1 girl, all boys boarding school(Book 1)

1 girl, all boys boarding school(Prt.12)

By popular demand this chapter is in Parker's POV

"Dude go get Lily, I almost have it set up" Justin said to me.

I reluctantly got up from the couch and walked to Lily's room.

"We're all playing each other in Madden 08' on the the x-box, and Justin wanted you to join" I said to her.

She got up from her bed and walked toward the living room passing me. I could smell her sweet scent. She smelled like yummy raspberries. I wanted to grab her and bite her right here, but I knew I couldn't. She's so resistant on me not biting her, and I don't know why. I herd that once you bite a human you can bite and have sex with them whenever you feel like it. This was clearly not the case. Snapping out of my trance I walked out and to the living room.

"Justin and I are first!" Jake said.

I rolled my eyes and sat down by Lily. She stiffened and shifted her weight away from me.

"Relax Lily, I'm not going to bite you" I said flashing her an evil smile showing my fangs. "Yet" I whispered just to mess with her.

She glared at me and relaxed a little.

"Shit!" Jake yelled. He just fumbled the ball. Justin was kicking his ass. Justin was the best at Madden, no one could beat him.

"Jake you suck!" Lily yelled laughing at him.

Jake paused the game and turned to her "Then come here and you play him" he said.

"Fine" she said. She got up from the couch and took the controller from Jake. She sat down on the floor next to Justin and un-paused it.


5 minutes into the game and Lily already had a touchdown, field goal, and it was her ball. 3 more points and she will be tied with Justin. Oh wait scratch that she just got a touchdown. Damn that girl could play.

"Aw shit, Parker distract her" Justin said.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"I don't know, bite her or something" Justin said.

I smirked, If only. I told Justin and Jake when they got home from the club two nights ago that I had bitten her. At first they freaked, but now their cool with it.

So me wanting to see Lily lose and Justin uphold his title of undefeated champ I got up to distract her. I slowly took off my shirt revealing my hard earned six pack. Lily glanced up at me, but quickly concentrated on the game again. I smirked knowing she probably wanted me right now. If only her stupid pride wouldn't get in the way.

"Come on Parker put some effort into it" Justin said to me.

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch behind Lily. I grabbed her waist with both hands and lifted her onto my lap. She tried to struggle, but gave in still playing the game. I pulled her close so her back was touching my bare chest. I breathed deeply on her neck and touched my lips to her jawbone. I started trailing kissed down her neck.

"That's good Parker, keep doing it" Justin said.

I looked up at the screen and saw Justin just scored. I smirked into Lily's skin knowing I had an effect on her. I continued kissing Lily's neck, then came over to the spot I last bit her. There were two bite holes in her neck that were healing. I kissed that spot with as much force as I could. Then Lily sighed. She dropped the controller and tilted her head back. At that point all that was going threw my head was Lily and I. I grabbed her hips and turned her around so she was facing me.

What shocked me that most was the fact that she grabbed my head bringing me to her. Then she crashed her lips to mine. I was surprised she kissed me first, usually I am the one to kiss her.

Jake cleared his throat loudly, bringing me back to reality. Lily quickly broke the kiss and got off of me.

"I should um, go to bed now" Lily said nervously.

I watched her walk away to her room. Damn that girl, she'll be the death of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I want to thank everyone who keeps commenting,
and subscribing, I really appreciate your inputs and
Typing Chapter 13 now =)