The Dawn of Darkness

Chapter 9

There sat a travel worn, but beautiful tanned porcelain stranger right in Deyna’s woods. She sat on a stump, brushing her golden brown hair and looking like she just bathed. Deyna stared at her, wondering why she was in the forest. A white scaly thing whispered something into her ear. Ok, it looked like it whispered something. She looked over at Deyna’s hiding place, as if she could see through the tree. She looked at me with those deep lovely brown pools for eyes. Like melted chocolate. Stop it. You’re being ridiculous, fawning over a beautiful stranger Deyna thought.

“You can come out now,” she said softly. Deyna’s eyes went wide with alarm. He retreated into the thicker part of the forest. Too bad. He was the most beautiful boy she had ever seen. Not beautiful in a feminine way, but handsome just didn’t seem to cut it.

“What’s taking Zeek so long? The book’s not rare!” whined Winnrey.

“Any book for Zeek is hard to find,” said Ditto darkly.

“What does that mean?” asked Winnrey.

“You’ll see!” laughed Ditto, bitterly.

Winnrey wondered who that boy was, and why he was so shy. She quickly walked out of the forest and into the village just in time to see a fat woman tossing Zeek out of the bookstore.
A group of girls giggled and fluttered eyelashes at him.

“No good, pushy, oversized...” he muttered under his breath.

“Quit horsing around, Zeek!” yelled Winnrey.

“I wasn’t!” he muttered.

“Then why were you thrown out? Can’t you do anything without getting in trouble?” asked Winnrey, still angry.

“I can’t read.” he said muttered.

“What did you say?” she asked.

“I CAN’T READ!” he yelled. The group of girls laughed so hard that some of them fell on the ground. He scowled.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Why didn’t you tell me?” asked Winnrey, “You go back, and I’ll get the book,” she said. Zeek rolled his amber eyes.

“Yes, General Ma’am.” There was that lopsided grin again and a mocking bow to follow. Winnrey ignored him this time. She turned to the girls still trying to stop laughing at the argument.

“Excuse me, but have you seen a boy with wheat curly hair and blue eyes.” Winnrey asked the girls. It took awhile for them to catch their breath.

“Yeah! Deyna’s, like, the cutest boy in the world, AND the shyest. If he hears a girl say one word to him, he blushes bright as a tomato and runs back to his little forest.” said one of the girls, “We think that his family owns the forest. You can find out more from his brother.” They all giggled. Winnrey thanked them and returned to the forest. The book store looked extremely under stocked and the shop owner looked a little unfriendly. She kept forgetting that life is different and a harder outside the castle.

A second stranger came into the forest and stopped in the same spot as the first one.

They must be traveling together, Deyna thought. That was weird since no one ever stayed in the forest since Aliquantulus offered lodging. The rumors about the forest scared off any travelers. The stranger was a boy, and by the looks of it an orphan. He had a gaunt, hungry face and his ribs stuck out. He had wild black hair, strange green eyes, and pale skin. The boy wore a pair of fading black shorts that had definitely seen better days, no make that, years. Bandages were wrapped around his chest and back. Curiosity took over Deyna’s sense. He moved closer to ask the boy what he was doing in their forest. With inhuman speed and strength, the boy was behind him with a blade to his throat. No, the blade was a wickedly shard nail.

“Can’t a body get some sleep ‘round here?” he snarled.

“Let me go! What are you doing in my forest anyways?” yelled Deyna.

“Oh! I’m sorry. I didn’t know this was your forest,” the boy, stepping back. Deyna wanted to run, but he couldn’t. Those hard, amber eyes held his gaze. Wait a minute, did his eyes change color? They told him that he’d better not run. Or else.

“What do you mean by own it? Is it your territory or do you truly own every single thing in this forest,” he asked. Deyna couldn’t look away from the terrible eyes.

“Well, my family has taken care of this forest for many generations. We’re the only ones who live here. No we’ve considered it our own. Um... my name is Deyna. What is yours?” said Deyna.

“Everyone calls me Zeek,” he answered warily.

“But what is your real name? I gave you mine so I have a right to your name. It is a courtesy here.” Deyna persisted.
“Zeek” sighed and got a far away look in his eyes. The spell on Deyna was broken, but he didn’t dare run away.

“I don’t know my real name,” he said sadly.

“Hey, I know you. You’re the one I saw not long ago!” said that girl from earlier as she came to the camp.

“Wh-what is y-you’re name? My-my name is D-D-Deyna” stuttered Deyna, looking at his bare feet.

“Winnrey Saydeur,” she replied nonchalantly. Zeek growled at her ignorance. Idiot, you can’t go around giving everyone your name. It’s too dangerous!
That’s a weird name, thought Deyna.
No, it is not! Where had that voice come from? It felt like something else was in his mind, or someone...

Who are you?! How can you do that? Deyna’s mind panicked. Zeek narrowed his eyes. They were just standing there, staring at each other. The two did not even blink. Winnrey’s face was intense and surprised while Deyna’s twitched in fear. It was too long to be natural. Deyna gasped in a breath of air as if he had come back from the dead.

“Hello! What are we waiting for?” yelled Ditto, breaking the long silence.

“Would you like to stay at my house for awhile?” Deyna asked after a long pause, running his hand through his hair, looking at Zeek.

“We sure would!” piped Ditto.

