1 girl, all boys boarding school(Book 1)

1 girl, all boys boarding school(Prt.10)

"In later news a 16 year old girl has gone missing. She was last seen at Peter's Park around midnight last night. If you've seen her or have any information on her whereabouts please contact your local police department immediately." Then a picture of a girl with long blonde hair and hazel eyes flashed across the screen.

Justin and I were watching the local new.

"Tragedy, such a tragedy" I said shaking my head.

"I know, and that's the forth girl this month" Justin said agreeing with me.

"So whats on the agenda today?" I asked him while shutting off the T.V.

"Well I was going to lounge around here today with Jake, maybe play some video games" he said.

I nodded my head then got up and headed for the door.

"I'll be back later" I said to Justin.

I walked out the door and sighed. I felt so tense in there. With everything with Parker and Aiden I was stressed out to the maximum. It's been a day sense Parker bit me and I wanted him, bad. I knew the pull to him was going to be strong, but I didn't think it was this strong. My will power was surprising me though. I knew I couldn't come crawling to Parker and ask him to bite me again because One. It would give him what he wanted, Two. He would think he won, and Three. I would not stay a virgin. My will power was going to fade sooner or later, it was only a matter of time.

Then there was Aiden. Sweet, sensible Aiden. He respected me, he didn't hit me, and he wouldn't bite me. Aiden was sweet, but did I like him? It was just to confusing and I was starting to get a headache.

I took off towards the library. I wanted to do some research about vampire bites. After following the much appreciated signs I arrived there. It was deserted, figures. I sat down at one of the near by computers and logged onto the internet. On the home screen of the internet was an article of the girl that disappeared last night, that Justin and I were watching on the news. Curiosity overwhelmed me and I clicked on it.

{16 year old Tally Mayson was reported miss this morning
by her family. She was last seen at Peters Park by the
St. Jude boarding school. So far the police have no leads,
all though they do believe that her disappearance is
connected to the disappearances of Molly Harper, Jamie
kaile, and Alyssa Frawl who were also last seen at the
park. If you have any information please contact the number

It's really sad, all those girls are probably dead. Someone was definitely taking girls at the Park. I'll have to make a mental note never to go there. I minimized the internet tab and clicked on the online catalog they had to find books. Which is what I originally planned on doing before I got side tracked. I typed in 'Vampires biting humans.' A big list of books came up. I scrolled down till I found a book that caught my eye, 'Vampire bites on humans.' I wrote down the number of the book and went to go find it.

I searched up and down the rows till I found it. It was an old dusty book that looked like it hadn't been read in years.

"Vampire bites on humans?" I herd a husky voice say from behind me.

I turned around and saw Aiden. I laughed uneasy.

"Aiden" I said.

"Planning on me biting you?" he asked.

"What know way, I mean it's totally frowned upon, and it would probably hurt and I mean...." I stammered.

"I was just kidding Lily" Aiden said cutting me off.

"Oh" I said.

I clenched the book tight to against my chest and walked over to the computer I was using earlier. Aiden followed behind me. I exited out of the catalog tab and brought up the internet tab.

"Such a pretty girl, what a shame" Aiden said. He was talking about Tally of course, I couldn't help but feel bad for her.

"I know, and it was so close to here" I said.

Aiden looked at me nervous.

"I have to go, but I'll stop by your room later" he said.

"Ok" I replied.

He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and left. I exited out of my internet tab and logged off. I grabbed my book and went to my dorm to do some reading.
♠ ♠ ♠
Typing Chapter 11 now.
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