The Dawn of Darkness

Chapter 6

The day of the battle was a great and terrible day. Death took its toll on both sides, laughing in the face of reality. The air was rank with sweat, blood, urine, and fear. On the battlefield, Winnrey stopped to gape. Towards the East, Zeek, and a dark skinned boy led a ragged army of orphans. Towards the West, an albino dwarf caiman led a mass of animal. Now Victor’s army was surrounded on three sides. Victor didn’t see this, but many of his soldiers did. Some panicked and surrendered while others took the risk to try and escape. Victor flew into a rage and attacked recklessly. His efforts did not go to waste. King Richard fought bravely with his wife at his side, but rage and jealousy won over them. Their lives were snuffed out like a candle.

“NOOOOOOOO!” yelled Stephen, as he and Edward attacked Victor, Nichole shot him between the eyes and Winnrey shot him in the heart. Victor died swiftly and the royal couple was avenged. The siblings drew into a circle around their fallen parents wearing the lorica segmenta, toughened leather pants also guarded with segmented armor, and the red and brown tunic that was the Terran military uniform. Soldiers held a protective circle around their fallen leaders. The battle gear they had donned to secretly help the royal army weighed heavier. The hooded chain mail shirt they wore under the breastplate clinked in the gentle breeze.

“Stephen, you are in charge now. Take care of your siblings and thee realm,” said Father, smiling.

“No! You are going to live,” he whispered fiercely.

“I always...”

“Mother, save your breath.” cried Nichole dropping to kneel beside her and wrench off her helmet.

“I always knew that Winnrey could never love to be a princess.” she finished anyways. The couple breathed in unison and died together as they had lived to together. They had died fighting to keep evil out.

The battle still raged on around the stricken leaders. A cry went out through Victor’s army. Many of the lower ranked soldiers fled only to be cut down by the torrent of orphans and animals, leaving the others to fend for their selves. Even the bears had joined, swiping away at the enemy lines. Smaller animals like foxes, squirrels, dogs, cats, boars attacked the feet of their adversary. Birds ruled the skies and dive bombed at any opportunity. Zeek kept fighting, ripping his claws and teeth through flesh. Miandria cried out. He whipped around to see an enemy soldier flying at him with a sword. Something flashed before him. It all happened too quickly. One second the sword was coming at him all too fast. The next, Miandria was there barring his way. Her body crumpled around the sword impaling her. A fury exploded deep inside of Zeek and fell onto the soldier, ripping him to shreds. Ditto crawled down from his friend’s shoulder to check Mia.

“Ditto, is there any hope?”

“I’m so sorry, but she is dying,” Ditto said gravely, bowing his head.
Winnrey walked away to cry alone. Her armor fell to the ground as she tossed away her helmet and gauntlets. She saw that Zeek was kneeling next to a lovely dark skinned girl. A bloody sword lay beside him. She was dying.

“No! Miandria, you can’t die!” he whispered.

“I love you! Dear Prince of Dragons.” Miandria said with her last breathe. Her eyes, still open, she smiled lovingly. He held her tight to him.

“I’m sorry. We could’ve traveled the realms together like you wanted to.” He closed her eyes.

Zeek bent over that beautiful girl’s body was the last Winnrey saw of him that fateful day. Later he puzzled over the meaning of her strange words.

“Come on, we must place them among their ancestors.” said Stephen sadly.

“Come, Zeek. We must give her a proper burial.” X said to Zeek. The children placed the bodies of their parents onto their seats in the line of past kings and queens after the bodies were prepared. No one slept well that night. They felt as if their worlds were spinning farther away, leaving them in the middle of nowhere.

Zeek sat in a corner of the orphans’ hideout, swallowed by grief. The love of his life was gone. Snuffed out like a candle. Miandria would never laugh or smile again. No more stupidly dangerous stunts just for the fun of it. No more holding hands or dreams of better lives together. Zeek didn’t shed a tear, but he didn’t need to. Somehow he still felt her presence. It felt like she hadn’t left yet. He shook his head at his folly and hunched over against the onslaught of sorrow’s claws ripping his heart.

“What are you going to do now? Mia was the only thing that tied you to this gang.” X demanded.

“I’m leaving, and going to see the world for her.” Zeek said heavily.
“Come back sometime. You’re always welcome here.” X said before walking off to comfort a tearful girl.