Falling in love is great. Unless it's with a demon.

(32)Going home gives some people the weirdest feel

“That seemed to take forever…” Chase grumbled as he carried in a suitcase full of your clothes.
“But it was a beautiful wedding,” you smiled as you pushed him out of the doorway, nearly knocking him down.
“You just think that because you got to be a bridesmaid,” Lunehtiel commented carrying in all of Ariel’s belongings.
“I was a bridesmaid too!” She chimed in, skipping happily into the house. “I think it was fun.”
“Yeah me too,” Kyo laughed walking in after Ariel.
“You just had some kind of crush on Ai,” Chase laughed slapping Kyo’s back.
“Did not…” Kyo argued, but his cheeks were burning bright red and he turned and went into the living room to hide.
You laughed and shook your head at Chase. “You’re one to talk. What was with all the flirting?”
“He flirts with anything that moves, haven’t you noticed?” Noki answered for Chase, coming in last and shutting the door behind him.
“Yeah I kind of did notice that,” you glared at Chase and he shrugged and walked away with his hands behind his head. “Hey, maybe if you’d give me a little something then I wouldn’t have to turn to all these other girls.”
You gave him the death glare at the back of his head, but he didn’t notice as he turned a corner and disappeared.
“Well I’m going to make lunch,” Lunehtiel said uneasily and ran into the kitchen.
Noki chuckled and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “It’s good to be home.”
You smiled and looked around at the familiar house. “It sure is. I wonder where Jake is…”
“Right here,” Jake said, coming into the house from behind you. He closed the door and hugged you tight for a minute.
“Thanks for watching the house for us,” you said, hugging him back, and Noki watched the two of you jealously.
“No problem,” he laughed and let go of you seeing the look Noki was giving him. “How was the wedding?”
“It was great,” you beamed and took his arm, leading him away, with Noki following. “I got to be bridesmaid, and I promised Ai, the girl that was getting married, that we’d get together sometimes. But they had to go off on their honeymoon for now,” you giggled and winked at him.
Jake stopped and gave you a funny look, and you just laughed and walked away, finding yourself in the living room with Kyo.
He didn’t look at you as you walked in, and only stared out the window, trying to hide.
You put your hand on his shoulder. “You ok?”
He sighed and turned to you, a look of apology in his eyes, “I should be asking you that.”
You plopped down on the couch beside him and patted his leg, “We all know you had this little crush on Ai. So what? Big deal. I was kinda making eyes at Akito myself…”
Kyo shook his head and laughed, “Was it obvious to him?”

“Well,” you tapped your finger against your chin then shrugged. “I don’t think so. But I’m not upset with you for liking Ai. She’s one sexy mamma if I do say so myself.”
Kyo busted out laughing and you got up and flitted from that room to the kitchen so glad to be home, even if you did have a lot of fun.
You leaned against the counter, and waited until Lunehtiel turned around, and he nearly dropped his tray of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches seeing you behind him so suddenly.
“Hi there,” you smiled at him, trying not to laugh as he set the tray on the table and sat down.
You followed him and sat down beside him, and stared at him, all the while he gave you nervous side glances, until he turned and looked at you fully. “Why are you staring at me?”
You shrugged and smiled at him again and reached out and pinched his cheeks, “Cause you’re just so cute.”
You were in a weird mood, and felt like spreading it to all the guys. And Lunehtiel was certainly feeling weird after that… He cleared his throat and reached for a sandwich, and started eating, trying his best not to let it show that he was kinda creeped out by your behavior.
After a few minutes of staring at him, you hugged him around the neck, made a squeaking noise, and then ran off to find Chase.
You ran down one hall, then up the stairs and skidded to a stop, seeing a flash of him at the corner of your eye. You peeked into a darkened room and saw him sitting on his bed, looking down. You crept up to him, slowly, quietly, but when you tried to pounce on him he turned, grabbed you in his arms and held you on top of him. You were the one surprised to be in this situation…
“What are you doing?” he asked, teasingly, stroking the side of your face with one hand.
You blushed and tried to get up, but his other arm was wrapped around you holding you down. “Just walking around…”
“And you suddenly felt the urge to pounce on me?” he asked, laughing.
“I just wanted to scare you,” you admitted, feeling his hand running down your side, to the bottom of your shirt where he stopped, feeling your bare skin as your shirt rode up slightly.
“Oh I’m so scared,” he laughed and you pushed away from him, jumping to the ground off of him. He sat up, and leaned on one elbow against his bed, looking oh so sexy.
You gulped and smiled, trying to make it seem as though you didn’t think he was sexy, even though you completely did. “You’re a jerk.”
“And you know you want me,” he reached out and grabbed your wrist, pulling you down to him, and kissed you, roughly on the lips, letting his tongue instantly slip inside.
You were so shocked at first that he could have done anything to you, but then you pushed him away after a minute of regaining control of yourself. Glaring you ran out of the room, even if you weren’t really all that angry with him. All the other guys kissed you as they pleased, and it didn’t bother you so much, because usually you were on a date with one of them, but this kissing you out of no where thing, wasn’t going to happen. Not that often anyway…
You were so distracted by thoughts of Chase you ran right into Noki, who had been walking down the hallway, reading a book, and also not paying attention. He wrapped his arms around you, to keep you steady and from falling down, and you blushed and looked up at him, thanking him for catching you.
“Anytime,” he breathed, and you felt like he was about to kiss you too, so you slipped out of his arms and backed away, down towards the stairs, smiling and waving.
“I think I need to lay down,” you laughed at yourself, and ran to your room next, locking the door behind you. You leaned against it for a second, shaking and rubbing your head, before you went to your bed and laid down, everything that you had left behind from to go to the wedding, catching up with you. All your worries of picking a guy had vanished with that little vacation, but now, sadly, it was back to reality and you had some big things to deal with. Like choosing a guy, and figuring out how to get Jake and Ariel together. Sure that was none of your business, but you were going to try anyway. Knowing the both of them, they’d never tell each other. Your biggest worry was the choosing which guy thing, but you could put it out of your mind to think about Jake and Ariel.
*Maybe if I just get them together somewhere, alone, things will happen by themselves, and they’ll end up getting together alone. But how…* You shrugged, and stood up as a knock came to your door.
It was Kyo, and he looked worried as he grabbed your arm and pulled you out the door, “You need to come and see this…”