1 girl, all boys boarding school(Book 1)

1 girl, all boys boarding school(Prt.21)

"No you guys have to go" I said shoving them all into Justin and Jake's room. After Aiden and I had lunch I called Lynn and asked her over. We were just going to sit around and watching movies and such. This way I get to hangout with Lynn and not be a complete liar to Parker.

"Lily come on we're not going to bother you guys" Parker said protesting about going into the room.

"Yeah it's not like we even want to watch chick flicks with you two" Justin said.

"Yeah you'll probably end up crying or something" Jake added.

"Who said anything about chick flicks? Now get in there" I said pointing to Jake and Justin's room.

Then I herd a faint knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" Justin said running to the door.

Uh this night was going to be disastrous. The guys would probably scare her off, then I wouldn't have any girl to talk to.

"Aw don't look to sad Lily, you can cry on my shoulder during the movie" Parker said wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I smiled up and him and wrapped my arm around his waist. Sometimes that boy just makes everything all better for the time being. We walked to the door and saw Lynn. I let go of Parker and walked over by Lynn.

"Lynn! I'm glad you could make it" I said smiling at her. "I hope Justin didn't scare you to much."

"Hey Lily, and no Justin's a sweetheart" she said grinning at him.

Oh is love in the air? I will have to have some girl talk with her and see if she has a little thing for him.

"So what movie are we watching?" she asked.

"Well I was thinking the saw movies" I said grinning evilly. I don't know why, but I love scary, gory movies. I like the rush of feeling scared I guess. When I said we were watching the saw movies Lynn's eyes got huge. She looked scarred. I guess she wasn't big on the gore.

"If you want to of course" I said.

"Oh come on Lynn, you can sit by me" Justin said grinning at her.

"Yeah sure the saw movies are fine" She said gulping.

"Alright, how about Parker and I get the drinks and popcorn while you guys set everything up?" I said to Justin and Jake.

"Yeah sure" they said.

I walked toward the kitchen with Parker and started to pour Lynn and I lemonade. No way was I going to get Jake and Justin's, I was not touching that gross blood or should I say 'kool-aid.' Parker got the idea and started to get drinks for the non breathing folk. I set the drinks down and started making popcorn. Parker walked away passing drinks out to everyone. Once the popcorn was done I put it in a big bowl and walked over to the love seat where Parker was and shut off the lights. I would probably have tripped and fallen if it weren't for the T.V. screen light showing previews to different movies. I gave the popcorn to Justin and Lynn who seemed to be exceptionally close and walked over to Parker. I sat down snuggling up to him.

"That's not where you belong" he said.

I looked at him confused. Then he grabbed me and set me on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me tight and rested his head on my shoulder. I felt like a little girl on Santa's lap. I put my arms on top of Parker's and laced my fingers into his. I'm really liking this new Parker.

In the saw movie we were getting to the part where this girl Amanda had to cut open this alive guy and I could see Lynn shutting her eyes. She turned her head and buried it in Justin's chest. Aw there so cute. It's like love at first sight. We could totally double date. I felt Parker stiffen. I looked back at him and his eye's were almost black.

"Parker are you ok?" I whispered.

He didn't respond. Well I take that back, he started tightening his grip around my waist.

"Parker!" I whispered.

He was really starting to hurt me. His grip was getting so tight It was hard to breathe. I could see his fangs. I looked back at the T.V. screen and saw the dead guy on the ground with his blood everywhere. Was that what was getting to him? The blood in the movie? Justin and Jake seemed fine. Then all the sudden I felt a sharp pain in my neck, but it quickly went away. I knew what was coming next. I felt this hot wave pass over me. It was like I was in the dessert. It was consuming me. I felt Parker dig his fangs deeper into me. I sighed leaning back into him. I closed my eyes in delight. My body was aching for his. I felt Parker's hand slip up my shirt and starting to move up slowly feeling every curve in my body.

I then I herd Jake clear his throat loudly and I felt Parker withdraw his fangs from me. I looked over at Jake and saw he was looking at us with an eyebrow raised suspiciously. I got up fixing my shirt and turned on the light.

"You know I'm not really in the mood for watching a movie anymore" I said while walking over to Lynn.

"Come on Lynn let's have some girl time" I said grabbing her arm and dragging her off into my bedroom.

"Oh okay" she said startled.

Once we reached my room I shut and locked my door.

"Did you and that cute boy break up?" she asked me suddenly.

"What? What cute boy?" I asked.

"The one at the bowling ally and the cafe" she said.

"Oh no, its complicated" I said a little uneasy.

"Well that boy was definitely sucking on your neck" she stated. I quickly covered the spot with my hair. Thank the lord she just thought he was kissing my neck, I don't know what I would have told her if she saw him biting me with his fangs.

"Lets not talk about me, what about you and Justin huh? I said raising an eyebrow.

She started blushing from embarrassment. "Well I think he's really sweet" she said.

"You two should get to know each other better" I said.

She smiled and said "Yeah, I would really like that."

"Well what are you doing? Go out there and get your man" I said grinning at her.

"Are you sure?" she said.

"Yeah, I'm just going to be in here organizing my drawers if you need anything" I said.

"Okay" she said walking out my door.

I thought her and Justin should get to know each other. We would have plenty of times to hangout, and right now I just thought Justin could really use a lady. Plus I had to figure things out with Parker and Aiden, not to mention Parker's eyes turning black and biting me out of no where.

I herd a knock at my door and said "Come in"

Parker walked in. I frowned.

"You have a lot of explaining to do" I said.
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