The Dawn of Darkness

Chapter 7

"I know that I cannot rule the whole of Terra by myself. I wish for you to rule by my side me.” Stephen faltered, “I need you. I can’t do this by myself.”

“No, Stephen, there can only be one king. I will be here for you though,” said Edward.

“And so will I.” said Nichole. There was a silence.

“Winnrey, will you...” he faltered.

“You heard Mother. I have always hated being royal. Besides, I want to travel and see the world with Zeek. I will come back though” she said.

“What? You can’t! You’ll get killed!” protests Zeek. The other three stayed silent. They knew from experience that she had made up her mind and was unstoppable.

“If I can’t go with you, I’ll go by myself!” Winnrey threatened.

“Fine! You’re only coming because I don’t want you to get yourself killed. I’m only traveling the world in memory of Mia, so don’t expect to like it.” Zeek said grudgingly. Everyone ate silently at the dinner table and then helped Winnrey pack.

“Here, take this. You have earned it, it is rightfully yours.” said Nichole as she put Winnrey’s crown in the sack. An hour passed. It was hard to say good-bye. Winnrey dressed as a boy again. She stuffed her hair into a ragged cap.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be back. And I’ll write.” said Winnrey. She hugged Nichole, then Edward, and last Stephen.

“Thanks for being an extremely annoying sister,” laughed Edward.

“You’re welcome pig head.” Winnrey said. The image of a galloping horse carrying a rider and a racing a boy was the last they saw of them for a long time. A great black hawk flew overhead. It was uncommon to see them in the heart of Terra. Zeek thought he heard his Mia’s voice whisper in his ear, “So it begins.”