In Her Dreams

The rest of the car ride was silent. I thought the entire way, but not about how I would sidestep my father, about how close Zack and I were and how Jacob was slowly becoming a friend. It made my heart race at just the thought of it. Then as we slowly approached my house my heart started beating faster for an entirely different reason.

As I got out of the car and said my good byes to the two and slowly walked towards my house I felt as if I were walking straight into a den full of lions, vicious, unfed lions.

“Why are we still here?” I asked. Pest shook his head then motioned for me to crawl into the front seat. My side was facing the house so I turned to stare at it like he was. Nothing changed except for the hallway light turning on after a few minutes.

“No, Maggie what the Hell are you doin’?” Pest whispered frantically. I noticed movement behind the thick curtains, but it was hard to tell what was happening. I didn’t know why Pest was so worried. “You didn’t think he’d notice a light?!” He kept whispering.