1 girl, all boys boarding school(Book 1)

1 girl, all boys boarding school(Prt.1)

I cannot believe my mom, well my family would do this to me. I don't think I am a difficult child. I mean I'm certainly not perfect, but I'm fairly certain I don't deserve this, no one deserves this.

Let me recap for you. My name is Lily, and I'm 17. I have dark brown/black hair that comes just below my chest. I am only 5'4, i have no idea how that happened because my mom is 5'9 and my dad is 6'1. I have hazel eyes, and am 115 lbs.

I am getting ready to board a plane to St.Judes Boarding school for boys. My mother is not insane she is actually pretty intelligent, so I am not certain how she mixed me up with being a boy. My dad told me it would be a good experience for me. Yeah if me being around guys all day long, and getting molested in the hallway is going to be a good experience, then bring it on.

I handed my ticket to the lady waiting on everyone and boarded my plane. I was going to miss California. I go to the beach practically everyday and moving to Ohio was going to be a change. I don't believe they have an ocean for me to swim in.

I took my seat by the window and buckled up. The sign for everyone to put on there seat belts on wasn't going to come on for another 15 minutes, but i wanted to get this over with. I hate flying. Its not my strong suit. I get deathly scarred were going to crash. Last time i flew on a plane i spent most of the time puking. It was not pleasant. The worst part about the whole things was the taking off and the landing.

To pass some time i pulled out my ipod and started listening to music. It only seems like i listened to one song, but before you know it the flashy sign to put your seat belts was on. The flight attendants were coming around to help anyone who needed help, or had any questions. Once they finished they disappeared. I could feel the plane started to move. It was picking up the pace, and so was my breathing. My palms were all sweaty and i was shaking. I clenched the arm rest for dear life, and shut my eyes so tight they hurt. I could feel that feeling in my stomach churning. It's like that feeling you get when you go down the biggest hill of the roller coaster your riding. I herd the ding for you to unbuckle your seat belt, but i stayed where i was, arm wrest clenched and eyes still shut. I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"Miss you can take your seat belt off now" a flight attendant said.

I let go of my arm rest, unbuckled my seat belt, and ran for the bathroom. I spent most of my flight in there, as i predicted i would. My stomach couldn't handle flying. I repeated the same routine for when we landed only this time i didn't go running to the bathroom. I don't think there was anything in me to regurgitate after that flight.

I walked off the plane and to the luggage station. I patently waited for my bags until they came. I grabbed my bags and started walking. I had no idea who was picking me up. All i was told was that they would have a sign. Do you know how big an airport is? After about 10 minutes of walking around, i finally found a slim old man, with white hair in a black suit holding a sign that read: Lily.

"hello" i said politely and put my bag down to shake his hand.

"Hello Miss. Stark, I am Geoffrey and will be your driver this evening." he said while shaking my hand. I smiled and grabbed my bag.

"Oh here let me take some of those." he said. I handed him two of my bags and followed him to the car. To my surprise it was not a car, it was a limousine. I was only going to school, I didn't see the point in a limo. We loaded my bags into the limo, then i climbed in. All this space for one girl, it was completely unnecessary. During the ride i listened to my ipod mostly. 2 hours later we finally arrived at St. Judes. I scooted over to the door and Geoffrey opened it for me. I smiled and said "thank you" he simply smiled at me.

I grabbed my schedule out of my pocket, and grabbed my things. I stood there for a minute just taking this all in. The school was so big. It was an old school, but very fancy. It had the old respectful vibe to it. I could learn to like it here. I took a deep breathe and headed in. I opened the big front doors and headed down some random hallway. No one was here yet, which was a good thing i guess. I looked down at my schedule and saw i was on the 4 floor, in room 118. At the end of the hallway i saw an elevator and pushed the button for it to open. I stepped in and pushed the 4 button. I noticed the numbers went up to 6, so I'm guessing there were 6 floors. The elevator doors opened shortly and i stepped out. i walked for a little bit till i saw the dorms getting closer to my number. 116, 117,118!

I opened the door and saw it was pretty big. In front was the living room, it had a couch facing a big Tv, with a love seat angled toward it also. There was a book case and a table short distance away with a window right by it.To the right was a small kitchen, just a fridge, stove, and two counters. Next to that was a bathroom and a room. The room had two beds in it and two dressers. I decided to go towards the left instead passing the living room, i did not want to share a room with anyone. Wait a minute! If there are multiple rooms in here then that means that I'm sharing a room with guys!! Oh Know!!!!!!Uhh i will just put that in the back of my mind and go to the next room/s. There was another room that was small and dark, then one next to it that was bright, with a big bed and dresser. I decided this would be my room. I would have to walk threw whoever took the dark room to get to mine, but that was fine.

I unzipped my bags and started unloading my clothes. Once i was done i collapsed on my bed. I guess all that was left to do was wait.