The Dawn of Darkness

Chapter 5

“What’s in the sack?” asked Winnrey.

“Weapons! I’m going to fight.” answered Stephen.

“We all can.” said Zeek.

“We’ll have to practice first.” said Nichole, “We could do it during the times we get to ourselves.”

“Well, let’s see what you have!” said Edward impatiently. Stephen poured everything out of the sack and they chose their weapon. Zeek moved to leave.

“Where are you going?” they asked.

“To round up an army, of course.” he said as they faded away.

He ran down an alley between the grocery and a bookstore. At the dead end, he felt for a catch and opened a secret door and jumped down into the tunnel.

“Halt! Who goes there?” commanded an orphan.

“I wasn’t gone long enough for you guys to forget me, was I?” laughed Zeek.

“So, you came back.” X chuckled as he appeared from the shadows, “I knew you would. Some didn’t. You’ve changed.”

“What happened to you?” asked Miandria, as she ran up and hugged him, “You look half dead.” Her love for Zeek shined in her eyes. She had long, glossy black hair and lovely light brown skin. He told all of the orphans his story quickly.

“To cut things short, I need you’re help. This whack’s gonna try and take over the realm. I know you don’t care, X, but he’ll root you out and kill all of the orphans he can. He’ll kill you all,” said Zeek.

“I am definitely in!” said a boy called Rat.

“We will all fight, but only to save ourselves,” decreed X.

Every orphan got weapons they owned and prepared for battle. Some brought out targets for knives, bow and arrows, and slingshots. Others sparred with staffs, swords, axes, and lances, whatever they could find. Zeek wondered where Ditto was. He had been missing ever since they’d left the palace. Shaking away distraction he looked at the homemade weapons mixed with a few proper ones in use. They would have to do a lot better than that, starting with weaponry.