The Dawn of Darkness

Chapter 14

The king’s spymaster, Allana had received no news of the missing princess, Adura. She sent her best agents to the other kingdoms. One of them was on their first mission. Giving him, Neven, a safer mission, she sent him to Terra. They were Aero’s greatest allies. You can never be too careful though.

Neven stared at the strange world surrounding him as he left the boat. Aro’s cities floated in the air, built closer to the element of the Aerans. The cities of Terra were built on the ground. Instead of the light colors in Aero, the houses were the darker browns, reds, and blacks of the earth or the dark greens, blues, and golds of forest. Neven shook his head to clear his thoughts. He was here to spy in Omasei. Adura had to be found quickly before word got out. Many countries, maybe not Terra, would jump at a chance to hold the princess of Aero as hostage.

Spying a stable, he set out, determined to accomplish his first official mission. Haggling forever he finally bought a misty gray mare with a white mane and tail. He rode hard for hours to reach Omasei, as the sun drowned beyond the rolling hills. The horse panted a stop near the new king Stephen Saydeur’s palace, foam glistening on her twilight coat.

The paid gardener came from Omasei to tend to the plant life growing at the center garden. A strange boy jumped off of a spent gray mare. The obvious intruder walked across the bridge spanning the moat, veering to the right close to a stained glass window. As soon as he had touched the glass a strange thunder cloud-like thing enveloped him. Shattered screaming reached the old man’s ears as the unfortunate victim disappeared. The man screamed and ran back to the city for help. An evil had taken over the palace.

Zeek quietly ambled outside of the little white cottage style house Hawk called home, not wanting to awaken his sleeping comrades while he was alone with his thoughts. Hawk’s house was the only one slumbering. Many others had quietly awoken in the town Fala to greet the rural sunrise and begin their day. Hawk stepped in front of him and pushed her angry face into his.

“I want to know what’s going on and I want to know it NOW!” She hissed in his face. Her half twisted face only helped to make her scarier looking.

“I guess I owe that much after last night’s entertainment. I don’t know much though.”

“Tell me what you know from the beginning.” Hawk glowered and sat where she was. Zeek began his growing story with the accident on the hill and the discovery of his magical abilities. They sat down long before the end of the story. Hawk whistled at the end.

“Wow, this is some serious stuff. And there’s more to it than you know?”

“Yes, we’ve only mined the tip of the diamond.” Zeek chuckled softly.

“Enough of your stupid little earth realm proverbs you so like to say. Something big is happening around you three. I can feel it in the spirit realm. Mother Milla can help. You’ll have to travel East for Mount of Attonitus.

“Idiot! I’ve got a coddled princess and an ignorant sheltered farm boy with me!” he snapped his razor sharp teeth together. A deep growl rumbled from his pallid throat. “How are we supposed to survive Mortuusvir Desert?”

“Zeek, listen and calm down, she is the closest and most powerful there is. At the slowest pace you would reach the mountain in five days. I doubt you be traveling that slow.” A yawn interrupted their bickering from behind Zeek. The argument had aroused Winnrey and Deyna.

“As for your disguises...” Hawk continued, “Winnrey, you are the daughter of a wealthy merchant and under an alias. Your name is Elaine Willam. You are traveling to Mother Milla to ask for the healing waters of Mount of Attonitus. It is the only thing that will heal your father. Zeek is your trusted friend and body guard, Garad. Now Deyna’s a little harder... He act’s too intimate to be a servant. The title fiancé or husband would make him choke with discomfort and embarrassment. I guess he could...”

“Oh, come now. Give more credit to the boy than that! Having every girl in his village chase after him making cow eyes and fluttering their lashes was bound to affect him somehow.” She flapped her hand as if to wave away Hawk’s insults. “You could be my fiancé, Deyna, right?” He ducked his reddening face as Winnrey leaned toward him. His ears burned like a forest blaze, his lips twitched into a self-conscious smile.

“Yeah, sure.” he croaked, licking his dry lips.

