The Dawn of Darkness

Chapter 4

It was too easy. Zeek wouldn’t have given up without a fight. Winnrey knew that much about him. The image of him in front of the crowd said otherwise. His pale body swung by a rope from the gallows, an example for every citizen to see. Anyone who endangered a royalty’s life is punished with death. Instead of the usual cheering from the crowd there was a heavy, suffocating silence. This boy did not look like one who would do commit such a thing. He had the looks of an orphan. Ragged, torn clothes, wild, tangled hair, and dirty skin showed clear signs of his status in life. His face split into a mocking grin. The smile unsettled the crowd. It looked like he was taunting the whole world. What reason did he have to smile? The Princess, Winnrey, cried unashamed at the horrible image. The hangman cut his body down and tossed his body into the ready made coffin. The crowd sighed in relief as the unsettling sight was hidden from the world. A couple of men quickly covered the coffin and almost everyone cheered. A woman tossed a stone with his crimes on to the mound of dirt. The festival had begun. Everyone sang, danced, and had a good time. Well, not everyone.

When all of the people had left, Winnrey stayed behind and cried out her heart. It seemed that the entire world had left her alone grieve. Soft footsteps sounded on the cobblestone. Someone’s laugh echoed eerily on the stones.

“What’s with all the blubbin’ missie?” a thin soft voice said, “You don’t look like one who would cry. Did you lose your sweetheart?”

“Me?” Winnrey asked, slow in her grief.

“Yes you with the rosy cheeks. You ‘n me are the only ones here, gorgeous.”

“Yes, I-I-I mean no, but I did lose someone.” whispered Winnrey.

“What was he like?” asked the voice.

“Why should I tell you? Wait...I-I-I never s-said it was a h-” Winnrey’s voice faltered as she turned around. A tired, but grinning young man, in place of the devilish orphan boy she had known, was standing there looking even more pale and skeletal than usually, if that were possible.

“How did you...?” Winnrey’s voice cracked, “But you... You died! Why this happening to me? I’ve suffered enough!” Winnrey punched at the haunting figure, beating at his chest, but the man was ready. He grabbed her slender wrists and held her at bay until she calmed down... Instead she broke down emotionally on his chest cascading salty tears onto the gauze binding his wounds. Zeek hesitantly patted her back, feeling awkward with the display of emotions.

“Uhhh...” he was at a lost for words.

“So, it’s really you?!” she said wiping her eyes.

“In the flesh.” answered Zeek nonchalantly.

“Then who’s that?” asked Winnrey. She pointed at the grave.

“It’s his skin! He shed...” said Ditto proudly.

“Don’t even ask,” Zeek grimaced, interrupting his scaly friend.

“I don’t want to know. You know, you seem different...”

“Death does that to you.” Zeek grinned.

“That’s not funny!”

“Come on. I still need your help. My parents are in more danger than ever.”
“Fine,” he answered. He led her to the palace through all of the short cuts that he knew.

“Guys, this is Zeek.” said Winnrey
“This is Stephen, Nichole, and the stupid looking one is Edward.” introduced Winnrey.

“I am pleased to meet you. Do you want to eat with us?” asked Stephen.

“You bet I do! I’m starving!” said Zeek. Literally.

“I like you’re lizard.” said Nichole timidly. Ditto blushed and looked around to hide his embarrassment.

“Zeek! I think Winnrey likes you.” Edward whispered dramatically.

“I do not!” Winnrey denied trying to reach him so she could hit him.

“You probably like the spymaster in the Air Realm. What was her name? Oh, Yeah! Allana?” guesses Zeek.

“How’d you know?” he said turning bright red.

“Just a thought” laughed Zeek, grinning ruthlessly. “Actually, most people know about it.”

“Edward and Allana, sittin’ in a tree... K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes...” sang Winnrey.

“Winn! Stop it!” Nicole shouted.

“You can’t run around with those dirty rags. I think you can fit my clothes.”

“Actually you ca...” Ditto nudged Zeek before he could object. Once changed, he stepped back into the room and struck a pose, stroking his non-existent beard and his other arm holding up his elbow.

“How do I look?”



“Yeah right! I look absolutely ridiculous!” A knock at the door interrupted their conversation.

“Your Majesties, dinner is ready!” called a servant at the door. They ran down the stairs.

“And who is this?” asked Father seeing Zeek for the first time.

“This is our new friend Daniel,” said Edward, quickly making up a name.

“Do I know you?” inquired Victor.

“Oh, No! I just moved here with my grandpa,” said Zeek hastily.

“Where do you live, dear?” asked Queen Annabelle.

“I...uh... live on the other side of the Mysterium Forest.” he answered. Nice save.

“Whatever, I came here to ask Winnrey’s hand in marriage and inherit a kingdom to rule,” Victor cut in rudely.

“If she already said no then no, and that’s final!” said King Richard.

“If she says no then I’m going to declare war on you.” Victor added.

“You shouldn’t threaten us, Victor, when you are at our mercy.” challenged Stephen.

“Stephen! That was very rude. Your father is a just knight. He will not fight Victor inside this palace,” rebuked Mother.

“Annabelle, the boy is right. We shouldn’t let Winnrey be forced into marriage, but we are not savages. We will let Victor leave in peace.” said the king calmly.

“Father, I do not want to marry Victor, but if I have to, to stop a war, then I will.” said Winnrey sadly.

“That settles it. We are declaring war on you, Victor.” said King Richard.

“You’ll all pay!” screamed Victor, “You’ll all pay dearly.” He stormed out of the room and ordered his servants and bodyguards to pack.

“Father? Will we get to fight?” asked Nichole quietly.

I’m never going to be surprised again!” scoffed Annabelle, “First Edward likes this-this princess in another realm. Then we go to war with Victor. And NOW, Nichole is asking if the children can fight too.”

“No! You will not fight. You are the future of this kingdom,” said Father.
♠ ♠ ♠
Note: shedding your skin and using it as a decoy is a great way to escape death while your a wanted fugitive ready to hang.

I like the idea of submitting two chapters of this story everytime I'm on. I'll try to keep up with that.

Honestly I don't like the style I wrote in in 5th grade.