1 girl, all boys boarding school(Book 1)

1 girl, all boys boarding school(Prt.20)

"You and Parker are like a thing now?" Justin asked. We were sitting on my bed talking and I really needed to talk to someone right now about Parker and Aiden.

"Yeah I guess" I stated.

"But what about Aiden?" he said.

"I'm with him too" I said.

"Your with both of them!" he said a little to loud.

"Shhh Justin, Parker's in the next room" I said.

"Oh sorry, your with both of them though" he whispered fiercely.

"Yes, I like them both, what am I suppose to do, I want to date both" I said.

"Lily you have to dump one, it's not right having two boyfriends" he said.

"Why who says so, all I have to do is keep them from finding out, which I can do if you keep your big mouth shut" I said.

"Alright alright, I won't say anything, but I don't approve of this at all" he said.

"That's my Justin" I said getting up and heading towards the living room. Jake and Parker were watching I love Money 2 on VH1. I walked over and sat down by Parker. He smiled at me and pulled me on his lap. I like having Parker as my boyfriend, if that's even what he was. I will have to ask him about this later. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"So what are you doing today?" he asked.

Then my phone started vibrating. I pulled it out and saw it was a text from Aiden. I pulled my phone to the side so only I could read it and flipped it open it read "Hey Lil, can we hang out today? I feel really bad about yesterday."

I know I shouldn't be thinking about this, but aw he called me Lil. Nicknames are good right? I like it, its cute. Now I have three names, Lily, Lily Bear, and Lil.

I texted him back and wrote "Yeah sure what time?"

I closed my phone and smiled back at Parker.

"I'm hanging out with this girl I met yesterday" I said lying to him. I know it's bad to lie to your 'boyfriend' but what was I suppose to say? Oh yeah Parker today I'm hanging out with Aiden, you know Aiden right, my other boyfriend? No, I thought lying was best, and who knows maybe I'll call Lynn up and ask her to hangout so I wasn't completely lying. My phone vibrated again and I saw it was a text from Aiden.

"Now, if that's ok with you?" his text said.

"Yeah sure I'll meet you by the front doors of the school" I texted.

Then I got off Parker's lap and said "Ok well I'm off to hangout with my friend."

"Alright, have fun" he said.

I smiled at him and walked out the door. See this two boyfriend thing isn't so hard? Sure it makes me a lying cheating girlfriend, but who isn't these days? I know it's wrong, and I shouldn't do it, but there just two amazing guys.

I found my way down to the front doors of the school and saw Aiden there waiting. Once he saw me coming he walked towards me and embraced me in a warm hug. When we pulled away he kissed me lightly and took my hand.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday I was just in this funk, I don't know." he said while walking with me.

"No it's fine, everyone has there days" I said reassuringly. "So where are we going?"

"Well I thought we could go to the basketball court and play some bball, since it's one of my favorite sports" he said. They have a basketball court too? Is there anything they don't have?

"Yeah, I love basketball I was on my old schools team" I said.

"That's awesome" he said opening up a door for me. I walked in and saw a pretty nice basketball court. This is cool, I can play basketball in here whenever I feel like it. He grabbed a basketball off the rack and said "So you ready to ball it up?"

"I was born ready" I said rolling up my sleeves.

"So I was thinking we could play one on one" he said while dribbling over by me.

"Yeah that's fine, but what's the winner get?" I asked mischievously.

"Hmmm, how about lunch and a kiss?" he said.

"Ohhhh lunch AND and kiss, that's my kind of reward" I said.

He grinned at me and passed me the ball.

"You can have it first" he said.

I grinned evilly knowing I could totally win this. I checked the ball and started dribbling. He was right up on me defending, I elbowed him hard in the chest then dribbled and made a layup.

"Hey! No fare you elbowed me" he said.

"You never said anything about elbowing" I said sticking my tongue out at him playfully.

I passed him the ball and he checked it. Then he ran right passed me.

"Oh no you don't!" I said running after him. He was about to shoot the ball when I came up behind him and jumped on his back. He fell to the ground surprised I actually jumped on his back. I fell with him, landing on top of him. I giggled at him. He chuckled and pulled me down kissing me. I tangled my hands in his hair and deepened the kiss. I finally broke away breathing heavy, and needing air. He may not need air being a vampire and all, but I did.

"How about we skip this whole basketball thing and go straight to lunch, since I already got my kiss" he said.

"Ok" I said getting off of him and helping him up. We could always play basketball a different day.

See this isn't so bad. Having two boyfriends isn't as hard as I thought it would be.
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Comments? =)

For those of you who don't know what a layup is, its like shooting the ball down by the basket while dribbling the ball forward.
Checking the ball is going to the half court line and standing across from each other and passing the ball back and forth once signaling your ready to start playing again.