“Then let’s name him Tristan. What a romantic name! You guys have been betrothed since birth. One of those planned marriage thingies.” Hawk laughed at Deyna’s beet red face.

“Hawk, you forget weapons! You know, to maybe... defend ourselves.” Zeek cut in frostily.

“Right, right. I didn’t forget them.”

Under the glare of the sun, a wealthy merchant’s daughter, accompanied by her bodyguard and her fiancé, set out, on equally matched horses built and bred for traveling the desert, east toward Mortuusvir Desert and Mount of Attonitus. Zeek led in front on the mare he had named Night. Deyna on Ink and Winnrey on Storm followed close behind. The trio stopped for the night at the Lonely Unicorn. A young stable boy led the black mares to the stables. The occupants of the inn mostly consisted of farmers, tradesmen, traders, and a few rough characters. Everyone looked up when the entrance door squealed open. All eyes followed Winnrey sweeping through the entrance, leaning slightly on Deyna’s out held arm with Zeek padding behind like a shadow. Many trailed down the finery they wore, especially Winnrey’s ankle length, emerald dress opening to a light cream bodice patterned with tiny leaf embroidery and split into gauchos for horseback riding. Deyna’s simpler ensemble still spoke richly with a light weight material perfect for traveling the desert during the day. He wore his loosely made pants, stuffed in his black boots and a cape, that pooled around his neck and could be pulled up to cover his curl framed face, over a blue long sleeved shirt tied with a sash. Winnrey’s shadow was mostly hidden in a black cloak like Deyna’s except for his emotionless pale face and his cold amber eyes. It concealed his clothes and his weapons. His black hair was pulled back into a ponytail to keep out of his eyes. Conversation returned to the dining hall as though strangers were not uncommon at this inn.

“Ahem, ah, welcome to m-my hum-mble inn, My L-l-lady.” A small nervous man came forward to greeting them.

“We would like two rooms, connecting if you have.” she said imperiously but not unkindly.

“Right this way, please. Let me take your burdens. The rooms are...” the innkeeper rambled until he got to the price of the rooms.

“Just say the price, my good man.” Deyna prompted without as much as a stutter. He leaned toward the small man, a humorous smile playing on his lovely lips.

“Th-thirty gold l-lamnas.” he squeaked. Deyna pulled a bag from inside his coat and pressed the money into the innkeeper’s hand. Zeek sat down at a table while Winnrey Deyna went to see the rooms upstairs. A waitress walked to his table swaying her hips. She leaned forward and fluttered her eyes at him, smiling coyly.

“What can I get you sir?” she said smoothly.

“A pint of ale.” he answered, smiling mockingly. He slid a gold lamna on to the table.

“You’re not my type.” Winnrey and Deyna joined him as the waitress stalked away offended that she had been rejected.

“What’s her problem?” Winnrey asked.

“I don’t know.” Zeek answered innocently. A man returned with the beer, the girl too embarrassed to return.

“I’ll have one as well.” Winnrey told him.

“Make that a cider.” Zeek cut in abruptly. Winnrey spluttered.

“I want a beer, thank you.” Winnrey retorted.

“Elaine, think of what your father would say. He would murder me if let you corrupt yourself.” Zeek said using her other name and alibi.

“Just one, please!” Winnrey pouted.

“When you’re older.” Zeek rolled his amber eyes and chuckled darkly. Deyna ordered a cider. Winnrey sighed averting her moue away in discontent. The entrance door slammed open with a drunken man staggering through. He lurched toward the travelers’ table and fell into the fourth chair.

“Hey precious, how ‘bout uh kiss.” he slurred blowing stale beer breathe into her face.

“No, thank you.” she leaned back repulsed.

“Cummmm onn, sweeetnez.” the strange man puckered up and laughed hideously.
Deyna wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. “She said no.” Deyna said quietly.

“You want one too, pretty boy? ‘Cuz I have no prob’em.” He reached out to grab Winnrey. Zeek set his mug down.

