The Dawn of Darkness

Chapter 12

“Winnrey, wake up!” Zeek whispered into Winnrey’s ear, “We have to go, now.”

“What? Why do we have to go? You need rest.” she said sleepily. He pulled her up, grabbing her bag and pushed her towards the door.

“We can’t endanger this family’s life. We have to go now.”

“I’m coming with you guys.” someone said behind them. Zeek growled and whirled around. Deyna stood there with a pack hanging from his shoulder.

“No, you can’t come with us. It’s too dangerous now.”

“Why is it dangerous? What’s wrong?”

“I don’t care. Something tells me I should go with you.” Zeek growled and whirled back around in disgust.

“I don’t have time for this. We have to go, come if you like, but you’re going to regret it.” Zeek stalked out of the house into the snow.

The snow drifted playfully to the hard angry earth. It danced around the travelers’ feet, blurring their foot prints. Winnrey shivered, watching the flakes shrink away from the warmth of her breath. She hugged her arms to her chest.

“Here.” Zeek said handing her a coat from Egosum knows where. That had been the first word he’d spoken since they’d left Deyna’s house. His arm accidentally brushed her fingertips. She gasped at the touch; it felt like touching ice. There’s a lot he isn’t telling me. Why? Deyna stopped at the top of the hill, looking back at his home for the last time.

“Where’s Ditto?” Winnrey asked, concerned.

“R-right h-h-here.” Ditto said, teeth chattering. His head poked out of Zeek’s shirt.

“Oh! You’re freezing! Here you can stay in my pocket.”

“Yeah, you should before you become an ice sculpture.” laughed Zeek roughly, though his skin had a shade of blue in it.

With Ditto tucked safe and warm in the coat, they stopped and considered their options on escaping their stalker.

“Hey, I have a great idea!” Winnrey said suddenly. She whirled around trying to catch the snow on her tongue.

“What?” said Deyna and Zeek warily.

“Well, since they must be looking for an orphan, a lizard, and a princess, we could disguise ourselves. It wouldn’t be too hard.”

“What would we disguise with? We’re not exactly loaded with money.”

“Oh.” Winnrey said dejectedly, “I forgot.”

“It can still work.” Zeek said quietly.


“You’ll see.” Winnrey and Deyna exchanged curious looks. Zeek chuckled at the looks on their faces.

Bursting with curiosity, Winnrey followed closely behind as Zeek navigated the town. He walked like he’d been there before.
What if he has been here before? Was there someone he knew who could help? What is chasing us? Why don’t we just fight them off? Winnrey’s thoughts tossed around question after question inside her head. She almost ran into him as he stopped abruptly in front of a thick black door, hidden in an alleyway. Zeek knocked quietly. Before the door opened, he turned invisible. Obviously it was another one of his pranks. Winnrey stood indifferent, while Deyna gawked at the space where Zeek had been.

“It’s ok, Deyna, I’ll explain later.” Zeek whispered into his ear.
A fairly pretty, short girl, dressed as a blacksmith, opened the door. Confusion crossed her face, part of her face hidden in the shadows and short hair, before she composed her self.
“What do you want?” she asked impatiently.

“I’ve come to finally get what you owe me.” Zeek said behind her, “Hawk.” The girl he had called “Hawk” whirled around to the source of his voice and flashed out her hands. In a blur of motion, Hawk was floating crossed legged until Zeek appeared under her. Her short hair fell like a curtain over her face cutoff at her chin.

“So, you’ve come for my debt.” she said calmly. She turned toward Winnrey and Deyna. Winnrey cringed inwardly under the one-eyed stare, for half of Hawk’s face was ripped and torn with a forever angry blind eye. Hawk turned her blood red stare on Deyna, who stood defiantly, fear clouding his eyes.

“My Queen and Deyna, you are welcome into my humble home.” Hawk stood and bowed. How had she known all that?