1 girl, all boys boarding school(Book 1)

1 girl, all boys boarding school(Prt.11)

I walked in and saw Justin and Jake playing against each other in Guitar Hero.

"Hey Lily" they both said in unison, not taking there eyes off the screen.

"Hey boys" I said walking past them and into Parker's room, to get to mine. Surprisingly he wasn't in there. I opened my door and saw him sitting on my bed. I frowned.

"Get out" I said.

He looked down hurt by my words. He got up and left without saying a word. He didn't even look at me. I felt sad and guilty.

"Wait Parker come back" I said.

He turned around grinning. He came at me and pushed me down on my bed. I dropped my book falling to the bed. Before I could say anything his lips were on mine. He kissed me differently this time. It was passionate, not like his usual lustful kisses.

"I want you to bite me" I whispered. "I need you to"

"Whats that Lily Bear? You need me?" he asked.

I pushed him off of me and said "No, now get out!"

"Aw Lily I was only joking" he said.

"Get out!" I said again to him

He got up and left. I sighed in relief. I knew that if I gave in that's what was going to happen, he was going to tease me about it for giving in. I know it. Well I'm not, and he can't make me. I picked up the 'Vampire bites on humans' book and started to read it.

2 1/2 hours later.

I was all stiff from sitting on my bed reading. It was worth it though because I found out some useful information.

1. When a vampire bites a human it releases a hormone making you and the vampire sex crazed.

2. The vampires blood lust for the said human increases dramatically. As well as the humans. Their body aches for yours as well as yours for theirs.

3. The more you get bitten the more likely it is that you will die or change into one, but there is a better chance you'll just die.

4. The most important one of all, you and the vampire now have a connection. You can sense when their in danger or upset, and vice versa.

That just gross. I don't want to be a sex crazed teenager having a connection with Parker. Does that mean I can't be with Aiden? Did I want to be with Aiden? Aw hell I'm getting a headache again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this one was short.

