In Her Dreams

Chapter Two.


Much to my dismay, I woke up the next morning… late. Dylan was hammering on my door again and I fought myself trying to get up. Why couldn’t I just stay under the thermal blankets that were most definitely warmer than the air in the basement? It only took me a few minutes because I heard more people behind the door. I must have missed my alarm clock.


“Maggie, you get up…” I heard Dylan yell louder than before. I opened the door and he shut up. I smirked at him. “Just get dressed sleeping beauty, dad’s already left.” I nodded and as soon as I turned my eyes rolled. Yeah, we got along like friends –-sometimes-- but we’re related. Brother and sister. Siblings fight. It should be a law of nature or something.

I wonder if Newton had siblings.

Shaking my head I grabbed some clothes and turned the heater on in the bathroom. I jumped into the room, closing the door behind me, before stripping down and pulling on the freezing clothes.

“I need to remember to let them warm up first.” I muttered to myself while shivering. The room was so warm I almost fell asleep, but I had to get moving otherwise I would miss the buss.

I ran up the stairs to where the heat was, I didn’t like the cold much. Dylan was waiting in the kitchen.

“I figured you would just leave without me again.” He said smiling at me. I turned so he could see me roll my eyes yet again and he just rolled his back. “Breakfast?”

“No. I’m going to get going.” I mumbled before opening the door. It hadn’t been this cold yesterday, but I thought I would be okay with out risking my coats life. I left it on its hook where it would be ‘safe’ for the day.

Half way to the stop I realized I had left something way more valuable than the coat behind. I had left music, A.K.A. my life. I frowned, but didn’t turn back. I wouldn’t doubt that I was close to missing the buss already.

I could always skip school though. Run home, grab the iPod. No one would notice me being gone anyway right? Wrong. Someone would remember my slowly fading life and decide it would be best to tell someone I had ditched the rest of them in an attempt at being some sort of rebel.

My life sucks. It’s official.

I’m noticed when I don’t want to be and I’m not noticed well… all of the time that I’m not being noticed, which is mostly all the time.

I hummed the rest of the way to make up for the absence of the professionals… and to stop the track of thought I had been on.

No one was at the buss stop and almost instantly I started to panic. I should have stayed around the house and Dylan should have just given me a ride. Why was I so stubborn?

Then the buss pulls up and I feel stupid for panicking. As I climbed the three small steps I noticed someone sitting in my seat. I sighed before swinging around and just sitting in the front seat that was adjacent from the driver.

After that the day was normal, for me at least. I heard there was a fight, but I hadn’t strained my ears to find out what it had been about. It didn’t matter much to me anyway. If I wasn’t involved what was the point of getting myself involved?

The ride home from school was the same as most days. I got my regular seat back and stared out the window. Nothing was different. Nothing was ever different.

I don’t know why, but I got this feeling that said I wanted a change. I needed more than windows and music to get me through my life.

I needed change.

Just not as fast as it came.


I saw her today. We have almost all of the same classes. I had my first period with her and I listened –-for once-- and found out her name. It was Maggie.

I knew it was short for something, but I didn’t know what.

By lunch time I had found out that she really was good at singing and that she was usually humming, but quietly. She really paid attention in class and she acted like she didn’t hear the people snickering and talking about her behind her back. Maybe she didn’t hear them at all –-I hadn’t noticed until today--, emotions never played across her features long enough for me to tell. I also found out that Dylan Summers, one of my old best friends, was her older brother.

That was a shock to me. He had never said anything about Maggie. We never hung out at his house either. Maybe he was ashamed of her?

Maybe I’m stupid. Maybe I’m just over thinking things.

“Ugh… Miss Summers this and Miss Summers that. Stupid teachers pet needs to get a life.” I heard I high pitched voice say rather loudly from some where behind me. I knew that voice. She was probably the most popular girl in the school, but I just thought she was a slut. I could rant about her for a very long period of time, but I won’t.

Not now.

They were talking about Maggie.

I strained my ears to hear the rest of the conversation as the room’s noise level got higher and higher.

“Oh, and you’re trying to steal some of that well earned fame?” A deeper voice stated sarcastically.

“Oh yes!” Stupid pitchy voice. I swear I’ll kill Veronica myself one of these days. “Hello Mr. Bett… do you want to see what I’d like on the next test?” She said poorly mimicking the sweet girl’s voice.

Maggie’s voice was soft and comforting not high and… never mind. I think I’m getting in a bit too deep. That’s around the point where Jack got involved. He was on the football team.

Woo! Go stupids! Ugh.

Ha, I guess I’m a bit of a hypocrite. I was once on the very same team as Jack Lavier, but only because I was forced. Sometimes I hated my parents.

“Who are we talking about now?” He asked dumbly.

“Maggie…” Veronica feigned a swoon-ish type thing. I didn’t know what to call it, but it sickened me. Rolling my eyes I slowly reached for a carton of milk.

“Oh. Her?” He said faking surprise. They must talk about her often. I wonder how I’d never even noticed her.

“Yeah that…” I barely listened to what she said, but it was too much. I turned around with a scowl on my face and somehow I’d managed to get a shot at Veronica’s face and then suddenly the ground was beneath my back.

I don’t know how it happened, but in the end there was a crowd around us and someone holding both Jack and I back. I could see a small amount of bruises along his body and I could feel some forming on mine.

It wasn’t exactly my first fist fight, but I knew from the look on Mr. Lavier’s face that it definitely wasn’t even close to the last.

Just wait until my parents heard about this.

Just wait until Maggie heard about this.
♠ ♠ ♠
I noticed this layout really looks bad on certain computers...

That was my random fact of the day *smiles* *bows*
