1 girl, all boys boarding school(Book 1)

1 girl, all boys boarding school(Prt.16)

I was not going to let him get to me. Even if I wanted him to bite me, noway I was going to let him know that.

"No thanks Parker" I said in a bored tone. I was far from bored though, it was like a fire was lit inside me and urging me to take his deal. Over the last few days I've come to realize that I have more will power than I expected.

Parker looked shocked at first that I turned his deal down, but then tightened his jaw and clenched his fists.

"If you would so kindly move out of my way, I have a date to get to" I said smugly.

He stepped aside and let me threw. I was shocked. I stood there for a moment not believing what I was seeing. He actually moved aside. I expected him to yell and hit me and not let me go. This was so unlike him.

"Just go" he said angry. There was a mixture of sadness and hate in his voice.

Well now he was just making me feel bad. Was he really hurt, or was it an act? I decided just to leave and go on the date with the ever so cute Aiden. I walked by him barely making eye contact and into the living room. Justin and Jake were watching some movie I didn't recognize.

"Well I'm off to my date" I said while walking over to them. I leaned down in front of Justin and hugged and kissed him on the cheek. I did the same for Jake and walked to the door.

"Be good now" I called before walking out the door.

I walked down the hallway till I was in front of the room 105, Aiden's room. I took in a deep breath to calm my nerves and knocked softly.

"Come in!" someone from inside the room called.

I hesitantly opened the door and saw Aiden finishing buttoning up his shirt. He look very handsome. He had on a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and a pair of dark blue faded jeans. His hair was wet, he probably just got out of the shower.

He look up at me and grinned "You look amazing" he said walking over to me.

"I could say the same thing about you" I said.

He bent down and lightly brushed his lips across mine.

"Are you ready to go?" he murmured.

I nodded my head in response. He grabbed my hand and led us out the door. We were nearly at the front doors when I asked "How are we getting to the bowling ally?"

He grinned at me and said "Geoffry of course."

"Geoffry!" I exclaimed. I hadn't seen him since the first day I arrived here. He picked me up from the airport and drove me here. He was very nice and sweet. We walked out the door and I saw him standing there in front of a limo. I immediately let go of Aiden's hand and ran down the steps to him. I crashed my body into him giving him a warm hug.

"Ah Miss.Stark, how are you?" he asked hugging me back.

"I'm great, how are you? I exclaimed.

"I'm very well" he said.

Aiden had now caught up to me and waved to Geoffry. Even though I only met Geoffry once, he was the first person I met here, and he was nice. He opened the door for us and walked around to the drivers side. I thanked him and climbed in with Aiden.

It didn't take long for us to arrive at the bowling ally. It was a small place that looked like it'd been around for 50 years. We got out and thanked Geoffry. We walked in and there was about half the lanes filled. It was a dimly lit place that was very welcoming. We walked over to the counter and was greeted by a Pretty black haired girl. She had long black silky hair, and grey eyes. Her name tag read Lynn.

"Hi how may I help y'all" she said in a nice country accent.

"Hi, we'd like a lane and shoes" Aiden said.

"Alright well lane 4 is open, and what are y'alls sizes?" she said.

"10 and ......." Aiden said looking at me.

"7" I said.

"10 and 7" he said.

She handed us our shoes and Aiden paid. We walked over to our lane and I sat down putting on my shoes while Aiden set everything up. When i finished putting on my shoes I scanned the rack for a 10lbs. ball. Yes I know I'm a weakling. Aiden walked over and grabbed a 25 lbs. ball smirking at me. I rolled my eyes at him and set my ball down. Aiden was up first.

"Watch and learn" he said confident.

I rolled my eyes at his cockiness, but non the less watched. He whipped the ball down the lane and it smashed into the pins knocking them all down. Damn, first frame and he already got a strike. It was my turn now. I walked up and grabbed my ball cautiously throwing it down the lane. I hit one pin on the right side.

"Aw it's ok Lily" he said giving me a sad smile.

When my ball came back up I grabbed it and threw it fiercely down the lane with more power than last time. It hit 3 pins this time. I stormed back in my seat frustrated. Aiden was so much better than me. He walked up and thew the ball down the lane with speed. Damn another strike. Now it was my turn to suck.

"Come here Lily, I'm not going to let you be mad this whole date" Aiden said while grabbing my ball. I trudged over there and grabbed my ball from him. He walked up with me. With one of his hands he grabbed my waist bringing me close, then the other he put over my hand bringing it back and in one swift motion he ball was down the lane. It knocked down 8 pins. I squealed in delight. I wasn't much of a bowler, but I knocked down 8 this time! With the help of Aiden of course.

"Aiden I knocked down 8 pins!" I said excitedly.

"I know, good job" he said hugging me. He lifted me up and started twirling me around in the air. He gave me butterflys. This was turning out to be a really good date.

We finished out frames and I just broke 100 with Aidens help. Of course he won the game, but it was still fun. We gathered our things and returned our shoes.

"Y'all come back now" Lynn said to us.

I smiled at her as we left. We were greeted by Geoffry outside. I smiled warmly at him and got into the limo. I was feeling really tired. I checked my phone and saw it was already midnight. When Aiden climbed in next to me I snuggled up by him and rested my head on his soft chest. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. My eyes were getting heavy. I was fighting to keep them open. The urge to sleep was overwhelming and I soon saw blackness.
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Next chapter is Parkers POV!