put your eyes down and sat where he had directed without question. But then the most obvious one came to mind. "Why am I here?"
Kyo looked uneasy and Chase laughed. "You haven't told her yet?"
"I just found her this morning!" Kyo shot back, looking as though he would pounce on Chase just to shut him up.
"That's plenty of time," Chase disagreed moving towards Kyo.
Kyo was ready for the challenge, and you were about to stop them when the boy in the corner suddenly spoke out. "You have to marry one of us."
You had barely heard it, his voice was so soft and frail, but you knew what he had said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright to make this simple: Kyo= brown hair and golden eyes. Chase= blonde hair and blue eyes. Noki= white hair and silver eyes. Noki is also a bit more frail than his brothers…