Falling in love is great. Unless it's with a demon.

(9)Flying with the new guy

You struggled against Kyo at first, not wanting to take any part if the death of innocent people, especially if it was all because of that disgusting Sato. You knew you didn't have any chance at escaping Kyo's grasp, but it was worth a shot. You finally closed your eyes, and lay still in his arms, telling yourself in your head that you would get answers later, but right now you really did need to be escaping. Everything went by so fast, you wondered if maybe Noki had cast his teleportation spell, but you soon found yourself being tossed into the back of the car beside Kyo while Vhase took the drivers seat and Noki sat beside him.
"You think you can get us out of here before there's any trouble?" Noki asked, looking concerned. You once again thought about why he hadn't just teleported you all out of there.
Chase smiled and looked back at you before turned the engine on and speeding back and out of the mall parking lot. It looked like you were going to escape until a police car came whizzing by, nearing crashing into your car. Chase swore and moved to the left to avoid it before returning to the right lane, the police car speeding after you.
"I think Sato is really trying to kill us this time!" Kyo yelled, holding onto you as you nearly crashed head first into the drivers seat in front of you.
"Nah," Chase answered, as Noki was holding on for dear life. "He doesn't want Kira dead, so this is just to scare us. Or get us arrested in which case he'll take the opportunity to take her."
"Did you kill those people?" You glared asking Noki.
Noki looked like he was going to be sick. "You have toask about that now?!"
"Yes or I'm jumping out of this car!" You gripped the door handle, not really intending to jump out, but you hoped he'd believe you.
Noki;s eyes got huge and he looked over to Kyo."Kyo stop her!"
"Touch me and I open the door!" You yelled at Kyo who stopped just as he was about to grab you. He looked at Noki and shrugged. "Better answer her."
Noki sighed. "I just put them to sleep."
You crossed your arms over your chest, "I don't believe you."
Chase suddenly swurved the car which made you accidentally open the door and go flying out.
You screamed, ready to splat all over the highway, but the impact never came. You found yourself instead in an even worse position. In Sato's arms...
"Miss me, love?" He brought you close to his face and breathed in. "You smell lovely..."
You pushed him away, completely disgusted. "Let me go you creep!"
"Maybe you should consider what you're saying," he smiled and looked down.
You followed his gaze and saw that you were much higher than you had thought, nearly in the clouds. You had a choice then... Try to get out of his arms and plunge to your death, or let him take you back to his lair and become some twisted pleasure slave. You didn't even have to think about it really before you began to struggle and bite and scratch until finally he let you go with a cry. You sighed in temporary relief until you noticed that the ground was getting closer by every second. You let out a small scream, preparing yourself for the force of the impact.
Down on the ground Chase had pulled the car over, and the guys had started argueing with eachother about what to do about the situation. But before they knew it you were tumbling toward the ground at a very fast rate while screaming. Kyo was frozen in his worry, Noki was hunched over coughing and Chase was off and running to where he thought you might land.
You closed your eyes, seeing your life flash before your eyes, and realized how much you had wanted to do and would never get to. Get married, have kids, live in a nice little house with a white fence and have two pet cats. But it was never going to happen... Your last thought was that the guysa would be ok, and not die because of this.
At least your thought that was going to be your last thought... But suddenly you didn't feel as if you were falling anymore. You opened your eyes and looked up, expecting to see Sato, which wouldn't have been so bad since you realized you weren't ready to die. But when you look up it wasn't Sato that was holding you. It was some other guy with shoulder length brown hair, and blue eyes. He reminded you of the guys and you wondered if maybe he was yet another guy trying ot win your affections.You stared at him for a minute, wondering what this guys intentions were for you when he turned his head and smiled down at you.
"Hi," he shifted you in his arms a bit, so you were laying across them.
You stared up at him, silent, not knowing what to say. He had wings, like Sato, but Sato's were black with specks of white. This guys were black with red feathers on the tips. They were pretty and looked so soft you just wanted to reach out and touch them, but that didn't seem too appropriate since you didn't know who he was. "Who are you?" you yelled over the rushing air of him flying.
He seemed to be ignoring you as he looked behind him and saw Sato chasing after the two of you looking very angry.
"Answer me!" you demanded, wanting to know right then whether he was on your side or Sato's side. You gotsuddenly very quiet though when his started to redden. You didn't know if you had done something to make you mad, but very quickly it looked as though fire might come out of them. You got ready to jump out of his arms as well if need be, but he wasn't looking at you. He was looking down at the ground, searching for something. You heard the sound of metal scrapping against something and suddenly a car went flying past you and behind the strange guy. You heard a muffled groan and looked past his shoulder to see the car going straight into Sato. It took him out of the air and crashing into the ground. You landed safely on the ground and ran from the strange guy to Kyo and Noki who were wating for you. Chase showed up next and all three of the guys looked slightly alarmed at the new comer.
"What are you doing here?" Noki asked, looking over to you. Kyo was examining you to make sure that you weren't hurt and you finally shooed away his hands and stepped away.
"Will someone tell me who he is, since you obviously know him?" You asked pointing at the new guy who gave you a strange look and stepped up to you before the other guys could answer.
He took your hand and gently kissed the tips of your fingers looking into your eyes. "I am Lunehtiel. Fourth brother to these guys who obviously don't know how to take care of you." He pointed back to the others, who glared at him for getting to touch you.
You took a deep breath in relief."So you're not here to take me?"
"Well that's not exactly true," he pulled you close, his arm around your waist. "I'm here to take you from them."
You blushed deep red and stared into his eyes, which had turned blue again. "Umm... ok. Thanks for saving me."
Kyo walked over to the two of you and pulled you from Lunehtiel's arms. "I thought you were away, helping your mother."
Lunetiel shrugged and looks backl at you. "I couldn't leave such a pretty girl alone with the three of you. If it wasn't for me she would be splattered all over the ground.
The thought made your stomach turn and you intervened before they got into more argueing. "It's only fair that he get the same chance as you," you told Kyo, who looked disappointed that you would say such a thing. "But I think right now we should get out of here." You looked around and you weren't all that far from the highway and people were starting to pull over and stare.
"She's right," Noki agreed and disappeared before your eyes.
"So who's going to carry me?" you asked looking at each of the remaining guys and they all took a step forward to you.
"I'll do it!" Lunehtiel said grabbing you into his arms and taking off before the other guys could object. He flew with you, high into thr air, forcing you to hold onto him close.