Falling in love is great. Unless it's with a demon.

(46)Dream of the future

“Kira, wake up!” That was what you heard before someone whopped you upside the head with a pillow, rousing you from a peaceful sleep. The sun hit your eyes like razors, forcing you to cover them up and groan.

Another hit to the back of the head made no difference, you only snuggled down deeper and tried to go back to sleep.

“Kira, you’re going to miss your own wedding!”

Your eyes opened wide and you sat up straight in bed, seeing Ariel standing in front of you with the pillow in hand, ready to hit you again. But you raised your hands in defense, “What are you talking about? I haven’t even accepted any of their-” you stopped and looked down at yourself in the bed. You were in a perfect white dress from head to toe. You shook your head, not understanding, “But I never said I would marry any of them…”

“You’re just being silly,” Ariel laughed, pulling you out of the bed, and ushered you to the doors of your bedroom. Outside of it were Ai and Akane, waiting patiently and dressed in deep pink dresses. They smiled and each hugged you as you came out, though you were puzzled beyond anything as to what was going on.

“I can’t believe you’re finally getting married!” Ai said excitedly.

Akane nodded, and nearly jumped up and down, “I know, this is great. I can’t wait until it’s my turn, next.”

“I don’t know about that,” Ariel laughed, waving her off, “Jake and I are getting pretty serious… he actually just proposed to me the other night.”

You stopped and stared at Ariel, unable to believe that one after all the trouble he had even asking her out, “Jake… asked you to marry him?”

“We sat up all night talking about it,” she said, looking concerned as she felt your forehead, “Are you feeling ok?”

“She’s just nervous, of course,” Ai jumped in, giving you a warm smile, “I know I was with Akito… but I knew it was right.”

“Aww,” both Akane and Ariel said in unison, turning their attention to her for the moment.

“You do look lovely,” Akito said, appearing out of no where from behind you.

You jumped slightly, then smiled as best you could, “I- I’m glad you think so. Is that-?”

Akito smiled and looked down at the baby in his arms, “Yes. You remember her don’t you?”

“Of course she does,” Ai came back over to the two of you and looked down adoringly at her baby, “You were there for the birth(please remember people who also read my vampire story that this story is now ahead a couple months. So where Ai is pregnant in the other story here she has had the baby…)”

You didn’t remember any of it actually. And just who were you getting married to anyway? You didn’t have the time to answer as Ariel took you by your elbow, and dragged you down the hallway, the stairs, and towards the front of the house. “It’s almost time…” she whispered into your ear as you got to the front of the house. Not the ideal spot you had planned for your wedding, but since you didn’t even remember planning it you guessed you couldn’t complain.

You got the door, and could see through one of the windows beside it that there were people waiting outside, all lined up as if waiting for something. You…

Your stomach turned inside of you like it would leap out of your throat and you wanted to run for it, but then you saw Jake come inside really quick while Akito went out, not letting anyone see you.

He smiled as he walked up to you, and kissed your cheek gently, “You’re gorgeous, Kira… I don’t think I’ll see a more beautiful bride.”

You blushed, but looked troubled, “Jake, I don’t understand what’s-”

“I know, this is crazy,” he laughed, taking your arm in his, “It’s already your wedding. And I’m here to walk you, just like I promised.”

Jake was walking you down the isle? Not what you had imagined either, but it was a good idea, he was your very best friend in the world.

Jake pulled you back into the stairs and the doors opened. Music flooded into the room, and the girls started to walk out, carrying pink roses in their arms, and a guy was on their sides. They wished you good luck, and with tears in their eyes they left, and you were alone with Jake, his arm holding your own tightly.

“Are you ready?” Jake asked, his voice tight and nervous.

But before you could answer you were moving, out of the darkness of the front room and into the sunlight and the crowd of people gathered before you. Everyone gasped, and your dear bridesmaid were already shedding tears for you. And then when you turned your head towards the groom you saw him…

You woke up with a start, and took in a deep breath coughing a bit. It had been a dream… just a dream. But a lot more at the same time… Tears gathered in your eyes as you realized… He was the one. He was the one who you had always loved. The one who had always been there for you, the one who never let you down no matter what. You jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to find everyone gathered together in the living room, lucky you, Noki reading, Lunehtiel playing video games, Chase and Kyo fighting over a bag of chips, and Ariel and Jake sitting on the couch next to Noki, talking quietly.

Everyone’s eyes turned to you, and you smiled bigger than you had in your entire life.

“What’s going on?” Ariel asked for everyone, as you took a step forward.

“I just had to tell everyone,” you took a deep breath in and closed your eyes preparing yourself, “That I’ve made my decision about who I’d like to marry…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okies pokies, this is the end. Well not exactly that would be too cruel lol There are going to be four finale chapter, each one showing you marrying one of the different guys, got it? Read one, read them all, I don’t care, and after this I'll get busy uploading my 70 chapters of the sequel so far xD