The Dawn of Darkness


A baby squalled into the moonless night with its first breath of air. A man lay in a shallow cave in deep within a forest alive with creatures of the night. The woman next to him cradled a new born baby, born with hair as dark as his mother’s, close to her and huddled near the fire. A sheen of sweat shined on her porcelain skin from her recent labor and her raven tangled hair swayed with the dwindling breeze.

The man gasped, breaking the silence between them.

“It is time. When I leave this world, I won’t be able to protect you. You must leave now and go into hiding.” he rasped with fading breath.

“No, I won’t leave you.” the woman whispered fervently.

“You must, I will wait for you in Aura. Now, go! Save yourself and the child. They are coming.” He urged with his last breath and died. Everything grew colder with his death. A freak wind howled into the cave and snuffed out the fire.

“It’s too late.” the woman whispered. She pulled her black shawl over her baby’s face and ran. Blood curdling screeches ripped through the haunted night. Flitting from tree to tree she felt the cold stare of the maldimidraco on her neck. Their ragged shadows grew bigger as the flying assassins flew closer and closer.

“My dragon-child, you must live. The world still needs you. Fly!” She whispered something unintelligible and an eerie green light flashed. When all was dark again the woman lay dead, ripped to shreds, and the baby was... gone.
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Yeah I know it's short, it's a prologue.

This story is something I started writing when I was in 5th grade. Yeah, I know. Why haven't I finished it? I don't know. I know what I want to happen but it is super hard work getting there. Atleast I have 19 chapters or so...