1 girl, all boys boarding school(Book 1)

1 girl, all boys boarding school(Prt.15)

"Lily someones at the door for you" Jake shouted.

I had just got done taking a shower. I didn't want any chlorine in my hair from swimming. I walked to the door with a towel wrapped around me. I gripped it tightly when I walked past Parker. He smirked at me. I reached the door and saw Aiden.

"Aiden?" I said.

"Hey Lily" he said laughing a bit.

"How did you know what room I was in?" I asked confused.

"Who doesn't, your the only girl in this entire school" he stated.

"Oh" I said lamely.

"So I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go bowling with me, like on a date" he said running his hand threw his hair smoothly.

"Yeah sure" I said excitedly.

"Ok well I have to go get ready" I said gesturing to the towel around me "But I'll meet you at your dorm room ok?"

"Yeah sure" he said. Then he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and left. I turned and shut the door. Parker gave me a skeptical stare.

"What?" I asked.

"Aiden's bad news, and you shouldn't go" he stated bluntly.

"Stop being jealous Parker" I said.

"I'm not, I'm just looking out for you" he said defensively.

"Well thanks, but no thanks" I said walking to my room.

I walked over to my dresser to pick out something to wear. What does one wear bowling? I decided on a neon yellow baseball T and a cute pair of dark blue, faded jean shorts. I left my hair alone because it's wavy when it drys and it looks good. I put on my make-up and opened my door to leave and saw Parker was standing in my way.

I frowned "Move Parker"

He put a hand on his chin to pretend like he was thinking.

"Um, No" he said.

I pushed him hoping to get him to move.

"Really Lily" he said. "Your really going to try to overpower me?"

I sighed in defeat. I knew I wouldn't be able to overpower him, but maybe with some lessons with Aiden I could, well maybe.

"Your not leaving" he said now serious.

"Yes I am" I said sternly.

"What if I make you a deal?" he said.

"I'm listening" I said keeping an open mind.

"I know you feel the strong pull towards me that I feel for you, and I know the urge for me to bite you is as strong to me as it is for you. So I'm proposing that I bite you with no stings attached, we would pretend like it didn't even happen" he said.

He was right the pull towards him was overwhelming, along with the urge to be bitten. The way I see it is if he bites me he's doing something for himself too, but his deal is tempting. The having him bite me arrangement at night with him supposedly having a dream was working out nice, but for how long. What if he catches on? This is to confusing.
♠ ♠ ♠
What's Lily going to do?
Is she going to go?
Is she going to take Parkers deal?
haha cliffhanger.