“It would be wise if you would let go of my charge and go on with your business.” Zeek said coldly. He wasn’t even looking at the man. The man shivered and fell with his chair to the floor. He scrambled up and stumbled out of the inn.

“Garad, what did you do to him?” Winnrey whispered.

“Nothing.” He answered innocently and returned to drinking his beer.

“Thank you, ah, Garad. For preventing a fight, that is. I’m just getting’ too old for that kinda stuff.” Zeek nodded.

“You should hire someone for that.” Deyna suggested. As the dining hall cleared out, the trio whispered together.

“Wow, Deyna, I’m impressed. You’re handling this better than I even though.” Winnrey commented. She raised an eyebrow and smiled.

“Yeah, well, I guess I was needed.” Deyna covered his face with one hand to hide his rosy cheeks.

“Thanks for saving me, you guys.”

“All in a day’s work. Do you want a pint now?” Zeek chuckled. Winnrey smacked his arm and flounced out of her seat.

“No, thank you. I’ve seen the damage it can do. Well, I’ve had enough for today, we should rest. The desert’s coming up.” Winnrey yawned and covered her mouth.

Zeek lay awake, staring at the ceiling. He slowly drifted off in a comfortably furnished room next to Winnrey and Deyna’s, keeping up their charade. Behind his closed eyelids he floated in sweet darkness. Miandria materialized in front of him, smiling gently.

“Zeek, let go. The cycle of life comes full circle and all things die. Then you reach eternal life in Aura with Egosum. Let me go.” Her whisper echoed in his ear.

“Stay with me awhile longer. I miss you so much.” Zeek begged. Mia nodded and wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his chest.
Winnrey lived a less peaceful dream. She kneeled beside Zeek’s cold body, washing him with tears.

“Winnrey...” Deyna called to her.

“Just leave me lying here.” she whispered, “I’ve no reason to go on.”

“What about your brothers and Nicole?”

“They don’t need me. They’ve lived without me for awhile now.” She sobbed and rested her head on Zeek’s chest. Listening, praying, hoping for a sound, a flutter, a beat, anything to tell her he was alive. A voice on high whispered around her. It was Zeek’s voice.

“Remember who you are. If you lose yourself everything will be lost. Keep courage and be strong for me, for Deyna. Remember. The world still needs you. The battle is still going, fight.” The presence drifted away.

“NO! Don’t leave me!” Winnrey screamed. Deyna jerked awake, Winnrey was sobbing in her sleep. He slowly eased himself into a sitting position and cradled her to his chest. He combed his fingers through her hair and sang softly.

The day will come to banish the night
You might see the dark but imagine the light
A spark that makes your world burn bright
A flame lighting your way through wicked and blight
Don’t weep just embrace the world, hold tight
There will be hate with no end in sight
Listen to your heart, beating so near
Remember those who love you so dear
When everything finally comes away clear
You’ll know there’s no reason to shed a tear
So never give in to the shadowing fear
You’re never alone, I’ll always be here
When you feel like you’re done
And dark dawns like the sun
Know that there’s still hope

Winnrey relaxed in her sleep and sighed.

Nicole woke in a dank dark room. It was probably one of the cells in the palace. She whispered a quick prayer to Egosum, thanking him that Stephen and Edward had gone on a tour of the country to introduce the new king. She jerked her head to the sound of wild scrabbling and incessant tapping. It was a great black hawk. And not just any! It was Winnrey’s, Obsideon. Determined little fellow, he was. She grabbed the letter box from his leg and he hopped a short distance away to wait. Nicole searched her pockets, finding the letter recently from Winnrey. It would have to do. Sliding a finger across the paper she cut into her skin. Several paper cuts later she finished her gruesome bloody letter to Stephen and waved it to dry. Then, she folded it neatly, placed it in the letter box, and whistled to Obsideon. Time was of the essence. She had no idea when someone would check in on her. Nicole whispered for Obsideon to fly to Stephen with the message. He shook himself and looked as if he rolled his eyes. Another detour. Great. She sighed gratefully.