In Her Dreams

Chapter Seven.


“Maggie… ya gotta wake up… or Dylan’ll kill me.” I heard Zack say quietly next to my ear. It didn’t feel like when Jacob had done it… it was rougher. Like old worn down hands. It was comforting though.

I sat up slowly trying to keep from getting dizzy. It worked this time and Zack helped me stand up. I smiled at him before surveying the area. Jacob was asleep in one of the bean bag chairs and Zack kicked him as he helped me slowly walk by.

“Wha-?” I laughed quietly at the disoriented Jacob. “Wait… Pest!” He yelled coming up behind us. I turned to look at him. I remembered what happened now; I just liked acting like I didn’t better. It’s probably easier on him too.

“Jake you should head home before your mommy gets worried.” Zack said. I looked at the ground and Zack let go of me and let me walk for myself for a while. There was barely a difference in height between us.

He was almost eighteen and almost as tall as me, which is sad considering I’m short for my age and I’m also only sixteen. Shaking my head I took another unsteady step towards the door.

I about screamed when my knee gave out and I was tumbling towards the floor. I sighed in relief when two warm arms caught me. “You okay?” He whispered, again my hair tickled the sensitive skin around my ear. I nodded not trusting my voice yet.

This whole ordeal was scaring me. What would dad do? I already know he’s drunk I mean it’s a Friday; he’s always drunk on Fridays. He’d probably take joy in knowing I’m weaker than the last time. He’d call it ‘finally breaking me’. I honestly think he’s insane when he’s drunk.

He doesn’t tumble around and he doesn’t stumble or slur, he just takes on an entirely different mind set. Like multiple personalities. There’s the drunk dad and the hardly-known real dad.

“Are you sure?” Jacob asked as he stood me up again. I could only nod and make sure I didn’t fall in my next step to prove my point. So I took a hesitant step and succeeded.

By the time all three of us had made it to the door I had just noticed how dark it was. I would be home after dad and something in the pit of my stomach told me he’d be waiting for me at home… angrier than ever. I wish it was just paranoia.

I must have looked terrified because Zack decided to put an arm around my shoulder and whisper soft nothings in my ear. “It’ll be fine, I bet he’s already passed out.” I tried to turn and look for Dylan.

Dylan would help me.

Zack wouldn’t let me turn though, for some reason he didn’t want me to see something. I pushed against him and turned around. Jacob turned with me.

There through the window I saw Taylor and Dylan kissing as Dylan tried to close up. I about laughed at how they acted together, but then noticed why Zack didn’t want me to know.

Dylan wouldn’t be home. He’d be with Tay. I was alone for the night.

I felt tears threaten to roll down my cheeks, but held back. “Will you drive me home?”

“What else would I be doing there Mags?” I hated it when he called me that. It sounded foolish and childlike, but I had to remember that Zack was very much a child at heart and I couldn’t yell at him for being himself. If only others could stop acting and be real for once. I shook my head.

“I don’t know Zack.” He smiled when I didn’t call him Pest. For some reason I think it bugged him. I whispered “Shotgun” before running towards the car. I sighed in success as I didn’t fall. My head didn’t hurt nearly as much anymore and I felt more like how I should.

I pulled the door handle and jumped into the messy car before Jacob even had a chance.

So not fair!” I heard him yell, before he sat in the back. I turned around and stuck my tongue out at him. I know I’m childish, but I don’t get many moments like these anymore. And he was being rather childish himself, he had his arms crossed and his lips pouted.

The rest of the car ride was silent. I thought the entire way, but not about how I would sidestep my father, about how close Zack and I were and how Jacob was slowly becoming a friend. It made my heart race at just the thought of it. Then as we slowly approached my house my heart started beating faster for an entirely different reason.

As I got out of the car and said my good byes to the two and slowly walked towards my house I felt as if I were walking straight into a den full of lions, vicious, unfed lions.


I couldn’t help, but notice how mechanically Maggie was walking towards her house. Pest refused to drive away until she was in the house and even after the door had closed behind her, the car didn’t move. I wondered what he was waiting for.

“Why are we still here?” I asked. Pest shook his head then motioned for me to crawl into the front seat. My side was facing the house so I turned to stare at it like he was. Nothing changed except for the hallway light turning on after a few minutes.

“No, Maggie what the Hell are ya doin’?” Pest whispered frantically. I noticed movement behind the thick curtains, but it was hard to tell what was happening. I didn’t know why Pest was so worried. “You didn’t think he’d notice a light?!” He kept whispering.

There was even more movement behind the curtains, but again we couldn’t see what was happening.

“What are you talking about Zack?” I asked. I was beginning to get frightened myself.

“Her dad… he’s not the best drunk in the world. It’s kinda self explanatory don’t ya think?” He said. I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was on edge. I got it now.

But I didn’t want to think about it.

I could hear a yell and then a noise that’s hard to explain. Suddenly the basement light flickered on only to flicker out right after.

“Shit. Dammit Magdolyn… what the Hell’s that supposed to mean?!” He nearly yelled. His head came in contact with the steering wheel before he started talking again. “Why did Dylan have to choose tonight…?! I mean of all nights! He knows… he…” He stopped saying coherent things and converted to uttering curses under his breath barely loud enough for me to hear. I didn’t dare to take my eyes off of the little window that lead to the basement.

I could see the cellar door and I could see it moving slightly. I narrowed my eyes trying to see better, but it didn’t help. I punched Pest to get his attention.

“What about the door? We could just walk in.” I muttered.

Shaking his head he said, “She usually has it locked or somethin’. She’s good at thinkin’ up ways to stay safe.” He rolled his eyes but then sighed. “It’s worth a shot.”

We both tried to quietly get out of his old beat up truck and quickly make our way to the cellar door.

I was surprised when it opened.
♠ ♠ ♠
“No, Maggie what the Hell are ya doin’? You didn’t think he’d notice a light?!” When Zack says that I think of that dude on Jumper... Griffin. He had a weird accent that I think was Irish or Scottish or something and when Zack says that I always seem to think he has a weird accent. Haha... just figured I'd say it 'outloud'.

I have so much of this to type yet, I have like ten pages on notebook paper. I got bored after a Spanish test and I can write pretty fast. *nods*

I'm kind of hyper and I'd figure I'd post because I needed to get away from my brother and his friend who should be working on their science fair project that's due tomorrow. I'm looking forward to going over and judging him and the other little kiddies.

On an entirely diffrent note... if you can think of an awesome song that is or has over two minutes of music with no vocals. Like the one part of Free Bird. That's the only thing I have right now... well that and Session by Linkin Park.

I'll end this extremely long author's note now. If you actually read the whole thing I'm sorry I bored you half to death.