“Welcome to Aliquantulus! The least famous town you’ll ever come across!” The Orin’s, Deyna’s family, were a loud, merry, and large family. Though not rich in money, they were rich in lots of other things. They gladly took Zeek, Ditto, and Winnrey in. That night there was a celebration and every one of the family showed off a talent. Deyna’s older brother even challenged Zeek to an eating contest. That was a big mistake. Without Winnrey knowing, Zeek had made sure the food supply would last longer by eating next to nothing. He hadn’t eaten in awhile. While Charlie hurriedly ate, Zeek ate slowly, getting the chance to enjoy a meal again. Everyone laughed when Charlie’s face fell into the spaghetti. Charlie had finally fallen asleep to the lulling music and wonderful food.

“Oh, come on now! It’s not bed time yet!” laughed Zeek. Later, all of the younger children were sent to bed yawning and asking to stay up longer.

One of Deyna’s many cousins, Zeek couldn’t keep up with all the relations, brought a small drum and tapped lightly on it. Everyone began to form a large circle. Two girls, Laura and Lauren stepped from opposite sides of the circle, holding ornately carved flutes to their lips. The slender summer blonde twins began to dance with a twirl, moving closer and stepping away like the tide against the shore. The duet flutists enchanted most of the on looking crowd towards slumber. The performance ended with the drum taps fading into silence.

“Wow that was beautiful.” Winnrey curtsied and smiled tentatively.

“Yeah.” Zeek added lamely, awed by their talent.

“Thank you, it was a delight to have a chance to perform. Your visit gave us reason to celebrate.” Laura stepped forward in answer and they both curtsied.

“Why, what reason?” Winnrey asked, confused.

“No one travels through the forest. We only see other people when we go to the nearby town for something. A lovely couple like yourselves; you are the first people in years to come visit with us.

“Oh, were not a couple,” Winnrey blushed, “We’re just traveling together. Is there something wrong with your sister? She hasn’t said a word.”

“She is mute. Lauren hasn’t spoken a word since birth.” Laura looked down sadly. Zeek leaned in closer to Lauren, staring into her deep baby blue eyes. He looked undecided for a moment but closed the distance between them and lightly kissed her on the lips. Lauren gasped. “Extraho Procer has adveho!” she whispered.

“Zeek, why’d you ki...”Winnrey whispered fiercely, eyes wide with shock. “You talked!”

“I had a feeling that’s all.” interrupted Zeek, backing away embarrassed and hoping the kiss wouldn’t be taken the wrong way.

“Thank so much, this is a wonderful gift. It is getting late.” Laura bowed and wheeled her shocked twin to bed; she had reacted as if she had known this would happen. Winnrey on the other hand couldn’t stop feeling surprised every time something weird happens around Zeek.

Some of the adults still awake pulled out hammocks and offered Zeek and Winnrey their beds. Winnrey accepted while Zeek and Ditto declined. They didn’t want to burden the family anymore than they had to.

Winnrey remembered her discovery in the woods, yesterday. She had seen Deyna through the tree he had been hiding. Then, she had entered his mind, and that had definitely been an accident. She wondered if she could do it on purpose.

I wonder what Zeek thinks about. He keeps almost everything to himself. I’ll try his mind just once, Winnrey thought curiously. Her mind slowly entered his mind’s territory. It was a little easier now, but something unexpected happened. Barriers appeared. A force was continually trying to drive her mind out while something stabbed at her mind. Winnrey gasped from the pain.

Stop Zeek, it’s me, Winnrey! Winnrey’s mind screamed in pain. Surprise echoed between the two minds and the attack stop. The barriers slowly opened and Winnrey’s mind went in. Zeek’s mind was a strange place to Winnrey. It felt dark and mysterious. The unsaid things about his past must have been terrible and painful. All of the happiness, love, and security were almost sucked dry from his mind.
What did you just do?, asked Winnrey.

Any person who can enter someone’s mind can defend their own. It’s just like protecting land territories. This is lost to all but a few people now, answered Zeek.
Is there something wrong with me? I seem to be changing. I was never able to read minds before.

No, you’re at the age when your magic awakens. So… how was that kiss? What was that all about? Winnrey’s mind was practically wiggling eyebrows of its own. Zeek’s mind flared a mortified pink before turning black with denial. He caught a hint of jealousy from her.
I’m not in love with her if that is what you think. Something was telling me to help her. It was either the lips or the throat. I didn’t want them thinking me a vampire. I could probably pass for those. Who knows?

Mmmhmmm… sure, sure whatever. Vampires are real?

Yes, but that’s not what we’re talking about. You must never enter anybody’s mind unless you absolutely have to. The mind is their last sanctuary. Zeek and Winnrey broke contact. Winnrey got out a sheet of paper, feather pen, ink, and a candle stub. She decided to write her sister about her adventures before turning to bed still brooding over that kiss. She knew it was just to heal Lauren, but still... What did she feel? Was it... jealousy?

Dear Nichole,
I can do magic! Real magic, not the stupid little “spells for idiots” that Edward uses, but real magic! Did I say real magic? I can read minds! I tried it on our new friend, Deyna. It felt like I was reading a diary. Even though I felt guilty, I tried it on Zeek too. Don’t get mad, I couldn’t resist, you know me. It’s aggravating the number of things I don’t know about him.
How are you doing? Is Stephen doing okay as king? Update me on what’s happening over there. Our destination is the Air Realm. We’ll say hi to Allana for Edward. I miss you all so much. It is very different outside protecting walls. By the way, how do you open this puzzle box?

Please write back,